Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, February 18, 1932

Pine Grove
(Special Correspondence)

Pine Grove, Feb. 8--There will be a play at the Pine Grove school house Friday night, Feb. 12. There will be no admission charge. Everybody is invited to come and bring their nickles to buy sandwiches. Funds will be put in the P.T. A. treasury for the benefit of the school.

Everybody enjoyed the singing last Sunday night. We had a large crowd and we invite everybody back next Sunday night, for we are expecting to have our new books by then.

Jasper Miller has moved from Sampson to the place recently vacated by Jed Deupree. Mr. Deupree moved to the place vacated by the Jess Williams family who moved near Athens.

Eldon Cox and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Cox's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Foster of Sand Springs.

Euell Rogers' family have moved to Athens.

Jim Haynes and family visited in the Jed Deupree home Sunday.

Miss Jewell Allen from Bethel visited in the Eldon Cox home last week.

Bob O'Neal and family from Temple visited in the home of "Uncle" Dick O'Neal the past week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Brown from Oklahoma visited Mr. Ezell's family recently.

Miss Fayrene Williams who has been visiting her aunt at Oakwood since Christmas, has returned home. She reports having a nice time.

Miss Minnie Lea McCool was a visitor in Stockard Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams and family of Trinidad visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Duckworth Sunday.

Mrs. S. J. Williams and daughter spent the week at Modoc. They visited in the home of Buck Williams.

The party at Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Holder's Sautrday night was enjoyed by a large crowd.

J. S. Mills is recovering from the second attack of muscular rheumatism and is improving very nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGee and family visited in the home of Jay Bell Sunday.

Miss Florence McCool, who is working in Jacksonville spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. M. J. Duckworth.

An eleven pound boy made his arrival in the Jed Deupree home on January 26th. He has been named Jed Joe.

Everyone is rejoicing over these beautiful sunny days and since our roads have been dragged, they will soon be in excellent shape if it does not rain before they have time to settle.

Walnut Creek
Feb. 8--We are sorry to report several on the sick list.

Mrs. H. B. Hines of Trinidad visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ballow Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Doc Studdard spent Sunday in the Joe Cofer home.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Linthicum of Athens spent Sunday with the latter's father, S. P. Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tanner visited Sunday in the C. A. Tanner home at Oakland.

Mrs. Emma Christopher and children of Trinidad were guests of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kinsey last week.

Carl Brown of Athens was the guest of Miss Leona Brownlow Sunday.

J. B. Thompson visited his brother, Edgar at Springfield last week.

Ed Brown made a business trip to Dallas Monday.

Riley Pirtle who is teaching school at Clear Creek was in our midst Friday night.

Mrs. S. Brown is visiting her mother at Crockett.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Killingsworth, had as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Perkins of Malakoff.

Submitted by Fran Adair Bethea

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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