Hansford County, TXGenWeb

1900 Federal Census

I had to cut off the right side of this table so it would fit on a web page but it was so far out of alignment, I couldn't figure out in which columns the data was supposed to be.
1 1 1 Tyler S.C. head W M Jun 57 42 M 16 Massachutus Massachutus Massachutus Stock Ranch
2 Tyler Marie C. wife W F Sept 62 37 M 16 5 4 Massachutus New Hamshire Massachutus
3 Tyler Mary A. daughter W F Feb 85 15 S Massachutus Massachutus Massachutus
4 Tyler Ethel M. daughter W F Feb 87 13 S Massachutus Massachutus Massachutus
5 Tyler Oliver S. son W M Mar 90 10 S Texas Massachutus Massachutus
6 Tyler Fanny S. daughter W F Oct 93 6 S Texas Massachutus Massachutus
7 Austin George P. servant W M Jun 78 21 M 2 Ohio New York Ohio horseler
8 Austin Maud P. servant W F Dec 79 20 M 2 0 0 Kansas Mississippi Missourri servant
9 Conly William E. laborer W M Feb 77 23 S Texas Mississippi Missourri stock herder
10 2 2 Longenecker Chap F. head W M Oct 72 27 S Missouri Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia stock herder
11 Longenecker James E. brother W M Nov 79 20 S Missouri Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia stock herder
12 Longenecker Edward A. brother W M April 81 19 S Missouri Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia stock herder
13 McCain John laborer W M Jan 77 23 S Arkansas UN UN stock herder
14 3 3 Katterman George head W M Dec 44 55 M 28 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia stock herder
15 Katterman Rebecca P. wife W F Sept 50 49 M 28 5 5 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia
16 Katterman Frank E. son W M Jan 73 27 S Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia grocery salesman
17 Katterman William J. son W M Aug 76 23 S Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia stock herder
18 Katterman Charles E. son W M Oct 83 16 S Illinois Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia stock herder
19 Katterman Effie M. daughter W F Jan 86 14 S Illinois Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia
20 Katterman Ida L. daughter W F May 90 10 S Oklahoma Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia
21 4 4 Martin James A. head W M June 60 39 M 13 Texas Arkansas Arkansas stock trader
22 Martin Mollie E. wife W F Aprl 67 33 M 13 5 5 Texas Tennasee North Carolina
23 Martin Blanch daughter W F Nov 87 12 S Texas Texas Texas
24 Martin Allen T. son W M Aug 89 10 S Texas Texas Texas
25 Martin James F. son W M Jan 91 9 S Texas Texas Texas
26 Martin Cynthia W. daughter W F Mar 93 7 S Texas Texas Texas
27 Martin Maria J. daughter W F Mar 1900 2/12 S Texas Texas Texas
28 5 5 McCrea Clayton head W M July 59 40 M 13 Ohio Ohio Ohio farm & stock
29 McCrea Clara L. wife W F Dec 60 39 M 13 2 1 England England Ireland x x
30 McCrea Grace L. daughter W F July 89 10 S Texas Ohio England 7
31 Herman Edwin laborer W M May 60 40 S Colorado Canadia Canadia farm labor
32 6 6 Cator James A. head W M Sept 52 47 M 13 Ireland England Ireland 71 29 na stock raiser
33 Cator Edith wife W F Nov 64 35 M 13 3 3 England England England 87 13
34 Cator Edith M. daughter W F Mar 89 11 S Texas Ireland England
35 Cator Lowie daughter W F Dec 90 9 S Texas Ireland England
36 Cator James F. son W M Jan 95 5 S Texas Ireland England
37 Rafferty Barney laborer W M Mar 72 28 S Kansas Ireland Ireland farm labor
38 7 7 Cator Bertie O. head W M Mar 63 37 M 0* England England Ireland x x x stock herder
