McCaulley Cemetery

McCaulley, Texas
McCaulley Cemetery, Fisher County, Texas GPS Coords: 32.768299, -100.201300
From McCaulley, take FM 57 southeast about .2 mile and turn left (south) onto 1st Street for another .8 mile. Turn left (east) onto CR 286 for .3 mile and cemetery is straight ahead. This cemetery has about 750 burials.

Information for Smith family submitted by Charles Clark.
Smith, James W.
b. 9/12/1965 d. 8/12/1951
Husband of Mary Henden

Smith, Mary Henden
b. 5/3/1877 d. 6/1/1914
Wife of James Smith

Smith, Henry E.
b. 1/17/1902 d. 1/19/1992
Son of James and Mary Smith