Henderson County Texas
Welcome to the Henderson County TXGenWeb site. My name is Laura Gregory Roberts. I am the Volunteer County Coordinator for Henderson County, Angela Shumate Hartman, co-coordinator. We hope that with the help of the fine folks of the county, we will be able to make this a site that helps all that visit.
Henderson County, Texas
Texas Cavalry, Company "E"
Confederate Indigent Families Lists (1863-1865) On November 24, 1863, the Texas Legislature passed a Joint Resolution stating that the government pledged "support and maintenance of [the soldiers'] families during their absence from home." In accordance with this Resolution, an "Act to Support the Families and Dependents of Texas Soldiers" passed on December 15, 1863. The Act set aside $1,000,000 annually to be paid the "families, widows, and dependents of soldiers currently serving in State or Confederate forces, or of soldiers killed or disabled in service." Chief Justices of the counties, on or before March 1 in 1864 and 1865, submitted lists of servicemen and the number of their dependents eligible for relief. The County Clerk administered the money distributed to the county for this purpose.
The information varies somewhat from county to county. While the number of dependents are always given, additional information may include some of the following elements: name of the soldier; currently in service; disabled or killed in service; unit; acting head of household.
Please be aware that only an index of names appears at this site. Linda Mearse has transcribed the records on file in the State Archives in her book, Confederate Indigent Families Lists of Texas 1863-1865. In order to help preserve the original records, please request the Mearse transcription through interlibrary loan. Please contact your local library for further details.
Confederate Indigent Families Lists (1863-1865)
Allen, C W
Antle, M
Armes, Jno
Attaway, G E
Ball, B
Ball, Benj
Ballan, Wm
Ballard, Wm
Bearden, R A
Bell ,
Bennett, R
Bennett, R R
Bishop, D
Bivens, J
Blackwell, M
Blackwell, Maston
Bobo, Wm C Boles, A J Boles, Ashly Boles, Axom Boles, James Boles, John Boles, Levi Boles, Q Bowen, Boyd, L M Boyd, Larkin M Bradford, P S Bradford, Powel Bradley, M M Brown Burke, J Burke, John Busby Butcher, W S Caffee Carafee Cargill Cargle, Jas Carithers, H M Carithers Carlisle, J T Carlisle, John T Carmichael, Robt Carpenter, Wm Carrol Carver, James Cawley Choate, John Coates Coker, J J Coker Cole Coles Colvin, J Colvin Condray, S D Condry, D Condry, Nat Cook Cotton, P C Cotton Cowan, W D Cox Crawford, Ben Crawford, Benj Crumpler Currie, C Dalton Darden, John Darden Davis, S D Davis Deatherage Dennis Derden, L Detherage Doan, B Doan Dunbar Dunn, J C Dunn Duty Echols Elston, J J Estis, Susan Estis Etherage Etheredge, C Etheredge, Lewis Etheridge Farmer Farress, T J Featherstone, Jno Files Ganntt, Jas C Gaunt, Jacob M Gaunt, John W Gauntt, J M Gauntt, William Gilbert, James W Gilbert Gilmore, J Godwin, J W Goodnight, T Goodnight Gore, H Gore, Jas Gore, Wiley Gore Grant, A Grant Grayson, Geo W Green, J J Greer Grier Griffith, John Griffith, W W Grisam Grissam Grubbs Gunstavson Gurley, Jesse Guthrie, John Guthrie Hail Hail Halton Hannah, J D Harris Harrison, Nat Harrison Hatton Head Hester, Felmon Hightower, Wm Hill, F Hill, Farrow Hinson Hoage Hobgood, L W Hobgood, Lewis Hodge, Hardin Hogg, James Hogg, Wm Holland, F M Holland, M C Holland, T C Holloway, Fed Honey, John Hopkins, J W Hopkins Howard, N Howard Howeth, F C Huddleston, Willis Huddleston Hughes, Jno Humphries Hurbough, Saml Iley, B G Iley, W G Ingram, C W Ingram, Jno Jaggers, David Johnson, J Johnson, Jere Johnson, O Johnson Jones Jordan Killen, J W Killen, John Kimbro, T D Kimbrough, T D Kindrick Knight, E D Knight, J A Knight, Jas A Knight, K K Lawrence Laymance Lee, E Lee Leech Lenix, Amos Lenix, T Lewis Lightfoot, C B Lindsey Lowery Lunsford Lusk, S B Lusk, Saml Mantooth Marchant Martin, Alfred Martin, E L Martin, J Martin, J S Martin, Jas Martin Mayfield, Henry Mayfield, Wm McBride, J L McBride, L B McBride, L T McCain, James McCain McCarty, John McCarty McCasland, J McCormack, Jno McCowan McCowns McDonald McElhany, John McKinney, E McManus, Jas McMillon, John Meadows Meddors Miller, J B Miller, James Miller, Wiley Mires, P H Mitcham, A Mitcham, E Mitcham, W F Mitcham Monk, Z M Moore, C Moore Morris Morrison, J J Morrison Mullins, Bushrod Murchant, Wm Murray, W D Nelson, E Newland Nichols, A Nordain, Jas Norwood Oleson Oliver, Scott Oliver, W A Oliver, Wm A Otis, A M Owen, A Owen, F M Owen, I D Owen, W B Owen, Wm R Parkes Pentrum Peny, Thos Perkins, A T Perkins Perry, Sol Phillips, H Pickering, Wm Pickering Pierce, T Pierce Piles Pond Porter, John Powell Price Pugh Purtum Ratcliff, John G Reader, Wm Redman, R Redman, R R Reid, Henry Reid, Jas Rhynes, Daniel Robertson, H R Robertson, John Robesson, J M Rounsevall, Robt Rushing, W A Russel Scarbough Scott, A Scott, Oliver Serbrough, Saml Shaver Shaw, John Shaw Shelton, J J Shelton, W S Slaton Slaughter, J W Smith, J Smith, Joe Smith, Joseph Smith, Stafford Stanley, C T Starkes Statem Statum Steel Stephens, J F Stephens, John Stewart, Jno Stewart Stokes, J B Sullivan Swift, Wm Tate, D W Taylor, James Taylor, Lewis Thomas, A S Thomas, L H Thomas Thornton, J L Todd Truitt Underwood Walker, John Walker, Mat Walker, W D Walker Wallace, Wm Walston, A Wasson Watson, J M Webb, W Whitehead, J J Wicker Wigger, John Wigger Wilkerson, J Wilkerson, Wm Williams, Wm Williams Williamson Willis, W S Wilson, H D Wilson, W W Windle, W Winslett, Jesse Winslett, Jesse Woodard, John Wooten York, Geo York
Leonard Estes E 20 Calvary Texas Pvt. Co. F Bass' Reg't Texas
Calvary muster roll Mar 19 to May 19 , 1862 enlisted Mar. 19 1862
Henderson Co. by Jere Warren period:12 also E 20 Cav. TExas Pvt.
Capt. Jeremiah Wareen's Co. Bass Reg't Texas Mtd.Vols Camp Bass
Texas Henderson Co.
Diane Miller dianem@thekingco.com
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