Henderson County, Texas

If you have any information pretaining to any bible records please contact
Laura Gregory Roberts.
We are accepting photos, transcriptions, directions, veterans info and histories of the cemeteries.
So if you have information that you would like to share, please email with the info.
Over the years we have lost many of our old cemeteries.
At one time we had had over 170 cemeteries (public, private and family), now only a fraction of these remain.
Some of the old cemeteries are renamed now, we've tried to include all the names these cemeteries were once known by.


Excerpts from William J. and Ann Gentry Family Bible

Bible includes other family names of; Burke, Moore, Mitcham and Tanner

Note: These are entries from the William J. and Ann Gentry family Bible.

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very long load time
please be patient.
Well worth the wait.

Bible pages courtesy of Anthony Gentry Riddlesperger

Bible Records of Henderson County

Henderson County TXGenWeb Project

TXGenWeb Project 

USGenWeb Project

This site is owned and maintained bythe Henderson Co. TXGenWeb County Coordinator. Contents of this site have been gathered from many sources and transcribed records. Therefore, errors may occur. When in doubt as to the accuracy of data contained herein, website is for your personal use only. All pages, go to the actual records yourself. The information contained in this compilations, transcriptions and abstracts are protected by copyright law and may not be published in whole or in part without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster.

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