1930 Henderson County, Texas Census
03-01a to 05-06a
Note: I have tried to transcribe the names as best as I can. Some of the names were hard to read. When in question as to spelling I have put a ? mark. Sorry of any other errors. Peggy Trammell Allen dixie95@mycvc.net
If there are any corrections that need to be made please send them to
Images for 1930 census:http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/henderson/hendertoc.htm
Adair, Willie Adams, Dee Adams, Whitney Albright, Martha Allen, James Allen, John Alston, John Anders, James Anderson, A. Anderson, Thomas Anderson, Wyley Andrews, Frank Andrews, Sherman Armstrong, ? Armstrong, Thomas Arnett, Harrison Arnett, James Arthur, Douglas Ash, Richard Atkins, Benjamin Baber, Andrew Badiff, Malcolm Bailey, Bill Ballard, Charles Ballard, Eroy Ballard, George Ballard, Jessie Barber, Billie Barker, Charles Barnard, Harold Barnes, Rayland Barrnett, John Basfield, Oscar Bashel, Jeff Basher, F.W. Basher, John Basher, Wiliam Bass, C. Bass, Oral Bass, Viola Bass, Willie Bearden, Cliff Bearden, Henry Beason, Allie Beason, Tom Beck, John Belcher, H. Bell, Harry Bell, John Bell, Lizzie Benge, Joe Benge, Sidney Benton, Cassie Benton, Ranson Berry, Clyde Berryhill, Benjamin Bevel, John Bevel, Oliva Blair, Jerome Blakely, William Blakney, Earnest Bogard, Lesley Boum, Richard Bowman, Aira Bowman, Jack Bradley, Watkins Brask, M. Brazel, M. Breedlove, George Brewer, Claud Broom, Clarence Brown, John Brown, Lula Brown, Mandy Browning, Benjamin Browning, Thomas Brownlow, Eddie Brownlow, James Brundick, Lela Bufard, Dalton Buford, Curtis Burnham, Gilbert Burrus, Tom C?, Willie C?ford, Alton C?mue, William Cadell, Vernon Calaway, Will Caldwell, Thomas Caldwell, William Calhoun, Lee Calloway, James Calloway, Lester Calvin, Claude Calvin, Hester Camble, Joe Campbell, Henry Campbell, Jessie Campbell, Joe Caraway, Iva Carby, ? Cardin, Sarah Carney, Walter Carroll, George Carroll, Jessie Carroll, Stephe Carroll, Walter Cater, Alfred Cathy, H. Cecil, Jesse Champion, Tom Chancellor, Lillie Chaney, Jack Chate, William Chelf, Walton Chorte, E. Christopher, Ben Christopher, Dewey Christopher, H. Christopher, Sarah Clampith, Lewis Clark, Lewis Clark, Lyons Clarkley, Will Clayton, Rufus Clutch, Marion Coker, A. Coker, B. Coker, Cohen Coker, G. Coker, Hall Coker, Jim Coker, Joe Cole, Clara Cole, Holly Coleman, Charles Collins, Thomas Comes, Will Condith, Brady Contrell, John Conway, Stokes Cook, Artie Cook, George Cook, James Cook, Willie Cooper, Jack Cotton, Turner Cowart, Curtis Cox, Albert Cox, Ed Cox, Luther Cox, Mary Cox, Sarah Cr?k, Lee Cravey, Alfred Cravey, Alfred Creshover, Larkin Crooke, Jim Crouch, George Crushy, Alec Cumbie, Artinurs Cumbie, Deach Cumbie, Joseph Cunningham, A. Cupps, Eddie D?okins, Thomas Davis, Dee Davis, Dock Davis, Everitt Davis, Ida Davis, May Davis, Mose Davis, Robert Dean Charlie Dean, Lee Dean, Lonnie Dean, William Dencan, Lizzie Dennis, Don Dickson, B. Dickson, Herman Dickson, Johnson Dickson, Lester Ditto, Nancy Dodd, John Dodson, Tomy Donaldson, Joe