Henderson County Texas

Welcome to the Henderson County TXGenWeb site. My name is Laura Gregory Roberts. I am the Volunteer County Coordinator for Henderson County, Jane Keppler, co-coordinator .  We hope that with the help of the fine folks of the county, we will be able to make this a site that helps all that visit. 


by Justin M. Sanders


The 20th Texas Cavalry was organized in late March, 1862 in eastern Kaufman 
County under Col. Thomas Coke Bass and contained the following companies:
                  Co. A   (later G),    Capt. John Bussy, Anderson Co.
                  Co. B   (later D),    Capt. Francis M. Martin, Navarro Co.
                  Co. C   (later C),    Capt. John Randolph Johnson, Kaufman Co.
                  Co. D  (later E),     Capt. Thomas Phillips Andews, Kaufman Co.
                  Co. E   (later F),     Capt. Jeremiah Warren, Henderson Co.
                  Co. F   (later H),    Capt. Horatio G. Bruce, Johnson Co.
                  Co. G  (later A),     Capt. Benjamin D. McKie, Navarro Co.
                  Co. H  (later B),     Capt. Harwell H. Malloy, Navarro Co.
                  Co. I    (later I),      Capt. R.S. Barber
                  Co. K  (later K),     Capt. M. McGee, Limestone Co.

From April to mid-July 1862, the regiment was at Camp McCulloch near 
Tyler, Tx. While in Tyler, in July, the regiment was reorganized under 
the Confederate Conscription Acts -- many men over the age of 35 were 
discharged, and the companies were re-lettered (so that, for example, 
Capt. Bussy's Co. A became Co. G ). In late August 1862, Capt. B.D. 
McKie's Co A (originally Co. G), was detached from the regiment, and it  
never again served with the 20th Texas Cavalry.

In September, 1862, the 20th went to Arkansas where it fought in numerous 
skirmishes  north of Fayetteville. Among these skirmishes were Cassville, 
MO. 21 Sep 1862, Elkhorn,  AR 16 Oct 1862, and Cross Hollows, AR 18 Oct 
and 28 Oct 1862. About the first of November, the regiment was dismounted 
and served the remainder of the war as infantry. The 20th Texas Dismounted 
Cavalry was present at the battle of Prairie Grove, AR 7 Dec 1862, but it 
was part of a brigade that served as the Confederate reserves, and it appears 
not to have actually been in action in the battle. From January to June 1863, 
the regiment served post duty at Ft. Smith, AR.

In July 1863, the regiment was sent to the Indian Territory where it played 
a major role in the battle of Honey Springs on 17 July. After Honey Springs, 
the troops of the 20th served as post soldiers for Ft. Washita (near Durant 
OK) and Boggy Depot (near present Atoka OK). In March, 1864 the 20th was 
reorganized from an eight company regiment to a four company battalion under 
the command of Maj. John R. Johnson. Companies C and D were at Ft. Washita 
under Maj. Johnson, Co. B was at Doaksville (near Ft. Towson), 
and Co. A was at Boggy Depot.

The 20th Texas Dismounted Cavalry Battalion was sent to Richmond, 
Texas about the first of April 1865. It served in Richmond until the 
battalion broke up in late May 1865 shortly before the surrender of 
the Trans-Mississippi Department which included Texas.

-Jacob Elliott Diary, "Navarro Scroll" 1965          -Yeary, "Reminiscences of the Boys in Gray"
-Moore, "Rebellion Record"                           -Marshall "Texas Republican" 9 Aug 1862
-Service Reports                                     -Houston "Tri-weekly Telegraph", 12 May 1865
-Inspection Reports                                  -Letters of J.T. Lester, Confederate Research Center, Hill College 
-Minutes, Commissioners' Court, Kaufman Co. TX.       Hillsboro, Tx.

CSA Soldiers of the 20th Texas Cavalry Co. E , (later Co.F) Henderson Co. TX.

BANKS,  Colen Pinkey			MOORE,  John Wesley
BECK, A.J.					MULLINS,  Bushrod
BONDS, Michael Elia			MURCHINSON,  Thomas Franklin, 2nd Lt.
BOYD, Jas. J.					NAIL,  Andrew Gilbreth
BULLARD, A.L.					NICHOLS,  George Wash., Color-bearer
BURTON, Ephraim				OWEN,  Ishmail Davis, Sgt.
CAMPBELL, J.C.				OWEN,  John Wade, Sgt.
CAMPBELL, William Rhodes		PARMER,  James McDonald
CARMICHAEL, Alexander Thomas	PEEL, James Monroe
CAUSEY, A.F.					PICKERING,  Benjamin
CHANCELOR,  John Henly, Adj.	PICKERING,  Levi
CHANDLER, Hassell, Music		PICKERING,  William C.
COLE, Isaac					POLLOCK,  James Riley
CONE, William, Cpl.				REYNOLDS,  James
COOPER, William Mallory		RHODES,  Jasper Hartem
DANIEL, Amen					ROBERSON,  Hiram Russel
DAVIS, William				ROBERTSON,  John Martin, Cpl.
DEATHRAGE, Mathew Gale		SLOAN,  Andrew Foster
DENNIS, E.T.					SMITH,  William Cooper
DUNN,  John Crawford, 1st Lt.		SMITH,  Zack. Jefferson
EGGER, John Talton			STAMPER,  William
ESTES, Carroll					STATEHAM,  Samuel, Cpl.
ESTES, Leonard				TEMPLE,  Tracy Turner, Sgt.
FARMER, Joseph				THOMAS,  James Loyde
FISK, Bateman					THOMPSON,  Benjamin Lafayette
FOUCHER, Joseph Chime		
*Gauntt, John Washington		THOMPSON, H.E.
GILKEY, William Thomas			THOMPSON,  John Madison
GREEN, Shadrach Weaver, Sgt.	WALDRIP,  Napoleon Geb.
GURLEY, Jacob				WALKER,  Paschal Har
GURLEY, Jesse, Cpl.			WARREN,  Jeremiah, Capt.
GUTHRIE,  Andrew Jackson		WARREN,  Robert Bradford
GUTHRIE, William Lewellin   		WHITE,  Absalom Turner	
HANES, Francis Marion			WHITSON, J.G.
HANKS, Daniel Dudley			WILKERSON,  Ezekial Stanley
HANNER, John S.				WILLIS,  William Stephen
HARPER, John					WILSON,  Samuel Joseph
HOGG, James Burris, Sgt.
HOGG, William Burris
JACKSON, John Watson
JACKSON, Shadrach
JAGGERS,  James David
LEACH,  John Henry, 2nd Lt.	Reference: "Confederate States Roster, Texas 
LITTLEFIELD,  Josiah	                    Vol. 1" 1997 Broadfoot Pub. Co.
MARTIN,  Fran Marion	                    Wilmington, N.C. pgs. 146,147.
MARTIN,  John Richard	
McCANE,  Constantin C.		Note: Forms to order service records may be	
McCANE,  John Riley	              obtained from the Texas State Archives.
McKINNEY, Jubilee Clanton	      Request: "National Archives, Order For
McKINNEY,  William Emory	                Copies of Veterans Records"
MERCHANT,  William Riley	

*Gauntt, George Washington, he joined the Confederate Army in 1961 and served for 
 4 years with Co A, 20th Texas Calvary, dismounted, Johnson's Battalion.
 He received a pension on March 28 1911 even though the War Department , 
 stated they could find no records. Turner Gauntt  turnerg@nortexinfo.net
 Transcribed by  Diane Miller  dianem@thekingco.com

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