Gas Tanks Drained by Prowlers

Bethel Community News

By Mrs. D. O. Paris
Athens Review
Oct 29, 1964
Oct 27

There has been quite a lot of gas tanks drained by prowlers around here lately.

Elton Corley of Longview visited Mrs. Grace Walker one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Rasco and children spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Norval Jensen. Mr. Jensen's condition has not improved.

Mrs. Sally Corley was dismissed from the memorial Hospital Saturday. She had a skin cancer removed from her nose.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Houston in Tyler Saturday night.

Bobby Jensen was carried to Wolfe-Duphorine Hospital Friday with an intestinal infection. He was a little improved Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan visited awhile Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Paris and boys. They were on their way to Wills Point to see the Brownsboro Bears and Wills Point play football.

Mrs. Viola Dennis of Waco spent several days last week with Mrs. Hester Colvin.

The Bethel boys and girls played La-Poynor basketball teams Tuesday night.

The Halloween carnival has been set for Friday night at the Bethel School.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pate and family of Livingston visited in the Russell Jensen home awhile Saturday morning.

Miss Janie Meeker and Don Davidson were married at the Presbyterian church Saturday night and the reception and shower was held at their grandmother's,
Mrs. W. B. Godwin, afterwards.

Mrs. Carrie Duke of Dallas spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Norval Jensen and she also visited Roy Jensen and Nolan.

Woodie Graham, twin brother of Edd Graham, is in an Athens hospital with the shingles.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chandler and children of Jacksonville spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. James Cave and girls.

James Harold Anthony spent Friday night in Eustace with his grandparents.

Several from here attended the football game in Terrell Friday night including Mr. and Mrs. James Cave and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ramsey and Pam,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Owen and girls and there might have been others we failed to learn about.

There was a forty-two party held Saturday night at the community Center.

Pat Smith of Dallas is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Snowden and is going to attend Athens High School.

Mrs. Helen Stephens and Mr. Stephens entertained the young peoples class with a wiener roast at their home in Murchison Friday night. There was quite a few young people from this community that attended, also Mr. and. Mrs. Ronnie Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Tarrant and son of Fort Worth and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Tarrant of Palestine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jensen and
Roy Jensen and Nolan.

Dinkey Whittenburg from south of Athens visited while Sunday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O Paris.

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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