Trammell Kin Hold Reunion
Athens Weekly Review
June 4 1964
Members of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cook Trammell held
a reunion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Trammell in
Tyler and enjoyed a
picnic lunch at Fun Forest Park at noon.
Those present from Athens were Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Trammell, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Trammell, Buddy Trammell, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Bristow and
Mrs. Hollis Bristow and children.
Others present included Mr. and Mrs. Carney Pettiette, Cross
Roads; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Trammell and children, Dallas; Mr. and
Mrs. Elmo Trammell
and daughter, Peggy, South Carolina; Mr. and Mrs. Elton Boyd and
sons, Midland; Mrs. Doyle Trammell and baby, Cayuga; Mrs. Johnny
Wells, Quitman.
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