Community News, Flat Creek, LaRue, New York & Poynor

Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, September 29, 1938

Flat Creek
(Special Correspondence)
Flat Creek, Sept. 27--

Most everyone has finished picking cotton for this season.

Mr. and Mrs. W. O. May of Kerens, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Carter.

Mr. and Mrs. Lain Frost spent last week in this place
visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Werneking Jr. and also Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Werneking and son were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Werneking
Sr. of Turkey Creek Sunday.

Hal Reid of Pittsburg returned home Sunday from a visit with
his uncle, Hal Reid.

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wade of this place spent the week-end with
her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Martin of Modoc.

Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Morrison of Athens spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roby.

Mr. and Mrs. Dee Lawson and Mr. Stalling and son, Allen, have
gone West to pick cotton.

Those visiting Mrs. D. T. Smith Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. John
Redding, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Featherston of Brownsboro, Mr.
and Mrs. John Knowles, Mrs. Ed Knowles, and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Clayton.

C. A. Pace of Sulphur Springs is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrott.


Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, September 29, 1938
LaRue, Sept. 27

Rev. T. R. Willingham will fill the pulpit at the Baptist Church Sunday
at the 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. services. Rev. Willingham and family moved
from Jewett here. They have purchased the L. Henderson farm near
LaRue. At present they are living in LaRue until they can get possession
of their farm.

Mrs. Bill Gentry of Beaumont and Mrs. Edwin Hart of Athens visited
friends and relatives at LaRue Sunday.

Mrs. Marie Jones, husband and son, Keith, after an extended visit with
relatives here, returned home last week.

Elsie Couch of Poynor was a Sunday visitor in the Wylie Costolow home.

Mrs. Ilene Regester and son, Larry, of Cottonwood, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williford.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cannon and family of Tyler were Sunday visitors in
the home of their cousin, Mrs. J. J. Steele and family.

Miss Ann Tom Cobb of Dallas is spending several days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Cobb and family. Ann Tom is employed at the H. W. Zweig
Wholesale house in Dallas.

The play "An Open Purse" will be presented at the Baptist Church Wednesday
night at 8:00 o'clock. Admission will be 10 and 15 cents. The proceeds will go
to the church.

Joe Hudson, who spent the past month with his uncle, F. E. Hudson, returned
to his home in Fort Worth last Thursday.

Marjorie Dingler reentered the N.T.S.T.C. at Denton the 19th.

Mrs. W. J. Magee of Pine Grove attended B.T.U. here Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Morris spent last week with his parents at Baxter.


Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, Sept. 29, 1938
New York, Sept. 27

We are having some real summer weather after the norther last week.

Miss Ola Mae and Opal Boles of Tyler spent this week end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boles of this place.

Clarence Cupp of Dallas spent this week end with his sister, Mrs. H. H. Morrow.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Porter of Brownsboro spent Sunday with Mrs. Porter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Forester.

Miss Lula Bell Wimberley of Tyler spent the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Wimberley.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliott of Dallas spent this week end with Mrs. Elliot's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Morrow.

Mrs. B. F. Dingler is still improving; her shoulder is still in a cast.

Most everyone from this community attended the fair last week.

One of the LaPoynor school busses that makes the New York route that was
loaded with children and parents broke down Friday night and failed to get
to go to the fair.

Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Jackson and family spent Sunday night in the J. D. Owen


Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, September 29, 1938
Poynor, Sept. 27

We are having some nice cool days; a good rain would do lots of
good to late turnip patches.

Joe Moffet and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Lufkin visited in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor Sunday.

C. R. Emerson who has been in Dallas with his son, is in Poynor visiting
with relatives.

The cotton picking season is almost over with around here.

A. M. Zimmerman has been cutting and balling hay the past week.

Uncle Bob Pagitt has been on the sick list, but is able to be up and
going again.

Ben Wathen is doing some surveying for Mrs. Sallie Moffitt, south of
the highway, west of town.

Rev. Milton Chambers preached at the Baptist Church Saturday night
and Sunday.

Submitted by Fran Adair Bethea

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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