Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, April 30, 1936
Leagueville, April 27, 1936

Crop prospects are somewhat better after the rain last Tuesday.
It came as a life-saver for tomatoes, gardens, corn and
other crops. Lots of cotton is being planted this week.

The community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Fannie Lee of
Murchison, who was laid to rest in the local cemetery last Thursday.
She had a number of relatives and friends in this community.

Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Monk and children, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gideon
and daughter, Quessie, and Jim Gideon, attended a birthday dinner
in honor of Mr. Gideon, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lee Hopson
of near Chandler Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Crawford and children and Mrs. John Crawford and
son, Johnny, were Sunday guests in the Arch Crawford home.

Prof. B. P. Smith of Athens and daughter, Mrs. Edgar Couser of Hebbronville,
Texas, were visiting relatives here last Wednesday afternoon.

Funeral rites were conducted Friday for Mrs. Vinnie Barton, wife of Alvin
Barton, of Brownsboro. Interment followed in the local cemetery. We
deeply sympathize with the bereaved.

A large group attended a birthday dinner at the home of Mrs. Ella Guthrie
Sunday in honor of her 55th birthday anniversary. Guests included the
following: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guthrie and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Fields and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Guthrie, Mrs. Nora Reagan and
family, Doris Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hopson and others.

Mrs. Dona Caddell and children of the Flat Creek community are visiting
in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Hawley.

Miss May Ellen Hudnall entertained a group of friends with a dance at her
home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Arch Melton received word that their son, Gerald, was seriously
ill in Baltimore. We hope for him a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Lonnie Mann, formerly of this place, died at her home in Athens Friday
night following an illness of pneumonia. The bereaved ones have our
sympathy in their sorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Graham and family spent Sunday with their son, Julian
and wife, of South Athens.

Mr. and Mrs. Julian Graham of South Athens visited his parents a while
Saturday night. As they were returning home their car burned.

The birthday dinner Sunday at the Garlington home was in honor of Mrs.
Garlington whose birthday is the 7th of April, Mr. Garlington whose birthday
is the 7th of May and their daughter, Mrs. E. F. Brown, whose birthday is the
27th of April. Everyone had an enjoyable time. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Jessie Garlington and four children of Malakoff; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brown
of Corsicana; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ray and daughter of Emhouse; Mr. and Mrs.
Finis McClure and two children of Athens, Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Reece Garlington and little daughter, Mrs. Hester Colvin
of Bethel. Those calling in the afternoon were: Mrs. Lillie Crews and daughter,
Jewel, Mr. McGehee of Clear Creek, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Irons, Pauline Richardson
and J. H. Gentry.

James Hickman and Chester Galloway of Athens were in our midst Sunday

Roy Morgan of Tyler, is spending a few days visiting relatives of this place.

Maxine Martin spent Thurday night with Carlie Bee Ramsey of Murchison.

Submitted by: Fran Adair Bethea

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