1910 Henderson County Texas Census Precinct # 7

Precinct 8 is under construction
These are heads of household or other names within the households
773 Names are listed below

Alphabetical By Page #

(unreadable)		230B
(unreadable)		230B
(unreadable) James H.	228B
(unreadable) Jewel		228B
(unreadable) Robert A.	228B
(unreadable) Turner M.	230A
(unreadable) William	230A
(unreadable), Ed T.	225A
(unreadable), James M.	221A
(unreadable), Lucrery	228B
(unreadable), Merlin T.	227A
(unreadable), Sam		219A
(unreadable), Sharke?	225A
(unreadable), Webb		223B
(unreadable), Will		225A
(unreadale)		224B
A?ilgame?, Billie		218A
Adams, Clementas		215b
Akin, Bob			217A
Allen, Flora		220A
Allen, Huge G.		216a
Anderson, Carrie		214a
Anderson, George		228B
Anderson, Murray E.	211a
Anderson, Patience		228A
Armstrong, Frank		205a
Atwood, Corneilus A.	214b
Atwood, Mary T.		206a
Atwood, Richard M.		207a
Avant, Lena		206b
Avant, Millard S.		208b
Avant, Richard		207a
Ayres, Bob O.		211a
Ayres, Fred F.		209b
Bacon, Alford H.		229B
Bailey, John H.		204b
Baker, Andrew J.		208a
Baley, Robert B.		227B
Barnes, Frank		214b
Barnwell, Emma B.		224A
Baskin, Mira		227A
Baskin, William L.		227B
Bass, Tarrance		206a
Belcher, Taylor		206a
Bell, Henry		220A
Bell, Ruth		215a
Bennet, Lucy		216a
Bennett, ron		206a
Bergill, Mary		226A
Berry, Edd		217B
Bickley, John C.		203a
Black, Rachel		207a
Blanton, James		218B
Bolden, Rosa May		208a
Boles, Jerry		220B
Boles, John T.		220B
Boles, Lee		220B
Boles, Peter		210a
Boles, Sehe		220B
Boles, Sehe E.		220B
Boss, Garland		225A
Bradley, George		223B
Bradly, Flossy		209a
Breeding, James H.		209a
Breeding, Jim		211b
Breeding, Robert F.	211b
Breedlove, George		206a
Breedlove, Martha		214a
Bridges, George W.		206a
Bristow, John L.		220B
Bristow, Lafayette		220B
Brown, Denis E.		210a
Brown, Jim		219B
Bryant, John N.		225A
Buford, Jack		230B
Buie, John		207a
Burgamy, Carrie		211a
Burgamy, Marvin		213b
Burks, Rob		229A
Burks, Tom A.		229B
Burks, Wiley		207b
Burks, William		230A
Burks, Willie		229A
Butler, Floyd T.		211b
Butler, Francis		231A
Butler, John		231A
Butler, William		204b
Bynum, Sam		205a
Cady, John		220B
Calhoun, Casandra?		216a
Calhoun, John E.		216a
Campbell, David E.		221A
Campbell, Hendrix		230B
Campbell, Mary D.		228B
Campbell, Walter J.	225B
Campbell, William G.	221A
Cantrell, Frank C.		209b
Carey, Sam F.		226A
Carey, William H.		226A
Carpenter, Lucindy		214b
Cartor, Troket?		223A
Carver, Jack		218A
Carver, Maira		218A
Cates, George W.		204a
Cecil, Johnie		230B
Chafer, Mike		223B
Chafer, Moss		218B
Chambers, Estherine	224A
Chambers, Willis		218B
Champion, Tomie		212b
Chancellor, Tobe		207b
Chapman, Ab		205b
Chase, Anna		218A
Chase, John		203b
Clark, Charley G.		208a
Clark, Lula		206b
Cobb, Andrew		222A
Cobb, James P.		210b
Cobb, Jerry G.		213b
Cobb, John W.		211b
Cofer, Mig C.		216a
Coffer, Add		216b
Coffer, Geanie		220A
Coffer, Hugh		217A
Colier, Maris?		221B
Collins, Tom		205b
Colly, JIm		215a
Colston, Bert C.		211a
Cone, Elgie		211b
Conner, Major		218B
Cook, Frank		205a
Cook, John G.		213b
Cook, Ory G.		208a
Cooper, Mat		229B
Corder, Curtis		210a
Corder, John A.		213b
Corder, Julie A.		210b
Corder, William J.		210a
Costello, Wiley		213b
Costlow, George W.		214b
Costlow, John W.		210a
Costlow, William S.	209b
Covington, Sherman		203b
Crews, Clifford		213a
Crews, Colin D.		213b
Crimson, E?		206a
Crofford, Bill		216b
Crossley, James S.		203b
Crossley, Samuel F.	203a
Cumby, Jacob		203b
Cumby, Richard		216b
Currington, James E.	217A
Curry, John B.		208a
Curtis, Ben B.		212a
Daniel, Allen		217B
Daniels, Abram		219A
Daniels, Early		208b
Daniels, Tillman		219A
Dansby, Morris		221B
Darry, Henry		206b
David, Perce		217A
Davis, Betie		223B
Davis, Billie		228B
Davis, Binon?		218A
Davis, Brooks		207b
Davis, Dave		223A
Davis, Fred		223B
Davis, Jim		224B
Davis, John L.		208b
Davis, Kilis?		229A
Davis, Larry W.		225A
Davis, Malinda		218B
Davis, Matilda		203b
Davis, Roxie		228A
Davis, Silvie		222B
Davis, Willie		224B
Davis, Willie		231A
Davy, Willie		210a
Day, George W.		212b
Day, Hendrix		210a
Day, Isom			212b
Day, Leon J.		226A
Dean, James Nathan		209b
Dean, Walter		213a
