Foard County Births - 1937

Last Name    First Name Middle, Suff  Birthdate   Sex  Mother                          Father                        County

Adams        Hugh       Mathew        12-10-1937   M   Rosa Jane Pullin                Hugh Mathew Adams             Foard
Adell        Sammie     Joe Wayne      7-16-1937   M   Ethel Farmer                    William Chester Adell         Foard
Athey        Elza       Allen         11-17-1937   M   Lola May Bias                   Elza Addison Athey            Foard
Bagley       Darwin     Gean           5-31-1937   M   Ruth Pauley                     Joe Barley Bagley             Foard
Black        Peggy      Joyce          3-26-1937   F   Velma Lois Lawson               Thos. F. Black                Foard
Blair        James      Aubrey         2-11-1937   M   Cressa Mae Brown                Elmer Coy Blair               Foard
Borchardt    Winnie     Charlene        3-7-1937   F   Winnie Inez Anderson            John Carl Borchardt           Foard
Bradford     James                     9-20-1937   M   Lola May Foster                 Ralph J. Bradford             Foard
Briscoe      James      Elvis          1-25-1937   M   Dorothy Louise Ford             Cordie Clester Briscoe        Foard
Brown        Bonita     May             8-9-1937   F   Ethel Bell                      Jodie M. Brown                Foard
Burks        Martha     Preble         8-19-1937   F   Oleta Mckenny                   Lewis T. Burks                Foard
Carroll      Neita      June           1-30-1937   F   Venita Hall                     Claudius M. Carroll           Foard
Carter       Billy      Don             2-2-1937   M   Pearl Crane                     Lester Ray Carter             Foard
Chatfield    Milton     Bobby          8-22-1937   M   Vira Lorice Norman              Fremont Rowell Chatfield      Foard
Crane        Silvia     Lee            11-4-1937   F   Oma Hough                       Alvin Lee Crane               Foard
Cummings     E.         J.            11-20-1937   M   Oleta Maxine Wallen             E. J. Cummings                Foard
Davidson     George     Hines          5-18-1937   M   Tura May Beatty                 Richard Lemuel Davidson       Foard
Davis        Robert     Foster         4-24-1937   M   Julie Elizabeth Pickett         Robert Foster Davis           Foard
Denton       Gerald     Wayne          10-7-1937   M   Bessie Steel                    Ira J. Denton                 Foard
Fergeson     Harold     Ray             9-1-1937   M   Eva Inez Johnson                Henry Thomas Fergeson         Foard
Ford         Carolyn    Sue           11-30-1937   F   Addie Beth Bagley               William W. Ford               Foard
French       Anna       Minerva       10-12-1937   F   Pauline Rogers                  Floyd French                  Foard
Gaines       Ramona     Fay            11-7-1937   F   Dewella Lockett                 Will Gaines                   Foard
Gann         Zella                     7-29-1937   F   Willis Maurine Bostic           Louis Louelen Gann            Foard
Garcia       Jose                      7-10-1937   M   Virginia Marcia                 Donicio Garcia                Foard
Glover       Larry      Paul           3-31-1937   M   Bennie Meason                   Lawrence Powell Glover        Foard
Graves       Gordon     Thomas         1-13-1937   M   Dannie Louise Pegues            Charles Grady Graves          Foard
Gray         Ray        Eugene         8-11-1937   M   Lucy May Greening               Meddie Thomas Gray            Foard
Green        Kenneth    Lee            1-25-1937   M   Loree Davis                     Herman William Green          Foard
Greening     Charles    Kenneth       12-25-1937   M   Reba Messick                    Charles Edward Greening       Foard
Gregory      John       Clark          7-25-1937   M   Naomi Langley                   Madison Ivan Gregory          Foard
Halencak     Louise     Theresa       11-23-1937   F   Louise Michola                  Charlie Halencak              Foard