39 Cator Vina wife W F Feb 68 32 M 0* 0 n Kansas Germany Germany
40 8 8 McKay Guy A. head W M Oct 66 33 M 11 Massachutus Scotland Massachutus farm & stock
41 McKay Allie wife W F May 70 30 M 11 3 3 Indiania Indiania Ohio
42 McKay Donald son W M May 91 9 S Texas Massachutus Indiania
43 McKay Hugh R. son W M Dec 93 6 S Texas Massachutus Indiania
44 McKay Alvina M. daughter W F June 97 2 S Texas Massachutus Indiania
45 Cox Cassia E. servant W F Jan 80 20 wd 0 0 Missouri Illinois Missourri servant
46 Redgrave Robert N. laborer W M Sept 75 24 S England England England 87 13 na farm labor
47 Mattoon Will F. laborer W M Nov 79 10 S South Dakota New York New York farm labor
48 9 9 Jones David C. head W M Feb 60 40 M 6 Wales Wales Wales 71 28 farm & stock
49 Jones Jennie wife W F Mar 70 30 M 6 2 2 Kansas Ireland Pennsylvannia
50 Jones David W. son W M Aug 96 3 S Texas Wales Kansas
51 Jones Thomas E. son W M Oct 98 1 S Texas Wales Kansas
52 Connet Roy E. laborer W M Nov 75 24 S Indiania Pennsylvania Indiania farm labor
53 Pennock William laborer W M Oct 78 21 S Kansas Kansas Kansas Stock herder
54 McGee Edna M. boarder W F Aprl 80 20 S Texas Texas Illinois School Teacher
55 10 10 Jones Joseph W. head W M Nov 61 38 M 14 Wales Wales Wales 71 28 na Stock Raiser
56 Jones Bena wife W F Oct 66 33 M 14 3 2 Pennsylvania Germany Germany
57 Jones Joseph P. son W M Mar 92 8 S Texas Wales Pennsylvannia
58 Jones Gwenfred A. daughter W F Dec 94 5 S Texas Wales Pennsylvannia
59 Ward Leroy laborer W M Mar 83 17 S Missoiuri Virginia Virginia stock herder
60 Woodward Cleveland A. laborer W M June 76 23 S Georgia North Carolina South Carolina farm labor
61 Ward Sidney B. laborer W M Sept 81 18 S Arkansas Virginia Virginia farm labor
62 11 11 Wortenbee Jay W. head W M June 60 39 M 12 Iowa Indiania Indiania Prairie dog
63 Conner Benjamin F. laborer W M July 80 19 S New Hampshire New Hampshire New Hampshire Poisen dogs
64 Iles William l aborer W M Sept 74 25 S Illinois Kentucky Kentucky Poisening
65 Bressler John W. laborer W M Nov 80 19 S Colorado Illinois Illinois Poisening
66 12 12 Cator Leslie S. head W M Jan 62 39 M 6 England England Ireland 82 18 na Stock Raiser
67 Cator Bessie wife W F Nov 72 27 M 6 2 2 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia
68 Cator Josie daughter W F Feb 95 5 S Texas England Pennsylvannia
69 Cator Alvina M. daughter W F Oct 97 3 S Texas England Pennsylvannia
70 Cator Charles son W M Jan 82 18 S England England England Stock Herder
71 13 13 Hollowell Alf P. head W M May 77 23 M 2 Kansas New York Kentucky Health Seeker
72 Coppits Charles W. Partner W M Sept 80 19 S Kansas Ohio Illinois Health Seeker
73 14 14 Chappell Henry O. head W M May 64 36 M 1 10/12 England England England 83 17 na Stock Herder
74 Chappell Cordelia wife W F July 79 29 M 1 10/12 1 1 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia
75 Donaldson James J B. in Law W M Aprl 75 25 S Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia Stock Herder
76 Chappell Samuel J. son W M Mar 99 1 S Texas England Pennsylvannia
77 15 15 Henson James head W M Aprl 66 34 M 6 Texas Texas Texas Stock Raiser
78 Henson Rosie C. wife W F Nov 70 29 M 6 4 4 Ireland Ireland Ireland
79 Henson Margaret A. daughter W F Sept 94 5 S Texas Texas Ireland
80 Henson Rosie M. daughter W F Feb 96 4 S Texas Texas Ireland
81 Henson Evaleen G. daughter W F June 97 2 S Texas Texas Ireland