Denman, Jonaway W.		211b
Denton, Alice		206b
Derden, James H.		221A
DeShazo, Felix D.		205b
Dickerson, (unreadale)	226A
Dickerson, Charlie		221A
Dickerson, Dan H.		227B
Dickerson, James		226B
Dickerson, Joe A.		221B
Dickerson, Robert R.	227A
Dickerson, Ruby		222A
Dickerson, Tomas O.	227A
Dickerson, Will E.		226A
Dickson, John		226B
Dingler, Ben Frank		207b
Dingler, Emma E.		204a
Dingler, Henry J.		203b
Dingler, Jack		212b
Dingler, Milton M.		205a
Diroffelle, Millard H.	229A
Dismark, Martha A.		212a
Dixon, Abe		224B
Dixon, King		224B
Doak, William		214b
Donald, Fannie		218A
Donald, Hattie		214a
Donald, Leonard J.		211a
Donald, Lilie		214a
Donald, Lula		214a
Donald, Sarannah		214a
Doughtry, ?		210a
Doughtry, Jesse		210a
Douglas, Maurice		216a
Douglas, Waymon		221B
Drew, George J.		209a
Duberry, Lance		219B
Dunklin, Cotus?		211a
Dunn, Bill		230B
Durant, Ely		203b
Durham, George		221A
Dvis, Jessie		219B
Earl, Frank E.		216b
English, Marry		223B
Evans, James S.		214b
Ewells, Thomas		231A
Fallis, Lloyd		211a
Farmer, (unreadale)	230B
Farris, Charley		215a
Farris, Sarah E.		215a
Featherston, Ed		209a
Featherston, George W.	215b
Finney, William N.		205b
Ford, James O.		213b
Ford, Mary F.		213a
Forest, Lon		231A
Forester, Jessie		205b
Forester, Jno R.		205b
Forester, Welborn		211b
Foster, Addie		213b
Foster, Edd		222A
Foster, Sam		211b
Foster, Willie H.		227A
Freeman, Major		230A
Frost, Charley E.		203a
Frost, Ephraim W.		204a
Frost, Willis E.		204b
Fuller, Luella		207b
Gaffers, Vaugh		216b
Galoway, (unreadable)	230A
Galoway, Susie		230A
Gardner, D. P.		209b
Garner, Charles A.		209a
Garner, Charles E.		228B
Garner, George A.		228B
Gauntt, John W. 		212b
Gauntt, Meldrit?		212b
Gentry, William J.		211b
George, Nappy?		231A
Gideon, James L.		204a
Gideon, John W.		204a
Gideon, Van W.		204a
Gipson, Hillary		229A
Gipson, Mandy		230B
Godwin, Robert J.		212a
Godwin, Urby		203a
Goodman, Wilkins		209a
Grafford, Susie		218B
Green, Bob		222B
Green, James		223A
Green, Lola		213b
Green, Mash?		217B
Green, Nancy		214a
Green, Raine		223A
Green, Willie		203b
Griffith, Georgia		228B
Gullatt, Charles H.	206a
Halium, Jamie		208a
Hall, Bolling C.		215b
Hall, Burl		223A
Hall, Lovick P.		203a
Hallmark, Emma G.		211a
Hallmark, John R.		211a
Hallmark, Rufus		210b
Hamilton, Frank A.		229B
Hanks, Charley		203a
Hardee, Jerry		225A
Hardin, James Buck		210a
Hardin, Ruby		225B
Hardin, William A.		213a
Hardin, William F.		212b
Harmon, Terry		222B
Harrington, Wilborn S.	205a
Harris, Sarah M.		208a
Harris, Tom A.		208b
Harrison, Ben		217A
Harrison, Cicero		206b
Harrison, Ida		208b
Harrison, Jeffie		208b
Harrison, William C.	215b
Harrold, Jamie		207a
Harsey, William		204a
Harvest?, Jim		231B
Hays, Thomas Jackson	212a
Henderson, Lorenzo Dow	213a
Henderson, Robert		230B
Henderson, William		231A
Henry, John Welsey		209b
Hensley, Walter		224A
Hery, Will		230B
Hightower, (unreadable)	219A
Hightower, Andrew		217A
Hightower, Emma		218A
Hightower, George		218A
Hightower, Jed D.		222A
Hightower, Jessie G.	218A
Hightower, John W.		222A
Hill, Felton		213a
Hill, Frank		213a
HIll, John		224B
Hodge, Daren		211a
Hodge, JOhn		230A
Hollingsworth, John J.	212a
Hollingsworth, Levy	204a
Hollman, John		210a
Holly, John A.		206b
Holmes, Wade H.		228B
Holt, Tilden		209a
Hopper, Ella		207a
Horton, Maude		217A
Houston, Sam		207a
Howerton, Henry		227B
Howerton, Mo???		227B
Hudnell, George B.		204b
Hughes, Albert G.		221A
Hurt, Joe			223A
Jackson, Lara		218A
Jackson, Tamie		227A
Jacobs, Tessie		204b
Jarrell, Bolo		212b
Jarrell, Robert E.		212b
Jefferson, Wilburn R.	210b
Jenkins, John		216b
Johnson, Edwin		206b
Johnson, Granville		224A
Johnson, Jack		222B
Johnson, Jake		223A
Johnson, Jeff		214a
Johnson, Jeff D.		231B
Johnson, July		213b
Johnson, Lillie		216b
Johnson, Lizzie		229A
Johnson, Norris		222B
Johnson, Robert G.		216a
Johnson, Zora		206a
Jones, Ara		214a
Jones, Dock		230B
Jones, James R.		212a
Jones, John		209a
Jones, John W.		229A
Jones, Milton		217B
Jones, William		229A
Jones, Willis		213b
Jordan, Jim		220A
Keller, William M.		225B
Kelley, Tim J. S.		212a
Kellie, Will		229A
Keys, George C.		205b
Killingsworth, Dan		230A
Killingsworth, Sam H.	210b