Hargrove     Patsey     Chloretha       6-4-1937   F   Saphronia Katherine Daniels     Elija Columbus Hargrove       Foard
Hollen       Annie      Jo              3-7-1937   F   Rubye Mae Polk                  Wilfred Ennis Hollen          Foard
Houck        Gerald     Lee           11-21-1937   M   Ruby Ellen Howard               Roy Lee Houck                 Foard
Hough        Theda      Lynn           8-12-1937   F   Roxie Dean Robertson            Thomas Robert Hough           Foard
Howard       Arnold     Agan           11-5-1937   M   Susie Mae Agan                  Henry Howard                  Foard
Hrabal       Geraldine  Gladys        12-14-1937   F   Stella Machac                   Henry Fred Hrabal             Foard
Hungate      Charles    Ray             8-5-1937   M   Minnie May Collins              Ferriell Henry Hungate        Foard
Huskey       Jimmey     Dean           7-12-1937   M   Bedie Railsback                 James Denison Huskey          Foard
Ingle        Sandra     Joy             4-8-1937   F   Geneva Frances Blevana          Carl L. Ingle                 Foard
Johnson      Joe        Van            4-18-1937   M   Fannie M. Shultz                 ***Do Not Issue***           Foard
Johnson      Jimmie     Patterson     12-17-1937   M   Ada Cordia Patterson            John Henry Johnson            Foard
Jones        Lee        Allen          2-15-1937   M   Nellie Precilla Carroll         Elry Jones                    Foard
Jones        Billie     Don             3-1-1937   M   Joyce Pigg                      William Albert Jones          Foard
Kidd         Melvin     Don           10-10-1937   M   Joan Solomon                    Ewing Wilson Kidd             Foard
Kincaid      Robert     Merl            3-9-1937   M   Eva Nois Todd                   Joe Merl Kincaid              Foard
Kincaid      Frances    Elizabeth       3-9-1937   F   Eva Nois Todd                   Joe Merl Kincaid              Foard
Knox         Gerry      Thomas         2-25-1937   M   Mary Edna Bursey                Gerald Thomas Knox            Foard
Leijas       Joel                      8-26-1937   M   Ricarda Salas                   Luz Leijas                    Foard
Litten       Shirley    Marie          9-21-1937   F   Blance Josephine Bowers         James Albert Litten           Foard
Lowson       Robert     Keith          7-17-1937   M   Ruth Bowers                     Tom E. Lowson                 Foard
Marlow       Soby       Lou            1-15-1937   F   Zee Minyard                     W. F. Marlow                  Foard
Marlow       Cloyce     Lynn           4-17-1937   M   Marjorie Marlow                 Oscar Marlow                  Foard
Mathis       Hugh       Erwin          12-2-1937   M   Ruby Trammell                   Carroll C. Mathis             Foard
Mc Curley    Weldon     K.            11-18-1937   M   Jewel Belle Dunn                Doyle W. Mc Curley            Foard
Mcbeath      Lindel                    10-2-1937   M   Florence Bell                   Homer Marcus Mcbeath          Foard
Mccoy        Billye     Lee            1-28-1937   F   Esther Leila Carroll            Ralph Mccoy                   Foard
Mcdaniel     Charles    Thomas         8-29-1937   M   Bernice Schlagal                William Edward Mcdaniel       Foard
Mckinley     Lowell     , Jr.          8-12-1937   M   Ollie May Smith                 Lowell Mckinley               Foard
Morris       Edward     Lynn           9-24-1937   M   Opal Canup                      Roy Lois Morris               Foard
Murphy       Wanda      Jealean        6-26-1937   F   Emily Ellen Reinhardt           Jack Henry Murphy             Foard
Nalls        Mildred    Lee             3-6-1937   F   Willie Bell Foster              Benjamin R. Nalls             Foard
Nelson       Merle      Lynn            8-7-1937   M   Bertha Lee Slapp                Oscar Henry Nelson            Foard
Patton       Edna       Helen          12-5-1937   F   Dora May Gray                   Clifton Patton                Foard
Pechacek     Albin      George        10-23-1937   M   Nellie Briscoe                  Albin Pechacek                Foard
