As hard as we all try, we are human
and sometimes when reading a cemetery we miss a grave covered with leaves,
fireants, or bushes. Sometimes the headstone has sunk and is mostly underground.
Our area also has many graves only marked with iron ore rocks and even
many unmarked graves. There are headstones that have long ago been destroyed
by the elements or even vandalizm, and are hard to impossible to read
the details. We would appreciate it if you would let us know if you did
not find your relative which was buried here, and would appreciate your
letting us use the information you know about them. With the combined
efforts of us all, we can make the Gregg County website bigger and better.
GABLER, Don Allen
"He was so Special with a Friendly Smile and a Love for People" GAGE, Charles GAGE, Dewey Robert
US Army Air Corps WW II GALLMAN, Allen Eugene
"An Honored Father" GALLMAN, James R.,Sr. GAMMON, James Henry
Mason GAMMONS, Earl Lee
US Navy WW II GANDY, Barbara Sue GANDY, Ruby Wheeler GANN, Haden Latham GANN, Sam Houston GARCIA, Albert Glen GARCIA, Joaquin Oliver
AA US Navy - Vietnam GARCIA, Opal Willeford GARDNER, Annie Mae GARLAND, Douglas Ike
"Our Baby" GARLAND, Edwin G. Jr. GARLAND, Kennie Elizabeth GARNER, C.O. "Speck" GARNER, Esther Louise GARNER, George Earl GARNER, Helen Mackintosh GARNER, Rade GARNER, Walter Leroy GARRETT, Christine M.D.
"Dearest Mother" GARRETT, Mary Ellen GARRISON, Edith May GARRISON, Hugh D. GARRISON, Thelma M. GARVEY, Adam Burney
Tx. Capt. 11 Medical GP AF WW II GARVEY, Minnie Burke GARY, Nora GASWAY, Bob GASWAY, Bobby GASWAY, Johnnie GATES, Cecil M. GATLIN, Austin E. GATLIN, Bruce W. GATLIN, Earl Gordan
Pvt. US Army WW I GATLIN, Felix H. GATLIN, Flora Beddo GATLIN, Gordon A.
Sgt. US Air Force Korea- Vietnam GATLIN, Grace Lundy
age 89; d/o Sam & Cassie Hickey Lundy; w/o Joe Edwin Gatlin GATLIN, Harriett C.
"In Memory Of" GATLIN, Jack H. GATLIN, J. Edwin GATLIN, Russell V.
US Army WW II GATLIN, Walter Kennard GATLIN, William E.
Sgt. US Air Force GATLIN, Wyman B. GATSON, Zerbenetta "Mother"
GAW, Major Durward K.
US Air Force WW II GAW, Kittie Dell GAW, W. Lee GEBHART, Glen B. GEE, Eunice GEE, Floyd Stayton
Ark. Sgt. 86 Infantry 18 Div. WW I GEISLER, Harry Edgar GEISLER, Nancy Leola GEMBELIS, Christos K. GENTRY, Audra GERSON, Rose **Family Stone: GIBSON** GIBSON, Dillia M. GIBSON, Elmer H.
Lt. Col. US Army WW I & WW II GIBSON, John T. Sr. GIESER, Jake GIFFORD, Kitty Loraine GILBERT, Norman D.
"Our Son" GILES, Bowman Lamar
US Air Force WW II GILL, Donald Wayne GILL, Margaret C GILL, Ruth G. GILLCOAT, Frances V.
"Mother" GILLELAND, Roy R. GILLESPIE, Baine Clemmons, Sr.
*Mason GILLISPIE, Claudyne B.
"Mom" GILLISPIE, Leisha Jeanne
"In Loving Memory of Sister, Mother and Friend" GILLESPIE, Nellie Field GILLESPIE, O.B.
1st Lt. US Army WW II GILLEY, Rufus C. GILLILAND, Betty C. GILLILAND, Robert E. "Bob" GILLILAND, Roy L. GILLILAND, Ruby Lee GILLILAND, William H. GILSTRAP, Timothy Chuck
"Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gilstrap" GIVENS, Minnie M. GLAZE, Earl GLAZE, Robert Lowe, D.V.M.
"In Loving Memory" GLAZE, Ruby Dell
"In Loving Memory" GLOSSUP, Evalyn W.
"Aunt, Sister" GLOVER, Austin T.