King, Horace		206b
King, Verna J.		208a
Kitchen, John T.		221A
Knight, Billy		207a
Lacy, Thomas		226B
Lambert, Henry Edward	217A
Lane, (unreadable)		230A
Lane, Bennie		230A
Lane, Matthew W.		204b
Lang, Mattis		229A
Langham, Maude C.		205a
Langham, William F.	210b
Lanier, Frank		207a
Ledbetter, Alvin		206b
Ledbetter, John W.		206b
Lee, John			204a
Lensy, Ar???		220A
Lewis, Warren		205b
Lightfoot, Emma		215b
Lightfoot, George W.	215a
Like, George W.		227A
Linch, Nute		219B
Lindsey, Levy		204a
Lindsey, Murph		204a
Lindsey, Ted		203b
Linzy, Jim		217B
Locket, Anderson		219B
Lofton, Will		226B
Lollar, Martha		205a
Loller, Hattie		217A
Mabery, Frances C.		204a
Mac, Jessie		223A
Manoy, Joshua		217B
Manual, Alice		203b
Manual, Jake		204a
Manual, John		204a
Martin, James K.		206a
Martin, William		226B
Mathis, Clarindy C.	208b
Maze, Tom			212b
McCirhon?, Henry		218A
McClendon, Richard A.	210a
McCowan, Jesse J.		203b
McCowen?, Mandy		222B
McCown, Jane		219A
McCurley, Adaline		212b
McCurley, George W.	212a
McCurrin, (unreadable)	224B
McCurrin, Abe		224B
McCurrin, Aron		223B
McCurrin, Henry		224B
McCurrin, Sam		224A
McDaniel, Jim R.		224A
McDaniel, John D.		224A
McDawd, John		219B
McDonald, Alex		222B
McDonald, David		219A
McDonald, Georgia		222A
McDonald, Mart		230B
McDonald, Miles		219A
McDonald, Ned		231A
McDonald, Richie		231A
McDonald, Sandi		217A
McDowell, Frank		231B
McGriff, Antry		214a
McHuron, Tom		207b
McKenzie, (unreadable)	218A
McKenzie, George		218A
McKenzy, Charles		222B
Meador, Eugene A.		204b
Melton, Mary I.		211a
Miles, Willie W.		208b
Miller, (unreadable)	228A
Miller, Alford		228A
Miller, Andrew Wiley	214b
Miller, Archie P.		214b
Miller, Casin?		214a
Miller, Chandler		206a
Miller, Eliza		214b
Miller, Ethel		207b
Miller, Floyd		213b
Miller, Jane		214a
Miller, John		213a
Miller, John		228B
Miller, Lin		225B
Miller, Moton		215b
Miller, Warren		227B
Miller, Will P.		215a
Mills, Earl		228A
Milner, (unreadable)	226A
Milner, John P.		226B
Mitchum, Jesse		208b
Mixon, Larra		226A
Moffett, Joseph G.		227A
Monk, Lee			203b
Monk, Rolly		204a
Monk, William S.		204a
Monk, Zack M.		203a
Monroe, Carrie		203a
Monroe, Willis		203a
Moon, Jason M.		206b
Moon, Sealy		208a
Moore, Albert		220A
Moore, Emma		226A
Moore, George		214a
Moore, Jim		228A
Moore, Lizzie		225A
Morgan, James		207b
Morgan, John		225A
Morris, Elizbaeth J.	227A
Morris, Ewill		227A
Morrison, George		218B
Morrow, Davis P.		206a
Morrow, John R.		208a
Morrow, Sallie H.		206b
Mosse, Otis		204a
Muckleroy, Charles B.	208b
Murphy, (no first name)	204b
Murphy, Oscar		221A
Murphy, Sam		230A
Murphy, Thomas		205a
Nash, Hariph? Bruce	211b
Nehles, Shad G.		212b
Nettles, William P.	213a
Newill, Willie		230B
Nickedemus, Sarah		207a
Nicodemus, Henry		208a
Nixon, James		226A
Norwood, Norman		206b
Oberion, Clementas		215b
Odell, John M.		208b
O'Neal, Angie		222A
Otom, Sarra		219A
Otts, John Wesley		212b
Owen, Andrew J.		224A
Owen, Richard J.		212a
Owens, Roxie		225B
Page, Warren		219B
Pagett, Eliza		226B
Pagitt, Robert M.		227A
Palmer, Robert D. Sr.	215a
Palmer, Willis Allen	212a
Park, James W.		209b
Parmer, Frank		207a
Parmer, Jas. K. P.		207a
Parrott, John		229B
Paul, Davis?		214a
Pendergrass, Verne		210a
Perkins, John F.		224A
Perry, James		230B
Petrey, Lex		222A
Petrey, Luther		222A
Petry, Elias Monroe	213a
Phillips, Fred P.		224A
Phillips, Roxie		212b
Phillips, Sam A.		225B
Philpott, Sam		212a
Pickering, Hubert		226B
Pickering, James		226B
Pickett, Robert		230A
Pierce, Louis F.		205a
Poe, Ann R.		221A
Porter, Jessie		228A
Posey, Jim		218B
Poston Mary		212a
Poston, Ed		211b
Powell, Jes?		207b
Price, Bob		208a
Price, Byson B.		207a
Price, William C.		214b
Pruett, Will F.		226B
Purifoy, Almer		209a
Raine, Joe S.		224B
Redding, Jim M.		229B
Redman, Ora		229A
Register, Elijah B.	209b
Register, Howard		210b
Renfro, Walter		205b
Reynolds, Eliza		206a
Reynolds, George W.	207a
Reynolds, Robert P.	205a
Richardson, Albert		207a
Richardson, Ballard	206b
Richardson, Bud		209a
Richardson, Charley	205a
Richardson, Joe B.		206b
Richardson, Rife F. D.	207b
Riley, James S.		210a
Rise, James H.		225B
Ritchie, Joseph R.		209b
Ritchie, Smithie		210a
