Athens Weekly Review
Thursday, January 2, 1936
LOCALS (From Tuesday's Daily)
Evan Ennis who is working at Chillicothe, Texas is here to spend
the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bradshaw of Houston are here for the holidays.
Mathias Coker, Ben Wathen, Merl Price, Lewis Gamble, and Lee
Coker, members of a crew that has been working in
Houston County arrived last night to spend today and Christmas
Day here. Mathias Coker is foreman of the crew.
Miss Florence Wilkinson left Monday night for Troup where she
will spend the holidays.
Orval Pirtle, superintendant of Cross Roads school was a visitor
in Tyler, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Glenn will leave Thursday for Los Angeles to
attend the Rose Bowl game.
Zack Gigson, who is employed by the Motor Mart here, will leave
today for Hillsboro to spend the holidays with his
Tyrus Price, now teaching in this county, was here Monday. He was
reared in the Springfield Community.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob__ Faulk will leave this afternoon for Shamrock,
Texas, to spend Christmas with Mrs. Faulk's
Dr. J. K. Webster is the latest Athenian to make the Rose Bowl
game. Dr. Webster plans to leave on December 26th,
for California.
George Joyce and Berdie Mae Thompson were married on December
20th by Rev. O. J. Robinson, pastor of the Calvary
Baptist Church, according to returns made on the license to the
county clerk's office here.
Attorney James Easterling of Corpus Christi, has arrived to spend
the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. H.
Roy Foster, wife and baby of Taft, Texas, are here to spend the
holidays with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kelly departed today for Corpus Christi to
spend Christmas with their son, Herndon.
Louis Owen, who is attending college at Cape Gireadue, Mo., has
arrived to spend the holidays with his parents at
Austin Kimbrough arrived Sunday from Norman, Okla. to spend the
holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Mrs. Ruby Pinckard of Groveton is here to spend the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson.
Judge and Mrs. B. C. Hall are expecting all their children and
grandchildren in for the holidays. "There will be around
thirty if they all come," said the Judge.
Mrs. W. T. Black, Mrs. Lyman Black, Misses Frances and Jean
Black, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Weekly, are visitors in
Waco today and tomorrow.
Miss Virginia Pace, who is a student at Texas University, has
been ill at Austin and has been unable to come home for
the Christmas holidays.
Rex Patterson, and Kent Stratford, both of the Rio Grande Valley
and both formerly teachers in the Baxter school, are
visiting friends here.
Millard Rowland, teacher at Rural Shade, Navarro county, was a
visitor here yesterday. He formerly taught at Brownsboro
in this county.
Miss Wendla Haynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Haynes, who has
been quite ill for several days was reported this
morning to be much improved. She was reported to be suffering
with pneumonia in one lung.
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Underwood and children came down from Dallas
for the holidays. They are preparing to leave next
Sunday to attend the Rose Bowl game at Los Angeles.
Mrs. J. U. Nelson, who has been seriously ill for some time in
the hospital at Shreveport is now considered out of danger
and has been removed to her home in Linden, where she will
continue treatment for several months.
The many friends of George B. Thompson are glad to see him out
again after a severe spell of illness.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Wiseman of Garland spent the holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Meredith.
Miss Cecil Cox was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Bass
Christmas Day.
Mrs. H. J. Phillips of Crockett is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.
A.. Murchison.
Local store selling Black-Draught and Cardui have a limited
number of copies of the new 1936 Ladies Almanac. Demand
for these popular almanacs is reported to be heavier this year
than ever before. They are free to those who ask for one, as
long as the supply lasts.
Mrs. Ruth E. Baker and daughter, Gwendoline of Tahoka spent the
holidays here visiting in the McCorley home north of
Athens. Mrs. Baker, a former teacher at Black Jack and
correspondent for the Review, is now rural resettlement
supervisor at Tahoka. She has been in the west since 1925 and
likes that section fine.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Herring of San Antonio, were among the holiday
visitors in Athens.
Gordon Stover of Bryan, manager of the K. Wolens store there,
spent the holidays here visiting his father and other
relatives. Mr. Stover left Sunday for Dallas and will make the
trip to Pasadena to attend the Rose Bowl game.
Mrs. Ora McMillan and Jack Boyd of Houston and Mrs. Mary Douglas
of Palestine were holiday visitors of A. E. Boyd and
Coach Wesley Bradshaw and family of Cleburne, spent the holidays
here visiting his mother, and other relatives.
