Willow Springs
Community News
Pastor's Family Given Pounding
Willow Springs Community News
By Lorna Newman
January 31 1956
Mrs. Berti Trammell became quite ill last week and was
hospitalized for several days but was able to return home Sunday.
Bobby Boyd was also in the hospital for a
few days. Mrs. Hubert Boyd has also been sick but is somewhat
improved at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers had as their guests last week Mr.
Roger's mother, Mrs. J. A. Forrester, of Midland and his sister
Mrs. Clora Gray of Athens.
Attendance was good for all services at church Sunday and a large
group was out for the mid-week prayer service, after which the
pastor and his wife were surprised
with an old fashioned pounding.
Harry Dosser who has been employed at Terrell for the past
several weeks returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Floyd and
family also of Terrell visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dosser over the week-end.
James Tapley of Houston visited his uncle, Charlie Fuller, and
Mrs. Fuller last week.
The James Trammell family were guests in the B. B. Atkins home
last Friday evening for Bill Newman's birthday dinner. Sue was
also celebrating a recent birthday. She
was nine and Bill 16 years old.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Phillips. Dorothy and Patti were Sunday
callers in the B. B. Atkins home.
G. W. Wager's daughter from Ohio visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Allen, over the week-end and attended church services
News is a bit scarce these days. We asked Jackie Goodgame for
some news and he said, "Well, I've got my model A car
running now and my Dad's working at
Olive-Myers-Spalti." Other farmers will probably be working
there before very long.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mills, Jr., and Irvin Mills, Sr., and families
visited Mrs. Mary Self in Palestine recently. Mrs. Eunice Bell of
Dallas spent a few days with her mother.
Mrs. Berti Trammell, who has been ill. Mrs. Trammell was carried
to the home of her son, Howard Trammell, in Athens upon being
dismissed from the hospital last
Buddy and Annette Trammell of Dallas and B. C. Trammell of Dallas
and B. C. Trammell and family of Athens visited their mother,
Mrs. Onnie Trammell Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carney Pettiette, Buddy and Annette and Mrs.
Trammell were visitors Saturday night in the home of the Herod
Ezells at Montalba.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stringer of Oklahoma City were week end
visitors of Elbert and Willie Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McEvoy and Mrs. Frank Rogers visited Mrs.
Lilll Anding Sunday afternoon at the home of the D. B. Andings.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fuller visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murry in
Athens Sunday.
Mrs. Laverne Rogers of Malakoff visited in the Gordon Allen home
Miss Barbara Sheppard of Malakoff spent Sunday with Mrs.
Conditt.Other visitors in the home for the week end were Mr. and
Mrs. Rufus Simmons.
Mrs. Polk Smith of Bethel is ill at home of her grandmother's,
Mrs. Callie Meadows.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kimmery were week end visitors in the home of
Mrs. Nona Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Boyd and grandson, Curtis Boyd attended church
at Bethel Sunday.
Henry Welch of West Texas is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Millard
Boyd and family.
Transcribed by Laura
Gregory Calvin
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