Robards, Tillmon M.	226A
Robbins, Virgil		224B
Roberson, Ben		205b
Roberson, Ed		206a
Roberson, Jessey		207b
Roberson, John C.		206a
Roberson, Ned		203a
Roberts, Bill		222A
Roberts, Jerrie		226B
Roberts, Jim		225B
Roberts, Martin S.		225B
Robertson, James		219B
Robertson, John R.		224A
Robertson, Will		224A
Robinson, Sarra		227B
Rodriquez, Manuel		215b
Rogers, Gilbert		205b
Rogers, Trixie B.		205b
Ross, Earlie		231A
Ross, George		231A
Ross, Wyat		231A
Rowland, Ed C.		215a
Rugsby, Mid?		218A
Samson, Alfronzo		227B
Savage, Emma		212b
Schmacker, Argon F.	206a
Sellman, Carl V.		210a
Selman, William		221A
Shackleford, (unreadable)	230B
Shackleford, Jim		231B
Shackleford, Sam		231B
Shelton, Ben		222A
Shelton, Hanna		216a
Shelton, Marthy R.		228B
Shirey, Elisha W.		228B
Shoptrim, William I.	213b
Simms, Dan R.		212b
Simons, Will		210b
Simpson, (unreadable)	227A
Simpson, Starky B.		227B
Sith, Ben			222B
Sklaton, Hollis		223B
Small, Jasper		231A
Small, Oby		214a
Smith, Calie		224A
Smith, Dennis		223B
Smith, Edd		217B
Smith, Flora A.		217B
Smith, Francis		223A
Smith, George		203a
Smith, George		217B
Smith, Gertrude		219B
Smith, Hughie		218A
Smith, Jane		231A
Smith, Jim		218B
Smith, Joe		204b
Smith, Joe M.		209a
Smith, John		219B
Smith, Josie		204a
Smith, Lela		224B
Smith, Li???		224B
Smith, Nathan		228A
Smith, Pete		231B
Smith, Roy		224A
Smith, Saloh?		218A
Smith, Samuel L.		227B
Smith, Stafford		217B
Smith, Tennie		229A
Smith, Will		223B
Smith, William Lee		211b
Snowden, John H.		227B
Sowel, Bolie		220A
Sowel, Connie		216a
Sowel, Ike		220B
Sowel, Jeane		220A
Sowel, Lena		220A
Sowell, Columbus		207a
Sowell, Edd		222A
Sowell, Ira		204b
Sowell, Jun?		205b
Stalter, Ed		215a
Stamey?, Jack		214b
Stephens, Angy		231A
Stephens, Annie		231A
Stephens, Fred		229B
Stephens, Lawrence		206a
Stephens, Sam F.		208a
Stephens, Sherman		207b
Stephenson, Claudie	222B
Stewart, Crossley		220A
Stewart, Dennis		216b
Stewart, Dollie		208a
Stewart, George		216a
Stewart, Georgia Ann	203b
Stewart, Margie A.		220B
Stewart, Otis		220A
Street, Ely		217A
Stroud, Robert A.		227A
Stubblefield, John		217B
Sullivan, John N.		210a
Surant, Clarance		204a
Swanson, Sherman	224A
Tarrant, James L.		213a
Tatum, Grainer		217A
Tatum, Jerry		217A
Taylor, Jess		218B
Taylor, Laura A.		211a
Taylor, Lenna		214a
Taylor, Louis		219B
Taylor, Miles		221B
Taylor, Walter		226B
Thomas, Ben		207b
Thomas, Ela		217A
Thomas, Eliza		228B
Thomas, John		215a
Thomas, Lane		231A
Thomas, William		205a
Thomas, William H.		207a
Thomas, William R.		210b
Thompkins, Sam W.		207b
Thrasher, Frank		221B
Thrasher, James P.		226B
Thrasher, John T.		226A
Tillson, Dolph		210b
Tindel, Henry		220B
Tindel, James B.		231B
Tindel, Seeb F.		204b
Tindell, Jno B.		204b
Tracy, Jessie W.		210a
Troublefield, Carrie	208b
Troublefield, Katie	214b
Troublefield, Walter	208b
Tucker, Ran		203a
Turner, Gracy		220A
Turner, Harris?		231B
Turner, Jonnie		231B
Turner, Sid		218B
Turner, Stafford		218A
Valirias, Vinsinta?	215b
Van Zandt, Josannah G.	215a
Vaughn, Emma		219A
Waker, (unreadable) M.	228A
Walker, James B.		209b
Wallace, Bruce C.		209b
Walls, More?		224B
Warren, Andy		228A
Warren, Charley		228B
Warren, Nate		220A
Warren, Rener		217A
Warren, Will		230A
Warren, Willie Addie	215a
Warren, Zettie		228A
Warrin, D???		217A
Washington, George		228A
Wats, Albert S.		229B
Wats, Mary		230A
Watson, Allen		214a
Watson, Clauncey?		211b
Watson, Jilep?		204a
Watson, Lilla		214a
Weaver, Clyde		220B
Webster, Young L.		228B
Wells, William		204a
Wesner, (unreadable)	229B
Wesner, Arch M.		221B
Wesner, James c.		221B
Wesner, Thomas		221B
White, Della		231A
Wiley, Julius		226B
Wiley, Lee		206b
Williams, (unreadable)	228A
Williams, Albert		219A
Williams, Elizer		213b
Williams, James M.		216a
Williams, Jessie L.	215a
Williams, Jim		216b
Williams, John P.		214b
Williams, Lila A.		218B
Williford, Charlie R.	213a
Williford, John W.		225B
Williford, Lee		213b
Williford, Matedo		213a
Williford, William		225B
Willingham, Robert d.	228A
Willson, Josephine		213a
Wilson, Leonard		225A
Wimberly, Kirksey		205b
Windom, Becky May		212b
Windom, Frankie		212b
Wofford, (unreadable)	223B
Wofford, (unreadable)	230B