Donnell, Florence Douglas, Albert Douglas, Maggie Dover, May Driver, Bessie Dubbs, McKinley Duey, Paul Earl, George Earnest, Y. Elledge, Jack Elledge, John Elledge, Mollie England, James Everett, ? Everett, Bennie Everett, Dan Everett, Edgar Famer, John Fay, James Featherston, Edd Featherston, Jim Ferrell, Sam Fife, Charlie Fifer, Eugene Finley, George Fischer, Alvin Fisher, Guy Ford, Billie Forester, George Forester, James Forester, Tim Foster, Bill Foster, Everett Foster, John Foster, Tom Francis, William Franklin, Newborne Franks, H. Franks, Jesse Frasier, Harper Frasier, James Frasier, Travis Frazzall, Nathan Frentress, John Frentress, L. Frizzell, Arthur Frizzell, Sam Fulerton, Will Fuller, John Fulton, Harry Fulton, Herbert Fulton, John Gaines, Thomas Gandy, Martin Gandy, Nick Gandy, Tad Gandy, Vesta Gardner, John German, William Germany, Allie Gibbs, Floyd Gilbert, Willie Gilbert, Willie Giles, Junior Gist, Charley Givens, Eddie Givens, Jim Givens, John Goodgame, Wayne Gorton, Arthur Graham, A. Graham, Arthur Graham, Carrie Graham, J. Graham, Jester Graham, John Graham, Rufus Graham, Ward Graigg, Curtis Graigg, Henry Grant, Powell Gray, E. Gray, Frank Green, Brown Green, Earnest Green, Florence Green, Robert Gregg, John Gregg, William Grisbury, Joe Gusher, John Gwantmey, Beatrice Hair, Judson Hall, Elbert Hall, Henry Hall, John Halton, Harvey Hambrisk, William Hanna, J.D. Harrage, William Harris, Artie Harris, Carl Harris, Chloe Harris, J.H. Harris, Jim Harris, John Harris, Oscar Harris, Russ Harris, Willie Hart, Powers Haugains, Jesse Hawale, Jeff Hawkins, Leon Hawsen, Dira Hendley, Roy Hendrix, Carrol Henry, Young Hester, Roxie Hickman, Eric Hightower, Jake Hightower, Le?vina Hocutt, Blanton Hodge, Edne Hodge, Lee Hodge, Sarah Hodges, Buck Hodges, Hartzell Hodges, Henry Hogg, Thomas Holiday, Lorene Holland, B. Hollis, Ben Holman, Addie Hood, Earnest Hood, James Hood, John Horton, E. Houston, Morris Howard, William Huddleston, John Hughes, Dave Hunt, Bettie Irons, D. Ivie, John Ivie, John Ivy, Roy Jackson, Daniel Jepson, Martin Jewell, Henry Johnson, John Johnston, George Johnston, Ida Johnston, Jerfers Jones, Andy Jones, Bear Jones, David Jones, Mattie Jones, Roy Jones, Steve Jordan, Alec Keeling, Bernard |
04-04a 04-14b 03-03b 05-01b 05-03a 04-07a 05-01b 03-02b 04-07a 05-04b 05-02a 05-04a 04-15b 05-04b 03-04a 04-12b 04-13a 05-05a 03-03b 03-03a 03-06b 03-02a 03-04b 05-04a 05-04b 05-04b 04-10a 05-01b 04-06b 05-03a 03-06b 04-03a 03-06b 04-05b 04-06a 04-05b 03-05b 03-01b 04-11a 04-12a 04-11b 04-14a 04-02b 04-10a 04-09b 04-06b 03-07a 03-07a 03-02b 03-04a 05-05b 05-04b 04-10b 03-02b 04-13a 03-04a 04-04b 04-04b 05-04b 04-06b 05-04a 05-01b 04-10a 04-09a 04-14b 04-01b 05-01a 03-06a 03-06a 03-03a 04-09a 03-06a 04-12a 05-01b 03-01b 03-01b 05-03a 05-02b 04-14b 04-04a 04-12a 03-03a 04-09b 04-05a 04-07a 04-03a 05-05a 05-02a 03-04a 04-03b 04-03b 04-05a 03-01a 04-01a 04-03b 04-02a 04-06a 04-06a 04-05b 03-04a 04-07a 03-05b 03-05a 05-03a 03-03a 04-09a 05-01b 04-10b 05-03a 03-02b 04-07a 04-04b 05-05a 04-10a 05-01b 05-03b 05-02a 