Athens Weekly Review
June 7, 1945

(Special Correspondence)

Leagueville, June 4--Mrs. Price Adair received a letter from her son,
Pvt. Leslie Adair, last week, saying he was liberated the earlier part of
May, was in France, awaiting transportation to U.S. He also said
Sgt. R. S. Wright, Tracy, Calif., was with him. Both were taken
prisoners in September, 1943. Pvt. Adair was captured in Italy,
and Sgt. Wright of the Air Forces, was shot down over Germany.
Sgt. Wright is a former resident of Leagueville and remembered by all here.
Everyone is rejoicing with their families over their liberation and hoping
they get to come home soon.

Mrs. H. S. Arnett visited Mrs. George Pace, Jr., of Athens Friday.

Miss Margaret Pool, who is employed in Tyler, spent the week end
at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Pool.

Mr. and Mrs. George Crossley and children, New York, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Epperson Sunday.

Pvt. Arthur Hudnall, Camp Hood, and his children of Chandler
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hudnall, last week.

Mrs. Arthur Hudnall is a medical patient at Doctors Hospital, Athens.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Owen of Dallas spent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest

Adair and children of Dallas visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Adair, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Eberhart, Estelle Kibby and daughter, Dallas, spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pool and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Simmons and daughters, New Hope, spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tillison.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Smiley and son of New Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Elliot
Reagan and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reagan Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Giddeon and Miss Odean Giddeon visited Mr. and
Mrs. Dois Guthrie and daughter last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Vardman Colley and children visited her mother and
other relatives at Arc Ridge Sunday.

Miss Lois Norris of Tyler spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Curry.

Clarence Allen and Mondew Christopher visited Bill and Mary Rounsvall
Friday afternoon.

Bill Ross spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rounsvall.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rounsvall and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hopson
and family at Tyler Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lane and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams Sunday.

Miss Elaine Pool and cousin of Dallas spent the week end with her mother,
Mrs Emma Pool.

Mrs. Lucille Porter is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Porter at Brownsboro.

The workers have put the new roof on the church and have part of it painted.
The committee reports they would be glad of any more funds that any care to give.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Epperson and daughters of Kilgore spent the week end in the
Bob Epperson home.

Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Hudnall took Pvt. Arthur Hudnall and children to Chandler Sunday.
Mrs. Arthur Hudnall was dismissed from the Doctors Hospital and carried to his home
at Chandler Sunday.

Ellis Williams is on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tillison and children visited in the R. J. Owen home Sunday afternoon.

Misses Janice and Arlene Adair visited Misses Beth and Nell Epperson Sunday afternoon.

Submitted by: Fran Adair Bethea

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