Wofford, Bell		225A
Wofford, Benny		219A
Wofford, Dan		222B
Wofford, John H.		230A
Womack, Dan W.		210b
Wood, Bessie		211a
Wood, Delitha J.		210b
Wood, Jim			230A
Wood, Petter		221B
Wood, Stephen O.		211a
Wood, William Oscar	210b
Woods, John		231B
Wrathias?, Thomas		216a
Yarbrough, David E.	209b
Yarbrough, Sam		213b
Young, Ira E.		211a
Young, Joe E.		212b
Zimmerman, George		226B

Monroe, Willis	203a
Roberson, Ned	203a
Monroe, Carrie	203a
Smith, George	203a
Crossley, Samuel F.	203a
Godwin, Urby	203a
Frost, Charley E.	203a
Hanks, Charley	203a
Tucker, Ran	203a
Bickley, John C.	203a
Hall, Lovick P.	203a
Monk, Zack M.	203a
Monk, Lee	203b
Cumby, Jacob	203b
Covington, Sherman	203b
Green, Willie	203b
Chase, John	203b
Crossley, James S.	203b
Lindsey, Ted	203b
Dingler, Henry J.	203b
Manual, Alice	203b
Davis, Matilda	203b
Stewart, Georgia Ann	203b
McCowan, Jesse J.	203b
Durant, Ely	203b
Surant, Clarance	204a
Smith, Josie	204a
Watson, Jilep?	204a
Cates, George W.	204a
Gideon, John W.	204a
Hollingsworth, Levy	204a
Monk, William S.	204a
Harsey, William	204a
Wells, William	204a
Gideon, James L.	204a
Lindsey, Murph	204a
Lee, John	204a
Gideon, Van W.	204a
Monk, Rolly	204a
Dingler, Emma E.	204a
Mabery, Frances C.	204a
Lindsey, Levy	204a
Manual, John	204a
Frost, Ephraim W.	204a
Mosse, Otis	204a
Manual, Jake	204a
Bailey, John H.	204b
Jacobs, Tessie	204b
Meador, Eugene A.	204b
Murphy, (no first name)	204b
Frost, Willis E.	204b
Tindel, Seeb F.	204b
Tindell, Jno B.	204b
Smith, Joe	204b
Hudnell, George B.	204b
Butler, William	204b
Sowell, Ira	204b
Lane, Matthew W.	204b
Armstrong, Frank	205a
Cook, Frank	205a
Harrington, Wilborn S.	205a
Thomas, William	205a
Pierce, Louis F.	205a
Langham, Maude C.	205a
Dingler, Milton M.	205a
Lollar, Martha	205a
Bynum, Sam	205a
Murphy, Thomas	205a
Richardson, Charley	205a
Reynolds, Robert P.	205a
Forester, Jessie	205b
Forester, Jno R.	205b
Finney, William N.	205b
Wimberly, Kirksey	205b
Rogers, Gilbert	205b
Collins, Tom	205b
Sowell, Jun?	205b
DeShazo, Felix D.	205b
Rogers, Trixie B.	205b
Keys, George C.	205b
Renfro, Walter	205b
Chapman, Ab	205b
Roberson, Ben	205b
Lewis, Warren	205b
Roberson, Ed	206a
Roberson, John C.	206a
Martin, James K.	206a
Johnson, Zora	206a
Bennett, ron	206a
Reynolds, Eliza	206a
Atwood, Mary T.	206a
Bass, Tarrance	206a
Gullatt, Charles H.	206a
Miller, Chandler	206a
Schmacker, Argon F.	206a
Belcher, Taylor	206a
Bridges, George W.	206a
Stephens, Lawrence	206a
Crimson, E?	206a
Breedlove, George	206a
Morrow, Davis P.	206a
Morrow, Sallie H.	206b
Moon, Jason M.	206b
Richardson, Ballard	206b
Holly, John A.	206b
Darry, Henry	206b
Clark, Lula	206b
Ledbetter, John W.	206b
Richardson, Joe B.	206b
Ledbetter, Alvin	206b
Johnson, Edwin	206b
Avant, Lena	206b
Denton, Alice	206b
King, Horace	206b
Norwood, Norman	206b
Harrison, Cicero	206b
Wiley, Lee	206b
Harrold, Jamie	207a
Buie, John	207a
Lanier, Frank	207a
Atwood, Richard M.	207a
Sowell, Columbus	207a
Thomas, William H.	207a
Price, Byson B.	207a
Black, Rachel	207a
Nickedemus, Sarah	207a
Parmer, Frank	207a
Knight, Billy	207a
Reynolds, George W.	207a
Parmer, Jas. K. P.	207a
Richardson, Albert	207a
Hopper, Ella	207a
Avant, Richard	207a
Houston, Sam	207a
Burks, Wiley	207b
Roberson, Jessey	207b
Stephens, Sherman	207b
Thompkins, Sam W.	207b
Morgan, James	207b
Davis, Brooks	207b
Powell, Jes?	207b
Chancellor, Tobe	207b
Fuller, Luella	207b
Miller, Ethel	207b
Dingler, Ben Frank	207b
Richardson, Rife F. D.	207b
Thomas, Ben	207b
McHuron, Tom	207b
Stephens, Sam F.	208a
Moon, Sealy	208a
King, Verna J.	208a
Curry, John B.	208a
Harris, Sarah M.	208a
Nicodemus, Henry	208a
Halium, Jamie	208a
Stewart, Dollie	208a
Baker, Andrew J.	208a
Bolden, Rosa May	208a
Morrow, John R.	208a
Price, Bob	208a
Clark, Charley G.	208a
Cook, Ory G.	208a
Mitchum, Jesse	208b
Davis, John L.	208b
Daniels, Early	208b
Avant, Millard S.	208b
Harris, Tom A.	208b
Mathis, Clarindy C.	208b
Odell, John M.	208b
Harrison, Ida	208b
Troublefield, Walter	208b
Troublefield, Carrie	208b
Harrison, Jeffie	208b
Muckleroy, Charles B.	208b
Miles, Willie W.	208b
Breeding, James H.	209a
Featherston, Ed	209a
Richardson, Bud	209a
Jones, John	209a
Drew, George J.	209a