05-02a 05-02a 05-02a 04-12a 04-11b 05-03b 04-05a 04-03a 04-08b 04-08b 04-08b 04-08a 04-04a 04-12a 04-12a 04-08b 03-01a 03-06b 04-11a 03-01a 04-15b 04-02b 05-01a 04-03a 04-02b 04-15a 03-04b 04-14b 05-02b 04-06a 05-02a 04-07a 04-01a 04-07a 04-07a 04-13a 05-02b 03-07a 03-04b 03-04a 03-03a 05-05b 04-14a 04-05a 04-09b 04-05a 05-01a 03-06a 04-02a 04-11b 04-11b 03-05a 03-05a 03-05a 04-11a 04-10a 03-01b 03-03a 04-08b 03-03b 03-03a 04-04a 05-04a 04-14b 05-04a 05-05b 03-06a 04-12b 04-07a 04-11b 05-04a 04-02a 05-05a 03-03b 03-04a 03-01b 05-04b 04-05b 04-02a 04-03a 04-14a 04-12b 03-04a 04-09a 04-09a 04-09a 04-09a 04-07a 04-01b 05-05b 05-05b 03-06b 04-08a 04-01a 05-02a 03-07a 04-12b 04-07a 03-06b 03-06a 03-05a 04-07a 04-10a 03-04a 04-11a 05-02a 04-01b 03-05b 03-05a 04-09b 04-10a 04-09b 03-06a 03-03b 03-04a 04-10b 04-04a 04-13a 05-03b 04-02b 04-07a 04-07a 03-07a 04-12b 03-06a 04-12b 04-11b 04-15a 04-14b 04-06b 05-01a 04-02b 05-05a 04-02b 05-02a 04-06a 04-06a 04-06a 04-07a 05-03b 04-15b 04-09b 04-04a 05-03b 04-10a 04-04a 04-09b 04-04a 04-09b 04-10b 04-14b 05-02b 05-02b 04-02a 03-05a 03-03a 04-02a 04-03b 04-15b 04-09a 04-04b 03-03a 04-13b 03-03b 03-03a 03-02b 04-03b 05-03a 03-01a 05-05b 04-04a 03-02b 04-13b 04-01a 05-05b 03-02a 04-13b 04-13b 04-03a 03-05a 05-04b 04-07a 04-03a 04-13b 04-10a 04-03a 04-14b 04-01b 04-12b 05-01a 03-05b 04-13a 03-07a 04-10b 03-07a 04-12b 04-02a 04-02b 05-01a 03-03a 05-05a 04-06a 05-03b 03-05a 04-10b 03-03b 03-01b 03-01a 05-01a 03-04b 05-05a 04-10b 04-03b 05-03b 05-03b 04-06b 04-06a 04-07a 03-03a 04-03a 04-04b 05-01a 04-04b 04-13a 04-14b 05-01b 03-05b 05-04a 04-05b 04-06a 05-05a |
Keeton, George Keeton, Ron Kelly, Dan Kelly, Harry Kemp, Charlfor Kent, Harvey Khett, Marion Kimbra, S. Kinsey, George Kirksey, B. Knight, Dan Knight, Frank Knight, Walter Lambright, Jane Lambright, Jeff Lane, Joe Larter, William Lawance, B. Lawson, George Lee, Muse Lee, Sam Lewis, Cline Lewis, Sims Loden, Lester Luber, William Lucas, Tom Lyle, Estelle Mack, Eva MaHenry, ? Majors, Joshua Malfores, Mitchell Manion, George Manual, Calvin Marshall, Eddie Martin, James Martin, John Martin, Loyd Martin, Milare Martin, Millard Mathews, Derden Matthews, Noah Maxwell, Wesley May, Claud Mayfield, Albert Mayfield, Claude Mayfield, Dennis Mayfield, Jim McClain, Jesse McClendon, George McCool, Ethel McCorley, Mack McCoy, George McCreary, J.L. McCruize, Jesus McDougle, Willie McDuaggs, Arthur McDugan, Alfred McGlaum, Roy McGlaum, Will McGlaum, Will McLee, Amanda McRease, J. McWilliams, Webb Mead, Wendall Meeker, William Meirs, Arthur Melton, Archie Merchant, Henry Merchon, Leon Meridth, Dan Meridth, Jonathan Merridth, Benton Merridth, James Middlebrook, Dawson Miller, Jessie Miller, John Miller, Rube Miller, William Miller, Willie Milley, Fred Millins, Shadrick Milner, Charlie Milton, Wayne Mitchell, Al Mitchell, Sam Money, Miles Montgmery, Cleott Moon, Albert Moore, Henry Morgan, Eva Morgan, James Morgan, Lorine Morgan, Sam Morrison, Ancil Mosier, Stonewall Mosley, Frank Mosley, Ira Moss, Franklin Mott, Jane Murphy, Henry Murry, Joseph