Athens Weekly Review
Thursday July 23, 1931
Black Jack
(Special Correspondence)
Black Jack, July 20--Health is very good at present.
We have been enjoying lots of rain this past week. The crops are
better after the rains.
Frank Boykin spent last week with his cousin, Bob Boykin.
Mrs. Joe Taylor visited her aunt last week, Mrs. Emma Rounsavall.
Mr. and Mrs. Dock Miller and family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross
of Leagueville.
Mrs. Orene Gunstanson is visiting home folks.
Dwight Skaggs is visiting his brother, J. H. (Jim) Skaggs.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hicks were shopping in Athens Friday.
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Horton and family spent a few hours with
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Horton and family Thursday.
Misses Odie Faye Hood and Jimmie Faye Morton of Flat
Creek spent the week-end with relatives at Black Jack.
Everybody is enjoying the Apostolic meeting so far.
Miss Inez Hicks spent Friday with Miss Maurice Hicks.
Jack Boykin and Lunia Delent spent a few hours with
relatives Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Laller of Sulphur Springs spent two
weeks with home folks at Black Jack and they departed
for home Sunday.
Miss Inez Hicks is suffering from a sore foot which she cut
Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock when she started to
hoe cotton. We wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mann and baby and Mrs. Belle Turner spent
Sunday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Horton.
Louis Curray was visiting in Frost and he reported that
everything down there was burnt up last week but we wish
them much rain.
Miss Maurice Horton spent Saturday night and Sunday with
Miss Inez Hicks.
Brother and Sister Barefield spent Sunday in the L. O.
Hicks home.
Mrs. Doc Miller spent a few hours Wednesday working
with Mrs. J. C. Cantrell.
John Louis Parrott and Delmer Carter were in our midst
Saturday night. They attended the Apostolic meeting.
Miss Exie Mae Knowles and John Louis Parrott and
Carl Taylor were seen motoring in Black Jack Sunday
Mrs. John Boykin spent Sunday evening with her
mother, Mrs. Boykin.
There will be a graveyard working at the Rounsavall
graveyard on Friday, July 24th. Everyone come and
bring tools and dinner.
The Review is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. G. C. Williams
at Perry, Texas, P. O. Box 82, seeking information on the
Nunn family. According to her letter the Nunns were
early settlers of this county and should have several
sons and daughters as well as numerous grandchildren
now living here. Some of the names of the children were
Hope, Fletcher, Tom, John, Bill and Green. Mrs. Williams
says she will appreciate anyone putting her in touch with
any member of the family.
Railway Employees In New Positions
Local railroad employees effected by the recent consolidation
of the depot here are getting located in new positions.
Mr. E. Benthall, ex-pumper for the T. & N. O. here and who
has been in the railroad's employ for sixteen years has been
transferred to Woodville for service.
C. L. White left yesterday for Port Arthur where he has secured
a clerical position.
R. L. Whittlesey has gone to Beaumont where he will be
employed in the ticket agent's office.
Submitted by
Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County
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