Smyrna Cemetery
Thanks go to the Smyrna Cemetery Association for the use of their burial
Updated April 2010
Smyrna Cemetery Association
292 Smyrna Cutoff
Diana, TX 75640
"Annual Meeting, 1st Saturday in May @ 10:45 AM".
Thanks to Jimmie Chatham for the information in
navy blue.
Thanks to Maribeth Buce for the use of her pictures.
Cemetery Plats:
These are scans of the actual section plats so they will be
slower to load.
The plats can also be viewed at the cemetery.
Veterans Buried in Smyrna Cemetery
Unmarked Graves List
For locating a grave site by surname or by location ID:
1 Understanding the "Location ID"
Example Location ID = 1P4/12 (for OLD Sect. 1)
1 = Cemetery Section or Part No. (currently
one of 3)
P = Block No. (from Blk. Chart &
round granite markers)
4 = Row No.
/12 = Space or Grave No.
Section 1 is the OLD Section.
"P" borders; Blk. "Q & K",
North fence & driveway
Row numbers start at bottom of blk. (N.E. Corner),
facing west, then next row number will be #2, #3, etc., going west
Space No.; may be Available (open), Reserved,
Occupied, Unknown, Unavailable
Spaces are numbered north to south, or right to
left, facing west, beginning at the north end of each row number
on the block
Use Block Chart to help locate the block corners
with the 3" round granite markers at ground level
Example Location ID = 2B16/02 (for Sect. 2 & 3)
2 = Cemetery Section or Part No. (currently
one of 3)
B = Block No. (from Blk. Chart &
round granite markers)
16 = Lot No. (either a 12' X 25' or
24' X 25' Lot)
/02 = Space or Grave No.
Section 2 is east of main driveway to church &
As on Sect. 2 & 3 block chart
As on Sect. 2 & 3 block chart
Either 5 or 10 spaces per lot
2. Block Charts
a. Sect. 1 is the Old Section - Use
11" X 17" chart for OLD sect. to locate the Block No.
b. Sect. 2 is east of the Old Section
- Use 11" X 17" chart for Sect. 2 (or II) to locate the
Block No. & Lot No. wanted
c. Sect. 3 is east of Sect. 2 &
west of new roadway to the covered Assembly Building - Use 11"
X 17" chart for Sect. 3 (or III)
to locate
the Block No. & Lot No. wanted. Lot No. same as Row No.
in Sect. 1. Then the graves or spaces are numbered
left to right
facing west.
3. Grave Markers or Reserved and Open Spaces
a. In Sect. 1 (Old Sect.), rows start
at the first row of round stone markers at the N.E. corner of the
block, then west.
Graves or spaces
are numbered right to left (north to south), looking west, then
start at No. 1 again on next row.
b. In Sect. 2 & 3, graves or spaces
are numbered left to right, looking west, in an individual Lot (or
row). There
are 5 spaces
in a lot, except the one double lot (in each Sect. 1 & 2), these
are numbered 1 to 5 & 6 to 10.
4. Locating a gravesite by surname
Determine or find the "Location
ID" from the "sorted" list. See Understanding
the Location ID in #1 above.
Then go to the cemetery site as shown
by the Location ID, such as to physically look at the gravemarker
or stone.
5. Locating a gravesite by Location ID from
Determine or find the "Location
ID" from the "un-sorted list". See Understanding
the Location ID in #1 above.
Then go to the cemetery site as shown
by the Location ID, such as to physically check out the space or