Neal, William Neil, George Newell, John Novell, Leslie Olason, Christin Oliver, Alford Oliver, Oscar Owen, Henrietta Pace, Earl Paris, Lamon Paris, Willie Parker, Walter Partin, Russel Pate, Albert Pate, Hillard Pate, Mimie Patrick, Woody Patterson, Charles Patton, George Payne, Edward Payne, Homary Payne, Lee Perkins, Emma Perkins, John Perkins, Joke Perry, Robert Pewitt, S. Phillips, Luther Phillips, Pat Pickens, Henry Pierce, David Pierce, Edd Pierce, John Pierce, Richard Pillow, Birens Pillow, Elizabeth Pinckard, Jim Pinkerton, Grady Pinkerton, J. Pinkerton, James Pirtle, T. Pool, Lawrence Porter, Carnell Poston, Arthur Poston, Clarence Powell, Arthur Powell, Elory Powell, Kirby Prater, Jim Preston, Sims Price, Harman Price, Joe Pruitt, Dodson Pryer, W. Puckett, Joseph Quinn, Horace Quinn, Jim Quinn, Marcus Ramsey, Charles Ramsey, Forest Ramsey, Milo Reed, William Reeves, Bart Reeves, Henry Richardson, Ben Richardson, Jerome Richardson, Jim Rittey, Gus Roberson, Walter Robertson, Robert Robertson, Webster Robinson, Ida Roby, Thomas Rogers Dan Rogers, Albert Rogers, Charley Rogers, Gus Rogers, James Rosa, Jessie Roseberry, Allen Royall, Con Royall, Oliver Royall, Salena Ruse, Elsie Rushing, ? Russell, John Russell, Rhoda Ruth, Wesley S?fall, Charles S?ica, Willliam Sanders, Charles Sanders, Elize Sar?sing, Earl Sawyer, Claud Scarborough, Ed Sessions, Will Shafner, Frank Shaggs, John Sheppard, May Shofner, George Shofner, John Shofner, Nathan Shofner, Walter Siddell, Walter Simpson, William Singleton, William Sipping, Jim Skinner, Fannie Slayton, Barney Slayton, Burney Slayton, Garland Slayton, Hardie Slayton, Odus Slayton, Roy Slayton, Tom Smith, Al?hus Smith, Alfred Smith, B. Smith, David Smith, Frank Smith, Gordon Smith, Harrison Smith, Joe Smith, John Smith, May Smith, P. Smith, Ruby Smith, William Soloman, George Spears, Joseph Spier, Katy Stag?iter, Jesse Stanway, John Starr, Jim Starter, Willie Steagall, Bonner Steddard, Ossie Stephens, Charlie Stephens, John Stephens, Sanford Stephens, Stephen Stewart, Walter Stewart, Walter Stockard, Francis Stogner, Alfred Stogner, Bennie Stokes, Earl Stokes, Earl Stokes, McDonald Stone, Ray Stone, W. Stovat, Thomas Swain, Huddle Sykes, Enoch Sykes, Loy Tanner, Henry Tanner, Walie Tarlington, Ben Tarrant, Reagan Tartman, P. Taylor, Francis Taylor, Lucy Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Willis Te?nard, Frank Thomas, Alice Thomas, Byron Thomas, Horace Thomas, Lee Thompson, Barney Thompson, Edward Thompson, Glenn Thompson, Jessie Thompson, Myrtle Thompson, Nettie Thompson, Tom Thornhill, Sam Thornton, John Thrasher, Mary Tillison, Will Tiner, Lee Tipon, Lillie Tolver, Henry Trammell, Alonzo Truman, Sam Tullos, Jake Turner, Arthur Tushous, James Upchurch, William VanCleave, Alice Vandewell, Ralph Verquez, Yathman Wadell, William Wails, Henry Walker, Joseph Walker, Mable Warren, Noah Warters, Billie Waterson, John Wath, Willie Watkins, Sona Watson, Charlie Watson, John Watterson, Shell Wayner, Jacob Weatherford, Clarence Weaver, Lum Weaver, Oliva Weaver, Thomas