Pierce       Mildred    Josephine      8-21-1937   F   Goldie Mildred Birsco           Porter Hammons Pierce         Foard
Pittman      Dorothy    Irene         12-10-1937   F   Ethel Emfinger                  Walter Pittman                Foard
Porter       Thelma     Nadene          9-4-1937   F   Eura Novie Odell                Alfred Pinkney Porter         Foard
Rader        Billy      John            5-7-1937   M   Cora Belle Fergeson             John Milburn Rader            Foard
Rae          Arden      Edward        10-31-1937   M   Marie Basinger                  James Edward Rae              Foard
Rashaw       Mae        Helen          4-18-1937   F   Agnes Smith                     Isac V. Rashaw,Jr.            Foard
Rodgers      Jimmie     Edward         3-31-1937   M   Evie Odell Wallace              Charley Edward Rodgers        Foard
Ruthmager    Catherine  Ann            5-19-1937   F   Laura Lorake                    Geo. W. Ruthmager             Foard
Rutledge     Donald     Dwain           7-9-1937   M   Loma D. Felty                   Grady Rutledge                Foard
Shultz       Nanshe                    5-16-1937   F   Annie Wood                      G. A. Schultz                 Foard
Shultz       Leonard    Evander        6-11-1937   M   Opal Cato                       David M. Shultz               Foard
Singleton    Doris      Virginia       12-3-1937   F   Hazel Davis                     O. E. Singleton               Foard
Spears       Charles    Elton           2-7-1937   M   Lorene Gray                     Cleo Gains Spears             Foard
Stone        Thomas     Lewis          1-15-1937   M   Nancy Lena Lewis                Lewis Henry Stone             Foard
Suits        Kenneth    Wayne           4-7-1937   M   Hathe Fortner                   Charles M. Suits              Foard
Talent       Nedra      June           5-13-1937   F   Mattie Corine Teal              Troy Talent                   Foard
Thomson      Karl       Wayne         10-11-1937   M   Loys Fox                        Henry Earl Thomson            Foard
Townsend     Patsy                     6-13-1937   F   Clotilde Fox                    Carl A. Townsend              Foard
Trammell     Peggy      Charlene       10-2-1937   F   Thelma Lee Green                Riley W. Trammell             Foard
Traweek      John       Boggs          11-4-1937   M   Ruby Cox                        Rex Traweek                   Foard
Vasser       Elmer                     10-6-1937   M   Leola Jinkens                   John Vasser                   Foard
Vasser       Thelma                    10-6-1937   F   Leola Jinkens                   John Vasser                   Foard
Vessell      Thomas     Ray            9-28-1937   M   Louise Payne                    Alfred Rufus Vessell          Foard
Vessels      Frances    Ann           11-19-1937   F   Mabel Dunn                      J. T. Vessels                 Foard
Watson       Bonnie     Elizabeth      1-19-1937   F   Bernice Brooks                  Elden George Watson           Foard
White        Lena       Fay            2-19-1937   F   Mattie Polk                     Houston White                 Foard
Whitfield    Randall    Linn           9-18-1937   M   Mozetta Middlebrook             Ben F. Whitfield              Foard
Whitley      J.         D.              3-8-1937   M   Dezzie Howard                   Allen D. Whitley              Foard
Wilson       Gordon     Allen          7-20-1937   M   Gladys Pryor                    Baye W. Wilson                Foard
Wisdom       Don        William        3-18-1937   M   Reba Pauline Grimsley           W. M. Wisdom                  Foard
Wishon       Elizabeth  Anne           5-15-1937   F   Charline Banister               Charles Stephens Wishon       Foard
Woodard      Robert                    6-10-1937   M   Lena Lee Clayton                Roy Lee Woodard               Foard
Yeates       Mary       Edna           7-29-1937   F   Texa May Stroud                 Robert Henry Yeates           Foard

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