Athens Weekly Review
May 7, 1936

Rock Hill, May 5--

We have had another good rain since our last writing.

Brother Cartlidge filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday.

Jack Wheeler accompanied his little granddaughter, Clestine Craig, home
Saturday and spent the night, returning on Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Tommie Harrison of Brownsboro, spent Saturday night and Sunday
with her aunt, Mrs. Bettie Clayton.

Mr. and Mrs. Lum Clayton and Henry Carver were Monday afternoon visitors
in the Irvin Grant home.

Mr. and Mrs. Macon Carver spent Saturday night and Sunday at Chandler with
Arthur Carver and family.

Mrs. Acty Davis and children visited her mother Sunday, Mrs. Lela Wyatt of Martin

Haston Poe and Leonard Smith of Bullard went fishing Saturday night and
reported fine luck, catching twelve nice fish.

Mrs. Ellis of Chandler, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Clary Saturday.

Bill Glaze spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wyatt.

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Clayton visited Mrs. Lula Brand and family Sunday afternoon.

Some from here attended the play at Brownsboro Friday night.

Miss Fayrene Cook was on the sick list last week.

The ones on the sick list this week are little Miss Virginia Calahan and Mrs.
Johnnie Chambers.

Those that visited in the home of Mrs. Mattie Chapman Sunday were Mrs.
Effie Chapman, and children and Mrs. C. M.

Paul of Brownsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pool of Fairview.

Those visiting in the E. B. Pool home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Grady
Worsham and daughters, Joezell and Zephie,

Mrs. Bettie Barton of Fairview, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pool and children and
Miss Opal and Mary Lou Pool of Leagueville.

Mrs. C. M. Paul of Brownsboro is spending this week in the home of her son,
Grady Calahan.

Mr. Melton of Brownsboro and Opal of Fairview spent a few hours Monday
night in the home of J. A. Worsham.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Werneking, Jr., spent Sunday in the home of Mr. Werneking's
parents of Flat Creek.

Mrs. Ruth Chambers and daughter Helen, spent Sunday in the home of her
sister, Mrs. Lee Roby of Flat Creek.

Mrs. Mae Smith of Opelika, Mrs. Mattie Chapman, Mrs. C. M. Paul of Brownsboro,
and Mrs. Opal Jordan spent Monday with Mrs. Maude Pool.

Submitted by: Fran Adair Bethea

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