Last Name First Name Middle, Suffix Birthdate Sex Mother Father County Abston Bobbie Ruth 2-10-1933 F Ruth Elizabeth Grimm Walter Bob Abston Foard Ashcraft Glenise Sue 2-20-1933 F Rebecca Graves C. D. Ashcraft Foard Bailey Nora Joyce 5-22-1933 F Lena Lewis Glover James Virtie Bailey Foard Baldwin David Thurman 1-18-1933 M Lillie Greening Otis Baldwin Foard Barrett Lu Ann 3-3-1933 F Vera L. Davis William D. Barrett Foard Beatty Mattie Charlene 1-19-1933 F Mattie Lou Woolley Charles W. Beatty Foard Benham Bruce Herman 5-27-1933 M Effie Gene Mclaren Bruice H. Benham Foard Benham Richard Loy 7-2-1933 M Mina Walling George Sherman Benham Foard Bias Melbourn Inf Of 12-30-1933 M Helen Byrd Melbourn Bias Foard Black Betty Joe 10-17-1933 F Velma Lois Lawson Thomas F. Black Foard Blair Mary Ann 12-16-1933 F Cressie Mae Brown Elmer Coy Blair Foard Bonsal Dora Fay 10-6-1933 F Nina Taylor Robert Lee Bonsal Foard Booker Louie ,Jr 12-26-1933 M Arline Adair Louie Booker Foard Brigham Joe 12-23-1933 M Gertrude White Wris Brigham Foard Brock Gary Richard 10-4-1933 M Mellie Elizabeth Gorrell Joe Ferrel Brock Foard Brock Robert Gine 11-29-1933 M Beatrice Fergerson John L. Brock Foard Burks Willie Ray 12-18-1933 M Leta Brown Clyde Burks Foard Carroll Edith Lucile 1-17-1933 F Grace Alston Hubert Carroll Foard Carroll Mary Bee 11-3-1933 F Lois Spears H. B. Carroll Foard Carroll Patsy Jean 10-29-1933 F Rosie Lee Mcdaniel Robert Thomas Carroll Foard Cates Rosemary 7-29-1933 F Mildred Mclaughlin George A. Cates Foard Clifford Glenna Louise 9-13-1933 F Ruby Matilda Barry Oren Paul Clifford Foard Coufal Joseph Ray 8-18-1933 M Myrtle Reva Jonas Rudolph J. Coufal Foard Coufal James Ray 8-18-1933 M Myrtle Reva Jonas Rudolph J. Coufal Foard Cravey Billy Wayne 5-7-1933 M Mamie Buzzelle Chatfield Roy C. Cravey Foard Davis Billie Ray 4-17-1933 M Mattie L. Neely Robert Davis Foard Davis Marian 10-27-1933 F Mary Wilmer Guy Willie Davis Foard Davis Jesse ,Jr. 1-29-1933 M Edith Worley Jesse Davis Foard Delgio John 8-20-1933 M Ina Madeia Miloa Delgio Foard Delgio Lupe 8-20-1933 F Ina Madeia Miola Delgio Foard Dirks Alfred Franklin 3-18-1933 M Fay Newberry Harry Joseph Dirks Foard Easley Jacquelynn Ann 5-2-1933 F Frances Blakemore Guy Clifton Easley Foard Edens Max Temple 1-11-1933 M Vonnie Temple Mack Roy Edens Foard Eubanks Charles Wesley 1-1-1933 M Myrtle Tucker Everett John Eubanks Foard Farrar Laverne 1-11-1933 F Gertrude Hudgins S. B. Farrar Foard Fenley George Henry 4-2-1933 M Bettie Tuggle Bert Fenley Foard Fortenberry Richard Hayden 10-7-1933 M Lucile Dodson Richard Hayden Fortenberry Foard Franklin Alva Estella 10-1-1933 F Susie Bell Tye James Edmond Franklin Foard Frazier Wanda Marie 11-5-1933 F Lorean Jordan R. T. Frazier Foard Freudiger Betty Jean 7-21-1933 F Nora Richter William J. Freudiger Foard Ganasa John 11-30-1933 M Luiciana Ranyes John Ganasa Foard Gann Gerald Lewis 7-25-1933 M Maurine Bostiz Lewie L. Gann Foard Garrett William J. Inf Of 9-29-1933 M Juanita Gamble William J. Garrett Foard Garrett Sylvanda May 12-1-1933 F Lillian Deleva Huckeby D. L. Garrett Foard Gates Mary Lee 2-9-1933 F Mozelle Humphrey Dixie Gates Foard Gates Joe Lee 2-9-1933 M Mozelle Humphrey Dixie Gates Foard Gibson Betty Naomia 9-2-1933 F Naomia Fergerson J. W. Gibson Foard Gilbert Troves Bain 11-23-1933 M Ivye May Fish Ira Dee Gilbert Foard Gillette Leona Glenn 