82 Henson Asa L. son W M May 99 1 S Texas Texas Ireland
83 Hunt Mary A. servant W F Jan 81 19 S Kansas Ireland Kansas Servant
84 McQuillan Thomas R. B. in Law W M Dec 67 32 S Ireland Ireland Ireland Photographer
85 16 16 Ward Gustaus head W M Oct 60 39 M 5 Virginia Virginia Virginia Stock Raiser
86 Ward Ada B. wife W F Mar 75 25 M 5 0 o Illinois Illinois Illinois
87 Kield Cohular ? laborer W M Jul 79 20 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Day Labor
1 17 17 Langston Wilticome H. head W M Nov 69 30 M 6 Missouri Missouri Missourri Physition
2 Langston Frownie ? wife W F Aprl 69 31 M 6 2 2 Missoui Tennasee Tennasee
3 Langston Clara A daughter W F May 95 5 S Missouri Missouri Missourri
4 Langston name erased son W M Jul 97 2 S Missouri Missouri Missourri
5 18 18 Ward Ballard head W M Jan 36 64 M 41 Virginia Virginia Virginia Grocery Merchant
6 Ward Sallie F. wife W F Nov 40 59 M 41 6 5 Virginia Virginia Virginia
7 19 19 McKay Wallace head W M Oct 68 31 M 4 Massachutus Scotland Massachutus Stock Raiser
8 McKay Mary J. wife W F May 77 23 M 4 2 2 Indiania Indiania Indiania
9 McKay Margaret A. daughter W F Feb 97 3 S Oklahoma Massachutus Indiania
10 McKay Guy A. son W M Nov 98 1 S Kansas Massachutus Indiania
11 Hughs Essa P servant W F Jan 77 23 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky servant
12 Thompson Charles J laborer W M Feb 69 31 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Farm Labor
13 Donaldson John laborer W M July 79 20 S Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvannia Stock herder
14 Thompson Robert W. laborer W M Feb 76 24 S Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Stock herder
15 20 20 Crosby Nelson B. head W M June 71 28 M 5 Massachutus Massachutus Massachutus Stock Raiser
16 Crosby Cora T. wife W F Aprl 74 26 M 5 1 1 Massachutus Main Main
17 Crosby Pauline K daughter W F May 98 2 S Massachutus Massachutus Massachutus
18 21 21 Powers Ace E. head W M June 52 47 M 21 Mississippi North Carolina Mississippi Stock Raiser
19 Powers Ida A. wife W F Aprl 62 38 M 21 6 6 Illinois Kentucky Kentucky
20 Powers Lizzie M. Daughter W F Aprl 81 19 S Texas Mississippi Illinois
21 Powers Inez A. Daughter W F Mar 83 18 S Texas Mississippi Illinois
22 Powers Claudie C. Son W M Oct 85 14 S New Mexico Mississippi Illinois
23 Powers Adolphus E. Son W M Jan 87 12 S New Mexico Mississippi Illinois
24 Powers Sidney F. Son W M May 90 10 S New Mexico Mississippi Illinois
25 Powers Douglas H. Son W M Jan 97 3 S Texas Mississippi Illinois
26 Spicer George W. Laborer W M Dec 79 20 S Missouri Illinois Kentucky farm labor
27 Bellah Charles A. Laborer W M May 65 35 S California Missouri Illinois stock herder
28 22 22 Curtis Zenas A. head W M Dec 57 42 M 21 Texas Ohio Kentucky Stock Raiser
29 Curtis Mary F. wife W F Sept 60 39 M 21 4 4 Kansas Missouri Missouri
30 Curtis Gentina A. daughter W F May 83 17 S New Mexico Texas Kansas
31 Curtis Ella M. daughter W F Oct 84 15 S NM Texas Kansas
32 Curtis Lowes? daughter W F May 86 14 S NM Texas Kansas
33 Curtis James R. son W M Nov 95 4 S Texas Texas Kansas
34 McComb William laborer W M Feb 78 22 S Kansas Pennsylvania New York Farm Labor
35 Land Thomas Partner W M Jan 70 30 S England England England 90 10 na Stock Trader
36 23 23 Atkins George head W M Jan 68 32 S Scotland Scotland Scotland 92 8 pa Stock Raiser