Holt, Tilden	209a
Goodman, Wilkins	209a
Garner, Charles A.	209a
Purifoy, Almer	209a
Smith, Joe M.	209a
Bradly, Flossy	209a
Dean, James Nathan	209b
Cantrell, Frank C.	209b
Costlow, William S.	209b
Yarbrough, David E.	209b
Register, Elijah B.	209b
Wallace, Bruce C.	209b
Henry, John Welsey	209b
Park, James W.	209b
Walker, James B.	209b
Ayres, Fred F.	209b
Gardner, D. P.	209b
Ritchie, Joseph R.	209b
Ritchie, Smithie	210a
Tracy, Jessie W.	210a
Riley, James S.	210a
Doughtry, ?	210a
Doughtry, Jesse	210a
Day, Hendrix	210a
Sellman, Carl V.	210a
McClendon, Richard A.	210a
Brown, Denis E.	210a
Hardin, James Buck	210a
Boles, Peter	210a
Sullivan, John N.	210a
Pendergrass, Verne	210a
Costlow, John W.	210a
Corder, William J.	210a
Hollman, John	210a
Davy, Willie	210a
Corder, Curtis	210a
Corder, Julie A.	210b
Killingsworth, Sam H.	210b
Cobb, James P.	210b
Simons, Will	210b
Jefferson, Wilburn R.	210b
Register, Howard	210b
Womack, Dan W.	210b
Hallmark, Rufus	210b
Thomas, William R.	210b
Tillson, Dolph	210b
Wood, William Oscar	210b
Langham, William F.	210b
Wood, Delitha J.	210b
Colston, Bert C.	211a
Burgamy, Carrie	211a
Young, Ira E.	211a
Hodge, Daren	211a
Ayres, Bob O.	211a
Wood, Bessie	211a
Fallis, Lloyd	211a
Wood, Stephen O.	211a
Hallmark, Emma G.	211a
Melton, Mary I.	211a
Hallmark, John R.	211a
Anderson, Murray E.	211a
Donald, Leonard J.	211a
Taylor, Laura A.	211a
Dunklin, Cotus?	211a
Breeding, Jim	211b
Watson, Clauncey?	211b
Nash, Hariph? Bruce	211b
Smith, William Lee	211b
Butler, Floyd T.	211b
Cone, Elgie	211b
Denman, Jonaway W.	211b
Gentry, William J.	211b
Foster, Sam	211b
Cobb, John W.	211b
Forester, Welborn	211b
Breeding, Robert F.	211b
Poston, Ed	211b
Poston Mary	212a
Kelley, Tim J. S.	212a
Philpott, Sam	212a
Jones, James R.	212a
Hays, Thomas Jackson	212a
Palmer, Willis Allen	212a
Dismark, Martha A.	212a
Godwin, Robert J.	212a
Owen, Richard J.	212a
Curtis, Ben B.	212a
Hollingsworth, John J.	212a
McCurley, George W.	212a
McCurley, Adaline	212b
Gauntt, Meldrit?	212b
Dingler, Jack	212b
Jarrell, Robert E.	212b
Champion, Tomie	212b
Jarrell, Bolo	212b
Maze, Tom	212b
Gauntt, John W. 	212b
Phillips, Roxie	212b
Young, Joe E.	212b
Otts, John Wesley	212b
Simms, Dan R.	212b
Nehles, Shad G.	212b
Hardin, William F.	212b
Day, George W.	212b
Windom, Becky May	212b
Windom, Frankie	212b
Day, Isom	212b
Savage, Emma	212b
Hardin, William A.	213a
Willson, Josephine	213a
Hill, Frank	213a
Petry, Elias Monroe	213a
Miller, John	213a
Williford, Charlie R.	213a
Hill, Felton	213a
Williford, Matedo	213a
Dean, Walter	213a
Crews, Clifford	213a
Nettles, William P.	213a
Henderson, Lorenzo Dow	213a
Tarrant, James L.	213a
Ford, Mary F.	213a
Ford, James O.	213b
Corder, John A.	213b
Cook, John G.	213b
Williford, Lee	213b
Burgamy, Marvin	213b
Shoptrim, William I.	213b
Yarbrough, Sam	213b
Crews, Colin D.	213b
Williams, Elizer	213b
Foster, Addie	213b
Cobb, Jerry G.	213b
Costello, Wiley	213b
Jones, Willis	213b
Miller, Floyd	213b
Johnson, July	213b
Green, Lola	213b
Taylor, Lenna	214a
Small, Oby	214a
Miller, Casin?	214a
Donald, Hattie	214a
Miller, Jane	214a
Moore, George	214a
Donald, Lula	214a
Green, Nancy	214a
McGriff, Antry	214a
Donald, Sarannah	214a
Breedlove, Martha	214a
Watson, Allen	214a
Paul, Davis?	214a
Watson, Lilla	214a
Anderson, Carrie	214a
Jones, Ara	214a
Donald, Lilie	214a
Johnson, Jeff	214a
Miller, Eliza	214b
Barnes, Frank	214b
Costlow, George W.	214b
Miller, Archie P.	214b
Stamey?, Jack	214b
Troublefield, Katie	214b
Miller, Andrew Wiley	214b
Atwood, Corneilus A.	214b
Doak, William	214b
Evans, James S.	214b
Carpenter, Lucindy	214b
Price, William C.	214b
Williams, John P.	214b
Williams, Jessie L.	215a
Thomas, John	215a
Van Zandt, Josannah G.	215a
Miller, Will P.	215a
Bell, Ruth	215a
Stalter, Ed	215a
Farris, Charley	215a
Farris, Sarah E.	215a
Colly, JIm	215a
Palmer, Robert D. Sr.	215a
Rowland, Ed C.	215a
Warren, Willie Addie	215a
Lightfoot, George W.	215a
Lightfoot, Emma	215b
Harrison, William C.	215b
Featherston, George W.	215b
Hall, Bolling C.	215b
Miller, Moton	215b
Valirias, Vinsinta?	215b
Oberion, Clementas	215b
Adams, Clementas	215b
Rodriquez, Manuel	215b
Johnson, Robert G.	216a
Calhoun, John E.	216a
