Ogle-King Family

Gerald Wayne Ogle was born 4-1-21-36 to George Morrison Ogle and Dixie Irene Pell.
Dixie was reared in Fisher County. Her parents are buried there, which cemetery, I don't know. Probably in Belleview.
Donald Eugene Ogle, born in 1927 and died in October of 2001.
Buried in Bellview cemetery:
Miller Morrison Ogle
Annie Laura King Ogle
Joseph B. Ogle

Buried in Dowell cemetery:
Merridith King
Melissa King
The Ogles are grand parents of Allen Cleveland and the Kings are his great grandparents.
My Uncle George Morrison Ogle, husband of Dixie Pell served in WW II. He was on a bomber crew who flew 30 missions over Europe. His name is listed on the monument in front of the Fisher court house as one who returned. There are 2 monuments there. It appears the 2nd was placed after it was discovered that some names had been missed when the first one was erected.

The Kings came to Texas from Tennessee in 1888 in a covered wagon when my grandmother was 5 years old. She remembered the trip. She and my grandfather married in East Texas, farmed in Bowie County and moved to Rotan in 1921.

Contributed by Allan Cleveland. February 15, 2008.