Tx. Private US Army WW I GLOVER, Austin T. Jr. 1st Lt. US Army - Korea GLOVER, Davis GLOVER, Gay Fulton GLOVER, Horace G.
MSGT US Marine Corps - Vietnam GLOVER, Joseph H. GLOVER, Lena Mae GLOVER, Margaret S.
"Wife of Dr. A.T. Glover" GOAR, Walter R. GODFREY, Vella Corinne
obit; age 92; d/o
Dr & Mrs George Shields; w/o Frank Edwin Godfrey Jr GODWIN, L.C. GODWIN, Virginia Mae GOETTLE, Elizabeth Ruthven
d/o Douglas J & Florence D Jarrett Ruthven; w/o Walter H Goettle GOINS, Georgie Lucille Shadoin
age 81 GOLEMAN, Clendon B.
"Daddy" HA 1 US Navy WW II GOLLER, George R. GOODGAME, Anna Bonneau
"Beloved Wife and Mother" GOODGAME, Carl J. GOODGAME, Carlyle
"Papa" GOODIN, Nellie Z.
"Sister" GOODJOIN, Annie May GOODJOIN, Bondu GOODJOIN, Joseph Benson GOODNIGHT, Opal Perry GOODNIGHT, Walter Alvin GOODRICH, Elmer D.
Tx. Sgt. BTRY A Field Arty. WW I GOODWIN, Gordon R. GORDON, Viola GORMAN, James Francis GOYNE, Arlie V. GOYNE, Amy Wise GRACE, Lawrence
"A Devoted Father" GRACE, Robert M. GRAETER, Russell M. GRAFF, Jack E.
US Navy WW II - Korea GRAHAM, C. T. (Jack) GRAHAM, James Conrad
Tx. MOMM1 US NR WW II GRAHAM, Hilda GRAVES, Carroll Otis GRAVES, Hazel B GRAY, Benjamin F. Jr. "Pete"
"Daddy" US Navy WW II GRAY, Bettina Jane GRAY, Betty C. GRAY, Charles S. US Navy
WW II GRAY, James Danny II
"I Pray the Lord my Soul to Keep" GRAY, Marion L. GREEN, Alvin A.
"Possum" "Have Faith in God" GREEN, Chester Albert
TEC 4 US Army WW II GREEN, Doyle
"Dad" S2 US Navy WW II GREEN, Durene GREEN, Frances K. GREEN, Harold M.
SSgt. Army-Air Forces GREEN, John
"Rest in Peace" GREEN, Lane Arden GREEN, Paul C.
"In Loving Memory" GREENE, Harold M.
SSgt. Army Air Forces GREENE, Ila Eaker GREENE, Kenneth Dale
Illinois Pvt. 1st Class - Vietnam GREENE, Gerald M.Jr.
Navy WW II GREER, John E.
US Army GREER, Mark Edward
"Our Beloved Son" GREGG, Allyson Elizabeth GREGG, Delbert GREGG, Doris GREGG, Melvin GREGORY, Alfred GREGORY, Douglas P. GREGORY, Macie GREGORY, Paula Denise
D/o Marshall and Paulette Gregory GREGORY, Rubye C. "Beloved
Wife & Mother" GRIFFIN, Berneice GRIFFIN, Dennis W. US Army GRIFFIN, Mary L. GRIFFIN, Pauline Middleton
"Mother" GRIFFIN, Tonya Lynn GRIFFIN, Treasa Ann GRIFFIN, William Dennis GRIFFIS, Susan Rebecca
"Departed to be with God" "Thy Rest is Won" GRIFFITH, Betty Calvin
Daughters of the American Revolution Insignia GRIFFITH, Earl Calvin GRIFFITH, Leon Earl GRIFFITH, Nettie Cobb GRIFFITH, Thomas E. GRIFFIN, Margaret E. GRIFFIN, Maud "Sister" GRIGSBY, Blanche Mitchell GRISSOM, Lowrence Birdsong GRISSOM, Opha Hamilton GRONEMAN, Hubert Henry GRONEMAN, Ida Sinclair GROSS, Edgar L. GROSS, Eleanor D. GRUPE, Bessie Marie GRUPE, Julius B. GUINN, Betty June "The
Lord is My Shepherd" GURLEY, Edgar C.
"In Loving Memory" GUTHRIDGE, Billie K. Ferguson GUTHRIE, Mary S. |
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