Stephenville Public Library
Library Website
Family Genealogies @ Stephenville Public Library -
Allard Family TreeALLMON
Allmon Family by May Allmon
The Amazing Story of the Allmons in America by Sharon Taylor
History of the Allison and Giespie Families of North Carolina and
Tennessee by V. M. Holland.ALSTONS & ALLSTONS
The Alstons and Allstons of North and South Carolina by Joseph A.
Altman & Knowles Families of Texas by Nahum Vencent Parsons
Genealogy in Part, of the Anderson-Owen-Beall Families by Grant
James AndersonBALLS
The Balls of Fairfax and Stafford in Virginia by Bonnie S. Ball
Barber "Grandparents" by Ted B. BernardBARNETT
Colonial Pioneers Marks-Barnett and Their Kin by Marion Dewoody
The Beall and Bell Families by Fielder M. M. Beall
Bennett Family: Family History of John Preston Bennett & Priscilla
Wright Bennett
Our Foreparents by Margaret and Mills CoxBESSENT
Family Genealogy: Bills, Cox, Nichols, Deason. Bessent, Speight
Family Genealogy: Bills, Cox, Nichols, Deason, Bessent, Speight
Our Forefathers by Margaret and Mills Cox
Descendants of Johnson-Blackburn Families by Leona White and Joyce
Boase Family HistoryBOON
Boon Genealogy 1984 by Rupert Farnham Thompson
Thomas Boon Immigrant by Rupert Farnham ThompsonBORDERS
The Borders Family by William Steve BordersBOWIE
The Bowies and Their Kindred by Walter Worthington Bowie
Boyd Family by Margaret JamisonBROUGHTON
Broughton Memoirs by M. Leon BroughtonBUFFINGTONS
Resume' of English Origins of American Buffingtons by Vincent Joseph
My Butler Grandparents: Their Home & Family a Memoir by Margaret
Butler GordonBYNUM
Historical Sketches of the Bynum Family Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 by J. E.
Gilmore-Carter and Allied Families by Helen Gilmore Smith Thomas
Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants
Vol. 1 by Marcellus Donald Alexander R. von Redlich
Vol. 2 by Aileen Lewers LangstonCHILDRESS
The Childress Report: The Progeny of Robert Uel Childress 1799-1886
by Jane S. HamiltonCLOUD
Cloud Family JournalsCOLEMAN
The Robert Coleman Family from Virginia to Texas 1652-1965 by J.
The Family of Richard Todd Copeland 1815-1890 by Lawrence H. Roberts
Our Foreparents by Margaret and Mills Cox
The James Emery Cox Story
Family Genealogy: Bills, Cox, Nichols, Deason, Bessent, Speight
Some Descendants of John Counts 1700-1990 by C. C. Counts
Counts Family History
Counts Family Research by Don FrancisCRAWFORD
We Were A Texas People Vol I & II by Betty Fugatt Nitske
Creswell History and Genealogy 1744-1976 by J. O. Creswell
The Crigler-Kriegler Genealogy 1600-1966 by Arthur D. Crigler
My Kelly-Darnall Kin by Patricia Roberts RoneyDEASON
Family Genealogy: Bills, Cox, Nichols, Deason, Bessent, Speight
Dixons From Virginia To Texas by Trixie Dixon SampleDOOLITTLE
The Doolittle Family in America by Louise S. BrownDOOM
Doom Families of America by Merle GanierDORSEY
The Dorsey Family by Maxwelll J. DorseyDUVALL
Mareen Duvall of Middle Plantation by Harry Wright Newman
Earp Family History (5 volumes)ELLIS
The Descendants of Daniel I. Murphree and Benjamin and Nancy Murphee
Ellis by O. D. BatesFARMER
Descendants of Thomas Farmer Who Came to Virginia in 1616 by Ellery
Forrester Family of Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, & Texas
Gaither Family History by Carolyn BrooksGATES
Gates Family History by AGROGILLESPIE
History of the Allison and Gillespie Families of North Carolina
and Tennessee by V. M. HollandGILLILAND
The Loving Irish-The Gillilands by Martrue Hutcheson Greenwood
Gilmore-Carter and Allied Families by Helen Gilmore Smith Thomas
Hurley and Glover Genealogies by Gwen Newton Ketrenos
The Gordon Family by AGRIGREEN
Recollections, John Duff Green by Joan Green Lawrence
The Descendants of John Greir with Histories of Allied Families
by John Greir StevensGRIMES
Grimes Family History by AGRIHALLMARK
Hallmark 1991 by Paul W. HendersonHAMPTON