W. B. Stirman and John Cain left this morning for New Orleans to
attend the Sugar Bowl game between TCU and LSU.
Rev. S. L. Terry and family spent Friday night and part of
Saturday here visiting their many friends. They were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robbins while here. Bro. Terry reports they
are well pleased with their new home at Denison.
James W. McCown, new county agent, has rented the Watkins home on
East Tyler street. His family has been living
at Quitman since December 1st. He had been unable to get a
suitable place here.
Mrs. W. H. Robertson and son, Charlie, have returned to Malakoff
to make their home after living in Ft. Worth for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hicks of Chandler were visitors in the Albert
Johnson home Sunday evening.
Mrs. Frank J. Davis, and daughter, Mrs. Paul Bankston, were
guests of friends at Grapeland Thursday. Mr. Davis transacted
business in Crockett.
Judge and Mrs. W. R. Bishop had for Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Carpenter and family and Mrs. W. A. Wofford
of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crandall of Harlington, Mr. and
Mrs. Love, Mr and Mrs. Fergerson and daughter of Cors-
icana, Mr. and Mrs Joe Neff of Ennis.
Judge and Mrs. Bishop returned Thursday from a three day visit in
Messrs. John and Wofford Cain were visitors with homefolks during
the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Black of Gilmer, were Sunday visitors in the
home of his mother, Mrs. W. T. Black.
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance of Waco who were week-end visitors with
home folks, will return to their home tomorrow.
They will be accompanied by Mrs. C. M. Weekley for a week's stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crandall and baby of Harlingen, were guests
in the home of Mr. and Mr. S. M. Cain, Mrs. Crandall
is the former Miss Clair Wofford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hodge of Chatfield, spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sanders.
A group of Athens Odd Fellows headed by E. S. Nix, Noble Grand
and H. T. Oliver, secretary-elect, made a trip to the
I.O.O.F. home at Corsicana last Sunday. Odd Fellows were there
from Ennis, Dallas, Athens, Ft. Worth and Houston.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robinson and baby boy returned Friday from a
holiday visit with relatives and friends at Denton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Knight visited in the home of their son,
Granville, at Grapeland, during the holidays.
Weaver Green, of Pickens Spur, world war veteran, who is in a
veterna's hospital in Alexandria, La. is showing
improvement, according to a letter received.
Mrs. Gano Hastings left Sunday night for Dawson, where she
teaches, to resume her work following a holiday visit here
in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dodson and two sons, of Sweetwater, who have
been guests in the home of her brother, L. J. Scholl,
at Malakoff for the past week, will return home Tuesday.
Charges alleging the "possession of liquor containing more
than one-half of one per cent of alcohol by volume" were
in county court during the past week following a Christmas day
raid on a roadside stand on west Corsicana street.
Thirteen bottles of beer, a half pint and quart bottle of liquor
were confiscated by Officers Pete Wood and Elton Corley who
staged the raid.
Walter Barrow, who recently returned to Athens from Anuhuac,
Texas, will resume charge of the B.& B. cafe here on
January 3rd, it has been announced. Shorty Davis has been in
charge of the business during the past several months.
Miss Allie Prather, of Austin, spent the week-end with her niece,
Mrs. Carolyn Brewer.
Mrs. Albert Stephens, who was injured in an automobile collision
in Dallas Saturday was not badly hurt and will go to
New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl football game with her husband, as
planned, friends here learned this afternoon. They
were to leave for New Orleans this afternoon.
Mrs. Mildred Hatton of Memphis, Tennessee, is visiting relatives
and friends here.
H. P. Ady, Jr. of Malakoff, left today to return to Annapolis
after spending the holidays with his parents.
J. C. LaRue was a visitor in Dallas today.
Oscar Truelove accompanied his daughter, Miss Louella, to her
school in Navarro county Sunday, where she will resume
her work as a teacher.
Grady Pruitt of Waxahachie, was a visitor here Christmas day.
Dean Lusby, 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lusby, of
Cayuga, has been seriously ill with pneumonia in a Palestine
hospital friends have learned. His father is assistant drilling
superintendant for Tidewater Seaboard in Cayuga oil field.
Freddie Tompkins, the former all American high school player for
the Athens team when they won two national
championship, led the scoring with 12 points. Klindworth of Rice,
a forward followed closely with 10 points.
Submitted by: Fran Adair Bethea
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