11-10-1933 F Lilian Hood Ralph Gillette Foard Greening John Allen 3-7-1933 M Vaneta Vaught Henry Greening Foard Hairston Theo Roy 3-12-1933 M Bertha Durham Ray Hairston Foard Hammonds Martha Marie 9-23-1933 F Lena Emmaline Bond O C Hammonds Foard Hammonds Patsy Ruth 11-11-1933 F Lilian Wilson Gussie Hammonds Foard Harris Thelma Jean 1-23-1933 F Jessie Lee Stout Jessie Thomas Harris Foard Harris John Henry 1-6-1933 M Eula Bunch William T. Harris Foard Hays Joe Dallas 6-7-1933 M Jon Bass Dallas Denver Hays Foard Hensley R. E.,Jr. 1-26-1933 M Gertrude Foard Ralzie E. Hensley Foard Hinkle Lawrence Eugene 5-15-1933 M Dessie E. Johnson Grady Troy Hinkle Foard Hinkle Joyce Marie 8-22-1933 F Lela Aree Phillips Charley C. Hinkle Foard Holland Barbara Lynn 12-11-1933 F Josephine Holland Oscar William Holland Foard Hooper Joyce 1-16-1933 M Lucile Dunn Willard Hooper Foard Howard Bernie E 2-15-1933 F Effie Lee Ira B. Howard Foard Hudgins Charles William 6-5-1933 M Anna Lou Blevins Robert Lee Hudgins Foard Jobe Glenn David 10-10-1933 M Lois Hammonds David Thomas Jobe Foard Johnson Bertha Jeannette 8-23-1933 F Madge Ashford Amer Lafayette Johnson Foard Johnson John Henry Inf Of 9-3-1933 F Ada Cordia John Henry Johnson Foard Johnson John Henry Inf Of 9-3-1933 M Ada Cordia John Henry Johnson Foard Johnson John Henry Inf Of 9-3-1933 F Ada Cordia John Henry Johnson Foard Johnson Billey Carl 1-31-1933 M Jessie Lee Wheeler Oneal Johnson Foard Jones Blanche Geneva 9-9-1933 F Linda Parkhill Oliver H. Jones Foard Jones Glenn Norris 4-10-1933 M Bonnie Louise Norris Glenn Montgomery Jones Foard Jones James 5-7-1933 M Ethel Porter James T. Jones Foard Jurek Rose Louise 1-31-1933 F Rosa Micola Charles Joseph Jurek Foard Kenedy Robert Clark 11-12-1933 M Ethel Simmons Dee Kenedy Foard Lawhon Queva Juanita 9-2-1933 F Wanda Huggins Sam L. Lawhon Foard Lawhorn Charles Farrell 12-31-1933 M Helen Henson Charles C. Lawhorn Foard Ledesma Alversa Inf Of 12-6-1933 F Alversa Ledesma Foard Love Billie Jene 2-6-1933 F Helen Chesser R. Earl Love Foard Mabe Frankie Janelle 5-11-1933 F Ruth Coots F. W. Mabe Foard Marlow Clinton Hubert 10-4-1933 M Marjory Marlow Oscar Marlow Foard Martin Franklin Do Leon 4-9-1933 M Ida E. Scrogins Clarence C. Martin Foard Matthews Norma Jean 11-3-1933 F Johnie Gallup Bert W. Matthews Foard Mcclister Minerva Eveline 7-8-1933 F Ruby Lee French Jesse Mcclister Foard Mcdonald Bobby Eugene 4-27-1933 M Willie Price William Orbin Mcdonald Foard Mcginnis A. L.,Jr. 11-23-1933 M Zella White Alphens Lee Mcginnis Foard Mckown Virginia Page 2-16-1933 F Willie Fern Nicholson Ralph Mckown Foard Mckown Raymond Virgil 9-14-1933 M Clara Fay Huchaby Virgil David Mckown Foard Mcrae Ruth Janelle 12-3-1933 F Jewel Kathrine Broadus Daniel Lafoy Mcrae Foard Morris William Bartlett Inf Of 11-4-1933 M Ethel Ribble William Bartlett Morris Foard Morris Alvin Bernic 8-1-1933 M Georgie Deshazo Edward D. Morris Foard Murphy Walter Stanley 1-6-1933 M Virgie Alberta Morton Walter Murphy Foard Naron Billie Joe 11-17-1933 M Florence Simmons Guy Naron Foard Newman Barbara Laverne 6-25-1933 F Delia Bell Rainwater Ike Newman Foard Newton Eugene Dexter 12-7-1933 M Marie Yvrinda Weinn Joe Howard Newton Foard Norman Katheryn Eudora 4-10-1933 F Glenn Brian Earl M. Norman Foard Odell Sarah Frances 5-11-1933 F Bessie Brooks John Odell Foard O'dell William D. Chest Inf Of 