Webster, Carl Welborn, James Wesley, John West, Joe Westbury, George Wheeler, John Wheeley, Oren Whit, A. White, Charlie Wiley, Frank Williams, Homer Williams, Jim Williams, John Williams, Johnie Williams, L. Williams, LeRoy Willingham, Gordon Willingham, Robert Willingham, Sam Willingham, Walter Wills, Faulk Wilson, Alie Wilson, Matthew Windle, Robert Wittman, Alton Wood, Mackie Woodriff, William Woods, Julius Wooldrige, Joseph Worsham, Henry Wren, H.B. Yelvington, James Young, Charles Young, Eli Young, Herbert Young, Ida Young, Johnnie Young, Malinda Youngblood, Pink |
05-03b 05-05a 05-02b 04-05b 04-06b 05-01b 04-12a 05-05a 05-03b 04-07a 03-01a 04-07a 03-06a 04-01a 03-06b 03-04a 05-01a 05-01a 03-05a 04-05a 03-01a 04-01a 04-10b 04-07a 03-02b 04-09a 04-11a 04-11a 04-06b 03-01a 04-11b 04-05b 03-03b 03-06a 04-03a 04-10a 03-05b 04-12a 04-09a 03-02b 04-06b 03-01a 03-06a 03-02a 04-11b 04-08b 04-12a 05-01a 05-05b 03-02b 04-11b 04-12b 03-03b 04-15a 05-06a 04-07a 04-12b 04-13b 04-13a 04-13b 04-07a 04-01a 04-08a 05-02b 03-06a 04-12a 03-01b 04-11a 04-07a 04-08a 04-08a 04-08a 04-08a 04-08b 03-03a 05-04b 04-13a 03-04a 03-01b 04-04b 03-06a 04-06b 03-05b 03-05b 04-15a 04-04b 03-02a 03-03a 04-06a 03-04b 04-09b 03-05b 05-01b 05-02b 03-06b 03-03b 03-04a 05-05a 03-01a 04-03b 03-03b 04-04b 04-13b 03-01a 03-03a 04-07a 05-04a 05-01b 04-06a 04-01b 04-04b 03-06b 04-14a 05-01a 04-11a 04-11a 03-06b 03-06b 05-03a 04-08b 04-06a 04-02b 04-11b 04-01b 03-02a 03-06a 03-01b 03-01a 05-05b 05-06a 05-05b 03-02a 05-03b 05-04b 04-05a 05-02a 05-03a 04-03b 04-08a 04-07a 04-07a 05-04b 04-13b 04-07a 03-06b 03-05b 05-03a 05-02b 03-02a 04-03b 04-15b 04-14b 04-14b 04-15a 04-03b 05-01b 04-13a 04-13a 04-12b 04-01b 04-08b 04-04a 03-01b 03-02a 05-01b 05-03b 04-14b 04-15b 04-03b 04-09b 04-10a 04-04b 03-02b 03-04b 05-05a 04-08b 05-04b 05-05a 04-14a 04-05a 05-02a 04-05b 04-01b 04-05b 04-04b 05-02b 04-13b 04-03b 04-08a 05-02b 04-05a 03-01b 04-01b 04-03a 05-02b 04-09b 04-05a 04-01a 03-06a 04-05b 04-14a 04-14b 04-14a 04-14b 03-01b 03-01a 03-05a 03-06a 04-15a 04-04b 04-13b 04-14a 04-14a 04-14a 04-13b 04-04a 04-14a 04-12b 05-05b 03-06a 05-06a 04-12b 04-04a 04-12a 04-06b 03-05a 04-13a 04-12b 03-02b 05-02b 03-07a 04-11a 04-01b 05-05b 04-10a 04-10b 05-01a 04-01b 04-08a 04-11b 04-08a 04-02a 04-09b 05-01b 04-03b 03-06a 03-06b 03-06b 04-09a 04-11b 04-02b 04-01a 05-05a 04-05a 03-03b 04-14a 04-10b 05-03a 04-03b 05-05a 04-13a 03-03a 03-05b 05-04b 04-02a 04-07a 05-01a 03-05b 04-14b 03-01b 03-04b 03-07a 03-02b 04-02a 05-01b 04-05b 03-04b 04-13b 05-05b 05-01a 03-04b 03-05a 05-03b 05-01a 04-15a 03-02a 05-02b 04-14b 04-07a 05-02a 05-04b 03-03b 04-15a 05-01b 04-15a 04-06b 04-02a 04-05a 04-07a 05-04a 04-04b 04-01a 03-05a 05-01b 05-04b 05-06a 04-13a 04-11a 04-08b 03-04a 04-01b 04-06b 03-05b 03-02a 04-02a 05-05a 05-01a 03-07a 04-05a 03-04b 05-01b 04-11b 05-02a 05-01a 04-02a 04-15b 04-09a 04-11a 04-05a 04-09a 04-12a 04-03a 04-11a 03-02a 04-04b 04-13a 03-03b 04-13b 05-01b 05-01a 05-02b 05-01b 04-05a 04-02b 04-15b 04-02b 03-02a 04-02b 04-07a |
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