Athens Weekly Review
Feb. 22, 1917
Local News
From Thursday's Daily:
Mrs. H. N. Powell left this morning for New
Orleans on a visit. Her mother
will join her at Mt. Pleasant.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mellen a fie 9 1/2
pound boy, this morning.
Mother and boy are doing fine. Mr. Mellen my
Mrs. A. C. Robbins returned to her home in
Austin this morning, on the
early L. & G N.--Tyler Courier Times of 14th.
Burnett Owen arrived today at noon from Athens
to accept a position with
Richardson-Brown Company-Jacksonville Progress of 14th.
W. A. Myrick of San Antonio, who purchased the
sewer warrants, was in the
city today. He came here to figure on some warrants with the
Mr. T. M. McGregor happened to a very serious
accident during the noon hour
today. He started to crank an automobile which back-fired. His
says both bones of the arm were broken between the elbow and
Commissioners Court is still in session and will likely be the
balance of the
week. Court was adjourned for the afternoon in order that Judge
and Commissioner Williams might attend a meeting
of the road board of the
Athens precinct.
E. A. Clousnitzer, of the Citizens Ice Company,
came in this morning He
says he is suffering from injuries sustained while alighting from
train during his first visit.
From Friday's Daily:
Ed Ansley of Brownsboro was in the city today.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Prince, last night a
Miss Shelby Green left yesterday for Terrell for
several weeks visit
with Mrs. Rex Strickland.
High grade mattresses - Gott-Hawn-Sigler.
C. C. Calloway returned last night from Ft.
Worth where he spent a few
days on business.
The program by Miss Vernon Johns which was
advertised for Monday,
Feb. 19th, at the Christian church, has been postponed. It will
be given
Monday, Feb. 26.
From Saturday's Daily
Willallen Gillmore of Kerens, is in the city
Will Faulk came in this morning from the road
Jessie Mitcham of Murchison, is in the city
After spending a few days at the home. Wilson Waddell
returned to Tyler this morning to resume his studies
in the T. C. C.
Constable C. A. McIntyre of Aley, was in the
city yesterday.
He reports that the store of H. M. Tapscott was
Wednesday night and between twenty and twenty five
dollars worth of goods taken. Entrance was gained by
breaking a chain which fastened the boor. Mr. McIntyre
says he has a clue which he is working on.
From Monday's Daily:
Lawrence Wood came in this morning from Corsicana.
Judge W. L. Faulk came in this morning from
John Cain of Kerens spent the day here
C. J. Mellen returned to Longview this morning.
Sid Richardson left yesterday for Wichita Falls
to spend
a few days.
Dug Gilliam of Eustace, is in the city today.
A. F. Wood left this evening on a business trip
to Dallas.
I. A. Barton and Ed Ansley of Brownsboro were in
C. E. Antle and Will Dorbandt came in this
morning from
Frost, where they have been running a picture show for
the past few days.
"The Missionary Barrel" isn't nearly full. Come and
us a contribution, Wednesday night at the Methodist
A feature in the service at the Baptist last night was the
singing of Mrs. Crowley, a sister of Mrs.
Fuller. Accompanied
by Mrs. Fuller, she sang "In the Shadow"
in a mezzo-soprano
voice that was pleasing and impressive.
From Tuesday's Daily:
J. I Wofford is in Frankston today on business.
Joe Beecham of Kerens is in the city today.
B. F. Williams (Benjamin Franklin, "Frank") came
in from
Dallas this morning.
Will Tucker, of near Springfield is in the city
Will Lee of Corsicana, is in town today.
Constable C. A. McIntyre of Aley was in the city
Mrs. A. C. Hart and Miss Catherine Hart went to
yesterday afternoon for a few days' stay.
Mrs. Milner has returned to Poynor, after a
visit with her
son, E. V. Milner.
R. Y. Bowlby and Clarence McKenzie of Kemp were
in the
city today on business.
J. J. Meyers and wife returned last night from
where they have been visiting their son. E. J. Meyers
and wife.
Nelson Link, Miss Mattie Sutherlin and Miss Laura Link
of Palestine, were the guest of Misses Inez and Della
Russell Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross T. Phillips motored to Mabank
this morning.
Mr. Phillips took very sick on the trip and is
now confined to his
Mr. Geo. W. Wright and Miss Rena Bruton, of
Kemp, were married
this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist parsonage, Rev.
C. A. Tower, officiating.
A car belonging to a Mr. Keeton of Pickens Spur,
hit the R. L.
Gauntt delivery car this morning on the square. No one
hurt, but the axle of Mr. Keeton's car was so badly bent that
it had to be taken to the garage for repairs.
Last evening at 7 o'clock Mr. T. M. McGregor and
Miss Bert
Gentry were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, Bro.
The wedding came as a great surprise not only to their friends
but to the family as well, as it occurred about a month sooner
than anticipated.
The wedding occurred at the residence of the bride's sister,
Mrs. J. W. Peay on Tyler street.
The bride is a beautiful and accomplished young woman and
is a member of one of the pioneer families of this section; while
the groom is a young man of sterling worth and highly
respected by all who know him. He is at present in the employ
of the Robbins Auto Co.
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