Henderson County Texas

Welcome to the Henderson County TXGenWeb site. My name is Laura Gregory Roberts. I am the Volunteer County Coordinator for Henderson County.  We hope that with the help of the fine folks of the county, we will be able to make this a site that helps all that visit. 


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The Dallas Morning News
Oct 10, 1903


Railroad Man Says Two Men Relieved
Him of Money.

Athens, Tex., Oct 16 -- This morning about 3 o'clock A H Hauptoogel, a railway employee, was held up at the point
of a revolver, near the Cotton Belt depot, by two young men. He was relieved of $30.

Mr. Hauptoogel's story is as follows: "I was walking along between the corner of the Cotton Belt depot and the track,
when I was approached by two men and ordered to hand over $5 as a fine. The men were representing themselves as
officers. I gave them $5 and went on my way toward the boarding car. I am working the Cotton Belt Railway bridge
gang. I had gone but a short distance when the same two men came running after me and demanded $25. One of
them pulled a gun on me. I went down in my pocket and gave him $25 andsome 40¢ or 60¢ over. I had
but $2 or $3 left in my pocket. I did not know either one of them. When I was held up for my money I could not tell
either face of the men who did the job, as it was pitch-dark." An arrest has been made.






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