Sowel, Connie	216a
Calhoun, Casandra?	216a
Stewart, George	216a
Bennet, Lucy	216a
Cofer, Mig C.	216a
Wrathias?, Thomas	216a
Douglas, Maurice	216a
Williams, James M.	216a
Allen, Huge G.	216a
Shelton, Hanna	216a
Jenkins, John	216b
Earl, Frank E.	216b
Cumby, Richard	216b
Gaffers, Vaugh	216b
Crofford, Bill	216b
Williams, Jim	216b
Stewart, Dennis	216b
Johnson, Lillie	216b
Coffer, Add	216b
Coffer, Hugh	217A
Lambert, Henry Edward	217A
Loller, Hattie	217A
Akin, Bob	217A
Hightower, Andrew	217A
Warrin, D???	217A
Tatum, Jerry	217A
David, Perce	217A
Tatum, Grainer	217A
Horton, Maude	217A
Warren, Rener	217A
Thomas, Ela	217A
Harrison, Ben	217A
McDonald, Sandi	217A
Street, Ely	217A
Currington, James E.	217A
Manoy, Joshua	217B
Green, Mash?	217B
Daniel, Allen	217B
Smith, Edd	217B
Smith, Stafford	217B
Linzy, Jim	217B
Berry, Edd	217B
Smith, Flora A.	217B
Jones, Milton	217B
Smith, George	217B
Stubblefield, John	217B
Turner, Stafford	218A
Davis, Binon?	218A
Carver, Jack	218A
Carver, Maira	218A
Smith, Hughie	218A
Hightower, Jessie G.	218A
Hightower, George	218A
Jackson, Lara	218A
Chase, Anna	218A
Smith, Saloh?	218A
A?ilgame?, Billie	218A
Donald, Fannie	218A
McKenzie, (unreadable)	218A
McKenzie, George	218A
Hightower, Emma	218A
McCirhon?, Henry	218A
Rugsby, Mid?	218A
Davis, Malinda	218B
Grafford, Susie	218B
Turner, Sid	218B
Smith, Jim	218B
Chambers, Willis	218B
Blanton, James	218B
Conner, Major	218B
Taylor, Jess	218B
Williams, Lila A.	218B
Morrison, George	218B
Chafer, Moss	218B
Posey, Jim	218B
Wofford, Benny	219A
Hightower, (unreadable)	219A
McDonald, Miles	219A
McDonald, David	219A
Vaughn, Emma	219A
McCown, Jane	219A
(unreadable), Sam	219A
Daniels, Tillman	219A
Otom, Sarra	219A
Williams, Albert	219A
Daniels, Abram	219A
Robertson, James	219B
Smith, John	219B
Locket, Anderson	219B
Dvis, Jessie	219B
McDawd, John	219B
Duberry, Lance	219B
Page, Warren	219B
Brown, Jim	219B
Linch, Nute	219B
Smith, Gertrude	219B
Taylor, Louis	219B
Warren, Nate	220A
Allen, Flora	220A
Bell, Henry	220A
Jordan, Jim	220A
Moore, Albert	220A
Coffer, Geanie	220A
Stewart, Crossley	220A
Sowel, Lena	220A
Lensy, Ar???	220A
Turner, Gracy	220A
Sowel, Bolie	220A
Stewart, Otis	220A
Sowel, Jeane	220A
Stewart, Margie A.	220B
Sowel, Ike	220B
Boles, Lee	220B
Bristow, Lafayette	220B
Bristow, John L.	220B
Boles, Jerry	220B
Boles, John T.	220B
Weaver, Clyde	220B
Boles, Sehe E.	220B
Cady, John	220B
Tindel, Henry	220B
Boles, Sehe	220B
Derden, James H.	221A
Selman, William	221A
Poe, Ann R.	221A
Campbell, David E.	221A
Kitchen, John T.	221A
Durham, George	221A
Campbell, William G.	221A
Murphy, Oscar	221A
Hughes, Albert G.	221A
(unreadable), James M.	221A
Dickerson, Charlie	221A
Dickerson, Joe A.	221B
Thrasher, Frank	221B
Wesner, James c.	221B
Wesner, Arch M.	221B
Dansby, Morris	221B
Wesner, Thomas	221B
Wood, Petter	221B
Colier, Maris?	221B
Douglas, Waymon	221B
Taylor, Miles	221B
Dickerson, Ruby	222A
Petrey, Lex	222A
Petrey, Luther	222A
Roberts, Bill	222A
Cobb, Andrew	222A
O'Neal, Angie	222A
Sowell, Edd	222A
Foster, Edd	222A
McDonald, Georgia	222A
Hightower, John W.	222A
Hightower, Jed D.	222A
Shelton, Ben	222A
Wofford, Dan	222B
McCowen?, Mandy	222B
Green, Bob	222B
Stephenson, Claudie	222B
Harmon, Terry	222B
Davis, Silvie	222B
McKenzy, Charles	222B
McDonald, Alex	222B
Sith, Ben	222B
Johnson, Norris	222B
Johnson, Jack	222B
Smith, Francis	223A
Johnson, Jake	223A
Hall, Burl	223A
Hurt, Joe	223A
Davis, Dave	223A
Green, Raine	223A
Green, James	223A
Mac, Jessie	223A
Cartor, Troket?	223A
English, Marry	223B
Chafer, Mike	223B
Smith, Dennis	223B
Davis, Betie	223B
Sklaton, Hollis	223B
Wofford, (unreadable)	223B
Bradley, George	223B
(unreadable), Webb	223B
Davis, Fred	223B
Smith, Will	223B
McCurrin, Aron	223B
Chambers, Estherine	224A
McCurrin, Sam	224A
Smith, Calie	224A
McDaniel, John D.	224A
Owen, Andrew J.	224A
McDaniel, Jim R.	224A
Phillips, Fred P.	224A
Robertson, Will	224A
Barnwell, Emma B.	224A
Hensley, Walter	224A
Smith, Roy	224A
Perkins, John F.	224A
Robertson, John R.	224A
Swanson, Sherman	224A
Johnson, Granville	224A
Raine, Joe S.	224B
McCurrin, Abe	224B
McCurrin, Henry	224B
McCurrin, (unreadable)	224B
HIll, John	224B
(unreadale)	224B
Smith, Lela	224B