10-22-1933 F Ethyl Tannar William D. Chester O'dell Foard Oldham Catherin 4-9-1933 F Frona Steel Marvin B. Oldham Foard Oliver Hilton Leon 6-26-1933 M Allava Shultz Alexander Ordale Oliver Foard Owen Thurman Joe 11-7-1933 M Minnie May Collins Mot A. Owen Foard Owens Anna Ree 6-23-1933 F Edna Crabtree T. Leo Owens Foard Parkhill Willie Helen 3-8-1933 F Ella Mae Athey Bill Parkhill Foard Pechacek John Joe 3-8-1933 M Margart Kovar Emil Louis Pechacek Foard Phillips Gladis Juanita 10-3-1933 F Annie Bell Little Jimmie T. Phillips Foard Polk Alfred Carroll 3-18-1933 M Wilma Mattie Polk Vernie Polk Foard Potts Geneva Louise 9-29-1933 F Geneva Wishon Charles Hilbert Potts Foard Price Robert Lee 10-4-1933 M Robbie Lee Adams Robert Lee Price Foard Rader Mary Alice 8-26-1933 F Oda Marie Rader Joseph Powell Rader Foard Reedze Frankie Martin 10-26-1933 M Florence Jenkins Floyd Reedze Foard Reynolds Lilly Leonora 12-25-1933 F Fannie Lee Charley Henry Reynolds Foard Ribble Joyce Janet 12-20-1933 F Lela G. Womack Curtis Carmack Ribble Foard Richardson Jaquitta Jo 6-2-1933 F Thelma Draper B. L. Richardson,Jr. Foard Riley Betty Joe 10-1-1933 F Bertha Gilbreth Charles R. Riley Foard Rogers Keneth Marion 8-16-1933 M Geniva Irine Branch John Branford Rogers Foard Sanders John Victor 7-14-1933 M Edna B. Hunter Allen Reed Sanders Foard Schroeder Evelyn Louise 10-23-1933 F Louise Haseloff Ewald Schroeder Foard Segovia Roberto 11-15-1933 M Maria Caranza Gustavo Segovia Foard Self Myra Don 11-10-1933 F Willie Lawhorn Willie Clyde Self Foard Shook Bobie Ray 11-29-1933 M Iva Belle Glover Tom A Shook Foard Shultz Opal Laverne 9-19-1933 F Opal Cato David Martin Shultz Foard Simms Wuett ,Jr. 12-18-1933 M Beulah Gregory Wuett Simms Foard Slovak Billie Ruth 3-3-1933 F Justina Halencak Anton A Slavak Foard Smith Ella Mae 6-25-1933 F Alta Gray Frank Smith Foard Smith Kathrine Pauline 7-10-1933 F Pauline Keller Elmer Eli Smith Foard Smith Mary Ellen 7-29-1933 F Eugene Smith Foard Smith Thalia Ruth 10-29-1933 F Arlena Harrison Lewis Burton Smith Foard Sparks Fay La Moine 3-23-1933 F Irene Newman Boyce Russell Sparks Foard Spears Wanza Juanita 10-5-1933 F Lorene Gray Cleo Spears Foard Spotts Clinton Brooks 5-18-1933 M Katie L. Hunter James William Spotts Foard Stewart William Thomas Inf Of 12-11-1933 M Frances Demmy William Thomas Stewart Foard Tamplin Mildred Juanita 4-10-1933 F Eura Mae Miller Luther Tamplin Foard Todd Eugene Ray 1-13-1933 M Mary M. Bell Walker Perry Todd Foard Trawick Peggy Joyce 8-22-1933 F Ruby Cox Rex Trawick Foard Tucker Robert Allen 12-22-1933 M Lizzie Yancey Robert Allen Tucker Foard Tucker Magdeline 4-19-1933 F Levy Wells Ernest Tucker Foard Van Winkle Wanda Bee 9-20-1933 F Mary Estele Black John E. Van Winkle Foard Vessels Catharine Murline 9-18-1933 F Mable Irine Dunn J. T. Vessels,Jr. Foard Ward Melba Janet 11-11-1933 F Esther Lafeavre Joe A. Ward Foard Watson Mary Helen 7-30-1933 F Bernice Brooks Elvis Watson Foard Weathered Melvin Roy 11-28-1933 M Myrtle Mueu Robert E. Weathered Foard Welch Margie Ann 4-25-1933 F Elizabeth R Welch Harry L. Welch Foard Whitley Roy Merl 3-6-1933 M Minnie Clifton Oscar G. Whitley Foard Wilkins Johnnie Reynolds 5-10-1933 M Jonnie Brewer Fred L. Wilkins Foard Williams Jo Nell 10-26-1933 F Ruby Nicholson Hewitt Williams Foard Wright Richard Doyle 4-2-1933 M Virgie Minyard George W. Wright Foard