Athens, Texas
Telephone Directory
Gulf States Telephone Company
February 1945

Thanks to Darlene Magee Gunter for the Directory


These names appear in the directory, click on one them and you will be sent to a scanned image containg that name.

Adams, Adrian, Albritton, Allen, Anderson, Armstrong, Ash, Asher, Atchison, Atwood, Avant.

Bailey, Baker, Ballard, Ballow, Barber, Barfoot, Barkley, Barnes, Barnett, Barrington, Barron, Barrow, Bass, Bateman, Beaman, Bedsole, Beeson, Bell, Bennett, Billert, Bishom, Black, Blake, Blansitt, Blythe, Bohon, Bonner, Boone, Boswell, Bouquet, Boyd, Bradshaw, Breedlove, Brewer, Briggs, Bright, Broom, Brown, Browning, Brownlow, Buice, Burke, Burnett, Burr, Burrough, Burtis.

Cain, Caldwell

Calhoun, Campbell, Caperton, Carlton, Carmichael, Carnes, Carroll, Cartlidge, Cavner, Chancellor, Chase, Childers, Christopher, Clarke, Clayton, Cobb, Cochran, Cockerell, Coker, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Connally, Cook, Corley, Cornelius, Cox, Craig, Crawford, Crimm, Crutcher, Culbertson, Curry.

Daniel, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Day, Dean, Deen, Denius, Dennis, Denton, Derden, DeWoody, Dickerson, Donnell, Dorbandt, Dorsey, Dowdy, Dowell, Drew, Duckett, Dunn, Duphorne, Dupree, Dyer.


Easterling, Easterwood, Edwards, Elledge, Ellington, Elliott, England, Ennis, Ernest, Etheridge, Evans, Everett, Eveslage.

Faulk, Ferrell, Flowers, Ford, Forester, Francis, Fulton.

Gaines, Garner, Garrett, Gatlin, Gauntt, Gay, Geddie, Geiser, George, Germany, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilliam, Gilmore, Gilreath, Ginsberg, Glasgow, Goodman, Gould, Graham, Green, Greenhaw, Greenslade.

Hable, Hairston, Hall, Hallum, Haltom, Hanson, Harbison, Hargrave, Harlin, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Haskew, Hawkins, Hawn, Haynes, Haynie, Heath, Henderson.
Henderson, Hendrix, Hendry, Henkel, Henry, Herrington, Hethcoat, Hightower, Hill, Hodge, Holland, Holloway, Hooper, Hopson, Hounsel, Hugh, Hulsey.

Jackson, James, January, Jay, Jenkins, Jenson, Johns, Johnson, Joiner, Jones, Jordon, Justice.

Kamen, Karnes, Kee, Keeble, Kelly, Kelpen, Kemp, Kendall, Kendrick, Ketchum, Killingsworth, Killough, Kimbrough, Kinabrew, King, Kitchen, Knight, Knott.

Lamb, Lancaster, Landman, Laney, Larkin, LaRue, Lawhon, Layton, LeBlanc, Lee, Lehr, LeMay, Lewis, Life, Loden, Loosier, Loper, Loughridge, Loyd, Lusk.

Majors, Mallard, Mallory, Manning, Maples, Marenger, Marion, Matthews, Mayfield, Meredith, McCain, McCanless, McClure, McDonald, McElhaney, McGee, McGlaun, McGowan, McGregor, McGuffey, McWilliams, Millander, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Monre, Moody, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Moseley, Murchison, Murphey, Murphy, Murry, Myers.

Nash, Neeley, Nelson, Newbill, Norris, Norton, Nowlin.

Oliver, Owen.

Pace, Parmer, Parson, Patterson, Payne, Peay, Pennell, Perry, Petty, Phythian, Pickens, Pickle, Pierce, Pinkerton, Pirtle, Pitts, Pond, Potter, Price, Prince, Pruitt, Pugh.


Ratcliff, Ratlon, Ray, Reece, Reierson, Reynolds, Richard, Richards, Richerdson, Riddlesperger, Ritter, Robbins, Robinson, Roser, Rogers, Rook, rosenberry, Rowell, Royall, Royce, Ry;on.

Sanders, Sapp, Sargent, Savage, Scarbrough, Schumaker, Scirratt, Scott, Scruggs, Searls, Self, Selman, Shackelford, Shelton, Sherrill, Sides, Simpson, Slagle, Slayton, Smith, Snow, Socia, Sparks, Speed, Spencer, Spradlin, Spurlock, Stanfield, Stanford, Stegall, Stephens, Stirman, Stone, Stover, Stringfield, Studdard, Sullivan, Sweeten, Sylvester.

Tanner, Taylor.

Taylor, Thomas, Thompkins, Thornton, Thrasher, Tillison, Tindel, Tiner, Titsworth, Todd, Townley, Troublefield, Trimble, Truitt, Tucker, Turner.



Waldrip, Waddell, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Warren, Wathen, Watson, Webster, Weeden, Weekley, Welch, West, White, Williams, Williamson, Williford, Willingham, Wilson, Witherspoon, Wofford, Wolfe, Wood, Woodard, Worsham, Wynn, Wyrick.


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