The Athens Review
Thursday, February 22, 1917
News of the Week At Murchison
     Murchison February 20th--Farmers are taking advantage of this fine weather and are cleaning
up their land, plowing, etc.
     Mrs. D. A. Ard and Mrs. Will Lee spent Sunday night at Black Jack with Miss Josephean McRea,
who is very ill.
     Among the oil prospectors to Ben Wheeler last week were Ralph Reynolds and 
Ellis Johnson.  They report everything lovely and expect to go back again.
     A. B. Culbertson and his best girl of Athens, were autoing here Sunday and happened to an
accident.  They left their car and took a jitney back.
     Miss Annie Ellerbe, who was quite sick last week, is much improved at this writing.
     Jack Lewis sold C. T. Johns a fine milk cow Saturday.
     Boyd Porter carried his car to Martins Mills and had it worked over Saturday.
     There are about fifteen cases of measles in Murchison now and business is picking up all
the time.  Nothing serious to report.
     J. W. Karens and M. A. Asher have purchased the Will Lee feed store and put W. D. Asher
in charge of same.
     W. A. Ard, Tom Murphy and E. G. Langley made a flying trip to Chandler Sunday.
     Born to Prof. and Mrs. Tomie Killingsworth last evening, a ten pound boy.  All doing well.
     Mr. Shults of Shawnee, Okla., arrived last week to spend the summer with his brother.
     The oil machinery is running full time.  They went through another eight foot rock Friday and 
Saturday and today they struck another rock.  Seems like they have rather hard luck.  The
only accident thus far, happened last evening when Walter Sanders got scalded pretty 
bad.  Some part of the engine blew out.
     C. T. Johns and wife took a spin to Stockard Sunday afternoon.

Transcribed by Nov. 2002

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