37 Oliver Vivian G. laborer W M Aprl 81 19 S England England England 99 1 * Day Labor
38 Chambers Frank M. laborer W M June 82 17 S Illinois England Illinois Stock Herder
39 24 24 Mulock Ira P. head W M Nov 58 41 M 18 New Yorik New York New York Stock Raiser
40 Mulock Carrie E. wife W F Feb 60 40 M 18 4 3 Illinois New Jersy Illinois
41 Mulock James son W M May 83 17 S Colorado New York Illinois Stock Herder
42 Mulock Chancy O. son W M Jan 90 10 S Colorado New York Illinois at School
43 Mulock Harry P. son W M Nov 94 5 S Old Mexico New York Illinois
44 Mulock Hellen H. Mother W F Aug 36 63 Wd New York New York New York
45 Scott John B. laborer W M Mar 76 24 S England England England Stock Herder
46 Horn Levi laborer W M Mar 75 25 S Iowa Indiania Indiania Stock Herder
47 Hallock Walter L. laborer W M Feb 76 24 S New York New York New York Stock Herder
48 25 25 Doyle Howard head W M Feb 61 39 M 7 Missouri Kentucky Ohio Tax Assessor
49 Doyle Katie wife W F Feb 72 29 M 7 3 3 Missouri Ireland Ireland
50 Doyle Benice daughter W F July 94 5 S California Missouri Missouri
51 Doyle Daphne daughter W F Oct 96 3 S Missouri Missouri Missouri
52 Doyle Dorathy daughter W F Dec 98 1 S Missouri Missouri Missouri
1 26 26 Wilson David J. head W M Jan 68 32 S Canadia Canadia England 74 26 na Stock Raiser
2 Shaoalia William boarder W M Sept 43 46 M 15 Fr. Canadian Fr. Canadian Fr. Canadian 61 39 na Silver Miner
3 27 27 Wright Frank F. head W M Feb 57 43 M 12 Missouri Kentucky Kentucky Stock Raiser
4 Wright Josie H. wife W F Feb 67 33 M 12 3 3 Sweeden Sweeden Sweeden 80 20
5 Wright Edna A daughter W F June 88 11 S Kansas Missouri Sweeden
6 Wright Thomas F. son W M Aprl 90 10 S Arkansas Missouri Sweeden
7 Wright Edgar A. son W M Oct 94 5 S Arkansas Missouri Sweeden
8 28 28 Caldwell William E. head W M Dec 55 44 M 18 Pennsylvania UN UN Farm & Stock
9 Caldwell Henryitte L. wife W F Sept 61 38 M 18 4 3 Texas Georgia Texas
10 Caldwell Vernie son W M Sept 85 14 S Texas Pennsylvania Texas Stock Herder
11 Caldwell Simeon son W M Jan 88 12 S Texas Pennsylvania Texas
12 Caldwell Sallie K. daughter W F Sept 94 5 S Texas Pennsylvania Texas
13 29 29 Wright Mellville B. head W M July 51 48 M 23 Missouri Virginia Kentucky Farm & Stock
14 Wright Atasah E. wife W F Dec 58 41 M 23 4 4 Missouri Myrland Ohio
15 Wright Myrtle B. daughter W F July 81 18 S Missouri Missouri Missouri
16 Wright Grace M. daughter W F Oct 83 16 S Missouri Missouri Missouri
17 Wright Ethel B. daughter W F June 90 9 S Texas Missouri Missouri
18 Wright Hazel E. daugher W F June 92 7 S Texas Missouri Missouri
19 Gardner Walter D. laborer W M July 75 24 S Indiania UN Un Farm Labor
20 Horn Ace laborer W M July 78 21 S Kansas Indiania Illinois Stock Herder
21 30 30 Wright James H. head W M Dec 42 57 M 32 Missouri Virginia Kentucky Farm & Stock
22 Wright Mary A. wife W F Dec 52 47 M 32 1 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri
23 Maize Rosy B. S in law W F Oct 72 27 S Missouri Missouri South Carolina
24 Maize Polaskie M. B in law W M May 76 24 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Farm Labor
25 Maize Finas W. B in law W M Feb 80 20 S Missouri Missouri Missouri Stock Herder
26 McFall George servant B M Jan 54 46 Wd Ohio Virginia Virginia Cook
27 31 31 Hungate Thomas W. head W M Feb 56 44 M 11 Arkansas Kentucky Arkansas Farm & Stock
28 Hungate Amanda wife W F Dec 66 33 M 11 1 1 Illinois Indiania Indiania
Copyright © 1999 Lela Evans