From Athens Daily Newspaper, 15 February 1917

On Society Page:

From Monday's Daily:
Henry Stirman of Tyler, spent the day here yesterday.
J. B. Jones spent the afternoon in Malakoff yesterday.
Willie Chapman of Malakoff, is in the city today.
Guy Criss, who has been home on a furlough, returned to Company H, Texas National Guard, at Corpus Christi, this afternoon.
Will Faulk came in this morning from the road camp.
Charlie Howard of Kemp, was here yesterday.
Robt. Jones of Mobank spent Sunday in the city.
W. E. Collins of Dallas spent Sunday with home folks.
W. J. Kenyon of La Rue, came in this morning.
Fred Maxwell of Ft. Worth is visiting his brother, D. W. Maxwell.
Kendree Miller is moving his household goods to Ft. Worth.
Mr. and Mrs. Choppin Ferrell went to Dallas yesterday afternoon.
Mr. H. M. Prater of Corsicana, former operator at the Cotton Belt here, is visiting in the city.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Layton, a girl.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Faulk, Mrs. N. Frank Faulk, Miss Bertha Faulk and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Searls went to Dallas this morning to attend Grand Opera.
Eldred LaRue and Frank Murchison went to Dallas yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Percy Larkin has returned from Palestine, where she went as a delegate to the missionary conference.
Mrs. C. P. Kennedy of Galveston came in Saturday night to visit friends in the city.
Bob Bass and Osborne Coker, who are attending the T. C. C. at Tyler, spent the day here yesterday with relatives.
O. T. Boyd and A. F. Wood left this evening for Dallas to bring back the Auto Fire Truck that the city has purchased.

From Tuesday's Daily:
H. T. Gilliam has two very sick children.
Mrs. J. A. McDonald is on the sick list.
H. P. Underwood went to Tyler today on business.
Mrs. Mary Wilson is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Scott.
W. C. Dorbandt left this morning for a weeks' business stay at Frost.
Mrs. R. E. Yantis left this morning for several weeks visit with __ Yantis in Austin.
Dr. J. M. King and Miss Vernon Johns are attending Grand Opera in Dallas today.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Wofford and their guest, Mrs. Stephen Faulk of San Antonio, will leave this afternoon for Dallas to attend Grand Opera.
Mrs. Kyle Smith of Tyler visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Alexander between trains yesterday. She was on her way to LaRue to be with her sister, who is sick.


Athens Study Club
Despite the disagreeable day there was a most enjoyable meeting of the Athens Study Club. However, only nine were present, so many of the members being ill. The response to roll call was unusually interesting. Among the items of unfinished business was a report from the club's president, Mrs. Weekley and Mrs. Quickensteadt, stating that Mr. Dorbandt had promised them to show every Monday a picture especially for children, beginning next Monday, to continue throughout the year, if it proved successful.
Mrs. Jenkins gave a most interesting life sketch of William Cullen Bryant. Mrs. Paul Jones a paper on Bryant's works, which was enjoyed thoroughly.
The president, Mrs. Weekly, read a most beautiful poem, "The Planting of the Apple Tree," after which the club adjourned to meet Monday Feb. 12th.


Current Literature Club
The regular meeting of the Current Literature Club was held yesterday at the club rooms. Because of illness and bad weather, several members were absent.
Mrs. J. J. Bishop read a very impressive poem, "To the Virgin Mary."
The club is studying Italy. The president, Miss Hawn, being ill, had no business. A motion was made to adjourn, to meet next Wednesday February 14th.


One of the most enjoyable social affairs of the season was the surprise shower at the home of Mrs. Harry Lammons, on Larkin street, given in honor of Miss Shelby Green, who on Monday night lost all her personal belongings by fire. The guests arrived at 3:30, where tables of 42 were awaiting them. They played very enthusiastically until 5:30. After which the hostess in her charming manner served a most tempting salad course. Just as the honoree was thinking the hour had arrived to take her departure, in front of her she recognized two smiling little faces, Master Pete Lammons (son of the hostess) and little Mildred Robbins, slowly pulling in a beautifully decorated wagon in white and blue, heaping with the most beautiful linens. As the wagon stopped in front of Miss Green, she was overciome with joy and so great was her surprise all she could say for the moment was, "Oh, my goodness." While she was composing herself, Mrs. Ira Robbins toasted the honoree in the following words" "Sweet little shadow, if our purses were as full as our hearts a house could not hold the gifts we would bring you, but as our purses are not as full as our hearts, may you feel our deep emotion of love and friendship in this time of loss and may you know in your loss of home and clothing, you have not lost the most beautiful and precious thing on earth--true friendship. We all love you for your happy, sunny nature and your true friendship and loyalty of heart. You have a gift that isn't common, that is your loyalty to your friends. As Emerson says, 'The only way to have a friend is to be one.' We feel and know that you have been our friend and we know and feel that we are your friends. We have met in true friendship this afternoon to express our love and our sorrow for your late misfortune."
The honoree oculd not find words to express her love and appreciation for her hostess and lmany friends. Those present were Misses Grace Carroll, Grace Coker, Ruth Quickensteadt, Catherine Hart, Lucy Richardson, Kate Bradley and Spencer' Mesdames Joe Neff, Broughton Phillips, Ira Robbins, Henry Hart, Will Dorbandt, Thomas Matthews, Jr., Shade Green, Chas. Kirkpatrick, Menta Mills, Jno. Garrett and Pete Richardson.


The Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church met in the church parlors Monday afternoon at three o'clock. A very interesting program was rendered, and after the business meeting the society adjourned to meet Monday, the twelfth of February.


Copied by Doris Peirce <> 8 June 2002

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