Athens Weekly Review
January 2, 1936
(Special Correspondence)
The fifth Sunday Tri-County Singing Convention met at LaRue
On account of the bad weather there was not
many that attended the convention although we had some good
The Barnes Quartet of Corsicana rendered several special numbers.
The convention will remain in the county until further
notice as there was no one present to ask for it.
Those visiting in the Odas Ford home during the holidays were
Mrs. W. P. Clay and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Smallwood of
Ethalene Costlow has returned to Ft. Worth after spending the
holidays with relatives here. Brooks Costlow of Lufkin is
visiting relatives here.
Jim Tom Hancock of Kerens visited friends here Monday and
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Denny and son, J. W., of Conroe, have been
relatives here. Mrs. Denny will remain for a few
Lola Richardson who is attending school at Dallas spent a few
days with home folks.
Jessie Lee Cantrell of LaRue is visiting her sister, Mrs. Woodrow
Baker of Frankston.
Miss Annie Tom Cobb who is taking a business course in Dallas is
spending a week
with relatives here.
Everyone remember singing every Wednesday night at the Baptist
Each and everyone is invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Cannon of Malakoff were business visitors
here Sunday night.
Mr. Gibbs, superintendent of the LaRue school has resigned to
accept a better
position in the Elkhart school.
This little town and community was made sad Christmas day when it
received the
news of the death of Coy Killion of
Palestine. Mr. Killion moved from here last year and became mail
carrier on a star
route between Cayuga and Palestine.
He met his death on the route in an automobile accident.
Submitted by: Fran Adair Bethea
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