Pine Grove Community News

Athens Weekly Review
November 1 1962

By Mrs. L. Featherston

Oct 29- It seems as if our last letter found the waste basket so will try again.

Health in the community is good as far as we can learn.

Recent visitors in Mrs. Lillie Stogner's home were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Browning and family of Lewisville. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Gracey of Poynor also
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cumbie and daughters of Athens.

Miss Mae Williams and her uncle, Dick O'Neal, celebrated their birthdays one day last week. They were honored with a surprise supper at Mr. O'Neal's.
Those present were Mrs. Sam Williams and Mattie, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harris and Joe Wayne of Stockard, Mr. and Mrs.
Jake O'Neal, Gayle, Peggy and James, Mrs. E. H. O'Neal and the honorees.

The ladies of the Pine Grove Demonstration Club visited Mrs. W. R. McKay of Modoc last Thursday, the occasion being Mrs. McKay's birthday.
She received quite a few nice and useful gifts. A quilt was quilted for Mrs. Hall, and a bountiful lunch was held at the noon hour.

Visitors in the J. G. Couch home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Williams and grandson also J. B. Thompson of Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Warren
visited their son, Dee Warren and Mrs. Warren in Tyler one night last week.

Mrs. V. W. Browning is visiting in the home of her son, Rex Browning and family in Des Moines, Iowa, while Mr. Browning and Tom are visiting his sister,
Mrs. Nancy McDonald, and Mr. Mcdonald in Phoenix, Ariz.

Visitors in the Cora Nugent's home over the week end were her children, Mrs. Della Potts of Mesquite, also Mrs. Cecil Nugent and sons, David, Don
and Jim of Ft. Worth.

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