Martin Springs Community News
Athens Weekly Review
Feb 9 1956
By Mrs. W. A. Barton
February 8-
Nutria Family Clearing Lake of Water Lilies
There were 52 in Sunday School and 51 in Training Union this week
end.The pastor, the Rev. James Fortner, and family had Sunday
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Loving.
Jeff Davis became ill last week and was carried to a Jacksonville
Mrs. Mary Thedford underwent minor surgery in a Tyler hospital
Mrs. Mildred Davis of Emory, formerly from here is also ill in a
Jacksonville hospital.
Mrs. Alvin Greer had a checkup last week and received the good
news that she would not have to undergo the surgery which the
doctor had first thought.
Mrs. Gussie Cleere of Athens spent a night and day last week with
her sister, Mrs. W. B. Gilbert. In spite of the inclement
Mrs. Cleere went fishing in one of the Gilbert lakes, the one so
infested with water lilies. She discovered that a family of four
nutria had
set about clearing out the lily growth and had already built
themselves a fine little island in the lake. We hope they are at
home there.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCurley and Rosa visited in Dallas Sunday.
W. J. Perry is progressing nicely following nose surgery
The Rev. Noah Dickson of Van, a former pastor here, underwent
major surgery in a Tyler hospital last week.
Mrs. Nell Dickson and daughter of Fort Worth visited her parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Perry, during the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welch of Tyler visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Glaze Sunday afternoon and remained for supper.
Mrs. Berdie Barton spent a few days last week with her sister
Mrs. Felix Hudnall, of New York. Mrs. Hudnall has had a virus
Mrs. Ray Glaze was ill all last week.
Let us say again, your cards and letters have meant so very much
to the writer and her family in this period of adjusting
ourselves to going on without our precious loved one. I would
like to share an excerpt from a letter I received the other day.
The writer was a little girl during the thirties and one of a
large family, and a favorite of my father's. She now lives away
from here. She says "Needless to say how shocked and grieved
I was to learn the bad news. I'll never forget all the candy he
has given us kids and one bright spot in my childhood was the
time he took me to Denton to pick you and Lucy Jane up at
college. What a trip for me! I think Corsicana was the farthest
I'd been from home at that time."
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