Robbins, Virgil	224B
Walls, More?	224B
Davis, Willie	224B
Dixon, Abe	224B
Smith, Li???	224B
Dixon, King	224B
Davis, Jim	224B
(unreadable), Will	225A
(unreadable), Sharke?	225A
Moore, Lizzie	225A
Boss, Garland	225A
(unreadable), Ed T.	225A
Morgan, John	225A
Hardee, Jerry	225A
Bryant, John N.	225A
Wilson, Leonard	225A
Wofford, Bell	225A
Davis, Larry W.	225A
Hardin, Ruby	225B
Williford, William	225B
Williford, John W.	225B
Campbell, Walter J.	225B
Phillips, Sam A.	225B
Owens, Roxie	225B
Keller, William M.	225B
Miller, Lin	225B
Rise, James H.	225B
Roberts, Martin S.	225B
Roberts, Jim	225B
Moore, Emma	226A
Dickerson, Will E.	226A
Robards, Tillmon M.	226A
Carey, William H.	226A
Carey, Sam F.	226A
Day, Leon J.	226A
Nixon, James	226A
Milner, (unreadable)	226A
Bergill, Mary	226A
Dickerson, (unreadale)	226A
Thrasher, John T.	226A
Mixon, Larra	226A
Thrasher, James P.	226B
Taylor, Walter	226B
Martin, William	226B
Lacy, Thomas	226B
Dickson, John	226B
Roberts, Jerrie	226B
Pagett, Eliza	226B
Pruett, Will F.	226B
Milner, John P.	226B
Wiley, Julius	226B
Zimmerman, George	226B
Pickering, Hubert	226B
Dickerson, James	226B
Lofton, Will	226B
Pickering, James	226B
Pagitt, Robert M.	227A
Foster, Willie H.	227A
Morris, Elizbaeth J.	227A
Dickerson, Tomas O.	227A
Dickerson, Robert R.	227A
Like, George W.	227A
Morris, Ewill	227A
Moffett, Joseph G.	227A
Stroud, Robert A.	227A
Simpson, (unreadable)	227A
Baskin, Mira	227A
(unreadable), Merlin T.	227A
Jackson, Tamie	227A
Samson, Alfronzo	227B
Dickerson, Dan H.	227B
Simpson, Starky B.	227B
Baskin, William L.	227B
Smith, Samuel L.	227B
Robinson, Sarra	227B
Snowden, John H.	227B
Howerton, Henry	227B
Howerton, Mo???	227B
Baley, Robert B.	227B
Miller, Warren	227B
Davis, Roxie	228A
Warren, Zettie	228A
Mills, Earl	228A
Anderson, Patience	228A
Washington, George	228A
Miller, (unreadable)	228A
Miller, Alford	228A
Willingham, Robert d.	228A
Warren, Andy	228A
Porter, Jessie	228A
Moore, Jim	228A
Williams, (unreadable)	228A
Smith, Nathan	228A
Waker, (unreadable) M.	228A
(unreadable) Jewel	228B
Holmes, Wade H.	228B
Shirey, Elisha W.	228B
Shelton, Marthy R.	228B
(unreadable), Lucrery	228B
Webster, Young L.	228B
(unreadable) James H.	228B
(unreadable) Robert A.	228B
Warren, Charley	228B
Garner, George A.	228B
Griffith, Georgia	228B
Garner, Charles E.	228B
Miller, John	228B
Thomas, Eliza	228B
Anderson, George	228B
Campbell, Mary D.	228B
Davis, Billie	228B
Burks, Rob	229A
Lang, Mattis	229A
Davis, Kilis?	229A
Gipson, Hillary	229A
Burks, Willie	229A
Jones, William	229A
Smith, Tennie	229A
Redman, Ora	229A
Jones, John W.	229A
Diroffelle, Millard H.	229A
Johnson, Lizzie	229A
Kellie, Will	229A
Stephens, Fred	229B
Burks, Tom A.	229B
Wesner, (unreadable)	229B
Cooper, Mat	229B
Hamilton, Frank A.	229B
Redding, Jim M.	229B
Parrott, John	229B
Bacon, Alford H.	229B
Wats, Albert S.	229B
Burks, William	230A
Hodge, JOhn	230A
Pickett, Robert	230A
Warren, Will	230A
Wats, Mary	230A
Galoway, Susie	230A
(unreadable) William	230A
Freeman, Major	230A
Murphy, Sam	230A
Killingsworth, Dan	230A
Galoway, (unreadable)	230A
(unreadable) Turner M.	230A
Lane, (unreadable)	230A
Lane, Bennie	230A
Wofford, John H.	230A
Wood, Jim	230A
Wofford, (unreadable)	230B
Gipson, Mandy	230B
Jones, Dock	230B
Newill, Willie	230B
(unreadable)	230B
(unreadable)	230B
Cecil, Johnie	230B
Dunn, Bill	230B

Perry, James	230B
Farmer, (unreadale)	230B
Hery, Will	230B
Buford, Jack	230B
McDonald, Mart	230B
Shackleford, (unreadable)	230B
Campbell, Hendrix	230B
Henderson, Robert	230B
McDonald, Richie	231A
Henderson, William	231A
Ewells, Thomas	231A
Butler, Francis	231A
Butler, John	231A
McDonald, Ned	231A
Forest, Lon	231A
Stephens, Angy	231A
George, Nappy?	231A
Ross, Wyat	231A
Ross, George	231A
Small, Jasper	231A
Smith, Jane	231A
White, Della	231A
Ross, Earlie	231A
Thomas, Lane	231A
Davis, Willie	231A
Stephens, Annie	231A
Woods, John	231B
Harvest?, Jim	231B
Smith, Pete	231B
Shackleford, Jim	231B
Shackleford, Sam	231B
Turner, Harris?	231B
Turner, Jonnie	231B
McDowell, Frank	231B
Tindel, James B.	231B
Johnson, Jeff D.	231B

Transcribed by Holli Boone Kees Click to see Holli's obit

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