Athens Weekly Review
July 24, 1947
A. L. Yarbrough was home from Texas University to spend last week
Mrs. Goodwin Cade spent last week with her parents in DeQueen,
Arkansas. She was accompanied by Miss Bobbie Lee Wright.
Mrs. Victor Driscoll and sons returned to Houston Monday
following a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hardee.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Yarbrough had as a recent guest their
daughter, Mrs. Harrison, of LaPorta.
Mrs. H. L. Spikes of Grand Prairie was a visitor here last week.
Mrs. James Faircloth and children of Texarkana have been visiting
her mother, Mrs. Roy Brewer.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Copeland entertained members of the Young
Adult Sunday School Class of the Methodist church with a lawn
party and ice cream supper Friday evening. Games were enjoyed by
the goup and ice cream was served with cake. Guests present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Adams, Glenda Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Finley,
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Ellis, Dorothy June Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. John
Clark, Sue Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Tompkins, Carol Ann Tompkins, Mrs. Luster Cade, Clyde Ellis, Mr.
and Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. E. R. Cade, Mrs Tina Clark of Tyler and
Mrs. Kenneth McPheeters of Dallas.
Miss Janie Barnett of Athens spent last week with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Adams.
A large number of people from Chandler attended Memorial Day
services at Concord Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tompkins entertained with dinner Sunday
honoring Major and Mrs. Manning Bauknight of Columbia, South
Carolina. Fourteen guests were present.
Work is progressing on the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Cade;
it is east of town on the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hall is visiting in Taft.
Jack Terrell was sick last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Terrell entertained with a dinner party Friday
evening honoring Mrs. John Frank Austin and family of Houston.
Places were laid for twelve guests.
Quarterly Conference for the Chandler-Edom charge was held
Thursday evening at the Methodist Church with Dr. Goodrich in
Mrs. Lena Yarbrough returned last week end from a visit with
relatives at Hillsboro and Ft. Worth.
Mrs. F. B. Ellis and children are visiting in Tyler several
weeks. Her mother is recovering from an operation.
Mrs. Walter Baughman and daughters of Dallas have been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mank Ellis.
A large crowd attended Memorial Day services last Wednesday at
the Methodist church. Rev. J. H. Gary delivered the sermon at the
morning services, and special music was given by Rev. and Mrs.
Gary. A delicious lunch was served on the church lawn.
Lee Wright was elected chairman of the Chandler Cemetery
Association at the business session Wednesday. Other officers
are: Walter Adams and T. T. Fitzgerald, directors: Mrs. Floyd
Copeland, Secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Alton Cade, corresponding
Mrs. O. J. Dunken and Mrs. Clary of Athens were visitors here
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mason of Mt. Pleasant visited here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Taylor and daughter of San Antonio are
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hall.
John Dent is attending school at NTSC at Denton this term.
Supt. W. E. Elliott is teaching in Henderson County Junior
College this six-weeks. He is teaching government and economics.
Mrs. Ross Tompkins was hostess to the Demonstration Club Friday
afternoon. Zinnias were used in decorating the living room. The
program was on "Music in the Home". Mrs. Alton Cade
discussed the subject. Musical contests furnished entertainment
and prizes were won by Mrs. Major Davis and Mrs. Cade. The
hostess served a salad course with punch and coconut cake squares
during the social hour. Plans were made to have the club picnic
for the families on Thursday, July 31, at Bellwood Lake.
Members present at the meeting were: Mrs. Luster Cade, Mrs. B. C.
Bass, Mrs. Tom Terrell, Mrs. Jack Terrell, Mrs. Alton Cade, Mrs.
Major Davis, Mrs. W. E. Potts, Mrs. W. S. Stone, Mrs. A. N.
Hughes, Mrs. Homer Herrin, and Mrs. Tompkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hardee of Austin are visiting here.
Submitted by Fran
Adair Bethea
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