Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, April 3, 1924
Friday, March 28, 1924
     A petition was placed in circulation yesterday and signatures secured asking the City
Commission to appoint Joel Baker Chief of Police.  The petition will not likely to be
presented until new city officers are sworn in.
     John W. Ballow, Joe Hutcheson and Judge A. B. Coker were campaigning at 
LaRue yesterday.
Saturday, March 29, 1924
Jack Norwood, who was reported very low yesterday, passed a very peaceful
night and seemed to be somewhat better this morning, although he condition
is still very grave.
     Tom Davis Evans of Waco came in this morning for a week-end visit.  His
mother, who has been visiting him, accompanied him home.
     The Review failed to mention that Jack Derden reparted the first of the
week to resume his studies at Trinity University.  Jack will receive his 
sheepskin at the close of the term.
     Mrs. T. J. Trotman of Trinidad was in the city today and ordered the Review
sent to her son, Robert, who is now with Uncle Sam's Navy in European waters.
He receives his mail when he reaches the New York port.
     News has been received in the city of the arrival of a baby girl at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Wood of Del Rio on March 23rd.  The little Miss has been 
christened Marjorie.
   Peck (B. F.) Warren, well known boxer of Athens and Miss Jim Tom Murphy
(some of lines of this story are missing) Dan Deen accompanied the
couple.  Mr. and Mrs. Warren are now making their home at Murchison
where Mr. Warren is employed.
Monday, March 31, 1924
     Mr. and Mrs. Walker Faulk of Garrison spent the week-end in the city.
     R. S. Dorbandt of Jacksonville came up yesterday to spend Sunday
with his parents.
     Mr. and Mrs. Beaty Jones spent Sunday in the city with Mr. Jones
     Mrs. Grady French arrived Saturday from South America for a visit
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanson.  It is Mrs. French's first visit
home since leaving several years ago for that country.
     P. F. Easterwood of Dallas spent the week-end in the city, returning
home this afternoon.  Rufus has about completed plans for the erection of
a ten story hotel in the metropolis and says he is fixing the contract so us 
country boys won't have to pay over a dollar per for a room.  The structure is 
to be erected near the Interurban Station.
     Mrs. Joe Leonard and two sons Jack and Jim, spent Sunday with
Mr. Leonard.  They drove through from McKinney and stated that
although they received a rough reception on reaching here to find such
a splendid little city.  They returned home today.
     Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Murchison and daughters returned Saturday night
from a three months stay in California.  Misses Mary and Clara Murchison
went to Wichita Falls to visit their brother, Clint, before returning to Athens.
     In a letter to the Review Dr. T. H. Carothers, who recently moved to
Jackson, Miss. says: "I am undoubtedly improving but it's so slow it's 
hardly discoverable."  Doc says he moved from Athens one month ago
but the time seems much longer than that.  He adds: "A fellow has to go
away from home to properly appreciate his home paper."
     Banker J. R. Hicks of Chandler was in the city this morning.  He 
reports that the core will be removed from the Hodge test today at 
a depth of 3110 feet.
Tuesday, April 1, 1924
     School was dismissed at noon today at both the High and Grammar
School.  Heretofore students have talked April Fool Day as a holiday 
without permission.
     Allan Meredith returned to his home in Glen Rose today.  Col. Tom
Graham, who has been ill for the past few months accompanied him in the 
home that the water there will benefit him.
     District Attorney Sam Holland returned home from Crockett where he has 
been attending court. The grand jury has completed its work there until the
latter part of the term and Mr. Holland reports sixteen indictments returned.
     Attorney E. A. Landman left this afternoon for Corsican on legal business.
     John W. Easterwood is in Tyler today on business.
     E. B. Tuggle of Kemp, Roy (B. or R.) Reierson and C. A. Norwood of
Kaufman were among the out of town visitors to the K. P. Lodge banquet
last night.  Mr. Reierson help institute the local lodge many years ago.
     Judge N. P. Ross of Dallas, returned to the city today, and in company
with Bob Faulk is in Malakoff in the interest of the Texas Power & Light Co.
proposed power plant.
     Hon. George B. Thompson of Malakoff, was transacting business
in the county capital today.
     Jim Burns, the Aley merchant, was here yesterday.  He reports the farmers
are becoming active since the few sunshiny days and they are working with the 
intention of making up for lost time.
     Cicero Corley, otherwise known as C. W. C., the bard of Shady Grove, 
was a visitor in town yesterday.  C. W. C. left town immediately when told
that Judge Johnson was looking for him.  He has promised to furnish the
Review a picture of his physiogomy if the camera can stand it.
     The condition of Dessie Mae, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Frizzell who has been sick the past six weeks with flu complications
shows improvement today.
     Hon. A. A. Allison of Corsicana, chairman of the Texas Centennial for
the 6th Senatorial District, was here today and in company of Major E. B.
LaRue drove to Palestine to enlist the interest of the citizens there in
the proposed centennial.  Mr. Allison reports that he finds and awakening
interest upon the part of the people in this celebration and feels sure the 
people of this District will do their part to make it a success.
     A. F. Wood left this morning for Dallas, where he will have plans
drawn for the new drive-in station, mention of which was made yesterday.
     Jack Lewis, the Review's Reporter from Murchison called at the 
Review and ascertained the name of several new books and their authors
today.  Jack says the oil well was still there.
     In giving the list of winners in the Interscholastic meet yesterday the
Review omitted the name of Joe Jones as winner of second place in 
the track meet.  It was explained by officials that his name was omitted
this did not disqualify him.  Therefore Joe should be listed as winner of
second place in the track events.
     Just received a full run sizes of the new Van Heusen collar. 
Van Glow--C. W. WEEKLEY
Wednesday, April 2, 1924
     Only 165 votes were polled in the City General Election yesterday.
Only in a few instances did voters fail to vote the ticket straight 
according to those who counted the votes.
     Ivan Moore returned yesterday from Denison on business.  Mr. Moore
has just received the appointment as wholesale traveling representative
for the Oldsmobile of Texas with East Texas as his territory.  He will
continue to maintain headquarters at Athens and said he would speak a 
good word for the town in every place that he visits.
     In a letter to M. F. Wood, Dr. B. C. Wallace states that his condition
is improving and that he will remain at Mineral Wells for about two weeks
     Willow Springs, March 27
The Willow Springs school visited Cross Roads School Friday March 21st.
While there a game of basket ball was played.  Willow's first team of girls
defeated the Cross Roads delegation, the score being 10 to 7.
     Our boys beat them 20 to 8.  While we were there Post Oak's first 
team of girls arrived and defeated the girls of Cross Roads.  They played
during the boys rest periods.  The score was 8 to 6.
     The Henderson County Sacred Harp Convention will meet at Barton's
Chapel three miles north of Murchison on Saturday and Sunday, April
19th and 20th, 1924.  All lovers of sacred songs are cordially invited to
come.  Dinner on the ground both days.
WADE OWEN, President
JOE OWEN, Secretary.
Submitted by  April 2003

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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