Athens Weekly Review
Feb. 6, 1903
Ash Fruit Spur
Rev. Morris, Editor of the Southland booming
Henderons county this monty was visiting in our
neighborhood last week.
Mrs. Libbie Bullen of Evansville, Ind. is
visiting her sister Mrs. J. F. Ash.
Van Loving has moved into his new residence.
Ed Simmons is kept busy building and repairing
J. B. Lewis is having his new dweling painted.
Mr. Chumley the enterprising farme has a new
stump puller which certaninly does pull them out
by the roots.
Messrs. Madole and Loving have
just finished setting out their trees.
Mr. Newman, our tomato grower has a fine
prospect for plants.
Mr. Johnson the new Poor Farm manager called of
J. F. Ash this week and contracted to clear
100 acres of land.
We understand this will be (unreadable)out in Albertas next fall.
Farmer are (page torn) their ground for Irish (page torn) All
will plant about the 9th of Feb.
We expect to ship about 20 cars of Peaches, tomatoes and potatoes
from this (unreadable)
Our little town is on the move. We have about 27 houses within
the radius of 1 mile.
Submitted by
Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County
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