The Hampton Connection Descendants of John Hampton, The Tailor by
Charles S. McCleskeyHARGROVE
Hargrove Family History by Lucy LowrieHARVEY
Harvey and Allied Families Of Louisiana and Texas by Shirley Brittain
Hatchett Family History 1164-1967HAUGHT
Haught Family by Linda Haught OrtegaHAWKINS
Hawkins Family Of Virginia, The Carolinas And Kentucky
The Hawkins Line: The Brief history of the William Alden and Anna
Eddy Hawkins
Family by Jack R. Hawkins
The Wolfe-Hawkins-Sheets-Yates-Wheeler and Allied Families by Lela
W. PrewittHAYNES
Chronicle of the Haynes Family Association by Paul Haynes
Hickey Family History 1791 to 1981HIGGINBOTHAM
This Higginbotham Family by James & Leota FergusonHOLCOMB
The Holcomb Heritage by Marjoiebell HolcombHOLLYDAY
The Hollyday Family by James Bordley, Jr.HOWARD
The Howard Family by AGRIHOYT
The Genealogy of Alice Baylis Hoyt MacDonald by Addison Wait Hoyt
Hurley and Glover Genealogies by Gwen Newton Ketrenos
Our Foreparents by Margaret and Mills Cox
Descendants of Johnson-Blackburn Families by Leona White and Joyce
Jones Ancestors (The Ancestors of My Daughters) by Nathan H. Jones
My Kelly-Darnall Kin by Patricia Roberts RoneyKING
Samuel King and other King Families in the American Colonies and
the United States Of America 1620-1992 by James W. Knight
Altman & Knowles Families of Texas by Nahum Vencent Parsons
The Crigler-Kriegler Genealogy 1660-1966 by Arthur D. Crigler
The Larner Book by R. A. LarnerLATHAM
Our Foreparents by Margaret and Mills CoxLAYNE
Layne-Lain-Lane Genealogy by Floyd Benjamin LayneLEETH
Leeth Family History and Lineage BookLEWIS
A Family History: Wright-Lewis-Moore and Connected Families by John
Wright Boyd
Genealogies of the Lewis and Kindred Families by John Meriwether
Lewis of Warner Hall, The History of a Family by Merrow Egerton
A Sketch of J. C. R. Lockart's Ministerial LifeLOVE
William Oliver Womack and Wirt Adams Love: Their Ancestors and Descendants
by Nell JonesLOWE
Lowe Family History by AGRIMC ADAMS
McAdams Family of Walker County, Texas by Kelly Edgar
Descendants of James and Josephe McClesky, Soldiers of the Revolution,
the Texas Group by Charles S. McCleskeyMC DERMETT
Thomas Hadden McDermett and Related Families by Bill Starnes
Our Foreparents by Margaret and Mills CoxMC GREW
Alexander McGrew Family History by Chattie CoxMACKEYS
The Mackeys (variously spelled) and Allied Families by Beatrice
Colonial Pioneers Marks-Barnett and Their Kin by Marion Dewoody
Martin Family History by J. Montgomery SeaverMEEK
The Meek Messenger by Janet SaltsgiverMELUGIN
A Memorial to the Melugin Family in America by Doughitt Melugin
Our Foreparents by Margaret and Mills CoxMOORE
A Family History: Wright-Lewis-Moore and Connected Families by John
The Descendants of Daniel I. Murphree and Benjamin and Nancy Murphree
Ellis by O. D. BatesNABERS
James Monroe Nabers Family by Thomas Augustus NabersNEAL
The Neal Family 1750-1988 by Martha Neal GainesNICHOLS
Family Genealogy: Bills, Cox, Nichols, Deason, Bessent, Speight
Named Nulisch, The History of the Nulisch Family in Texas by Nancy
Rohde NulischOGDEN
Some Descendants of James A. Ogden by Harold N. Nelson
Genealogy in Part, of the Anderson-Owen-Beall Families by Grant
James AndersonPACK
Thomas Houston Pack, His Descendants and Ancestors by Elwood and
Nan KnoxPAGE
Genealogy of the Page Family in Virginia by Richard Channing Moore
Sketches of Jacob Parkhurst 1771-1863 by Jacob Parkhurst
Pattesons, Here and There by Marjorie S. PattesonPIPES
Descendants of Windsor Pipes and Abner Pipes by Elizabeth Prather
Pocahontas and Her Descendants by R. A. BrockRAMFIELDS
The Ramfields and Kinfolks by Novella WilsonRAY
Ray-Rhea, a Family Book of History and Genealogy for Rhea and Related
Families by Joseph C. RheaREDDITT
The Redditt Families by W. M. Redditt, Jr.REESE
Genealogy if the Reese Family in Wales & AmericaRHEA
Boggy Rangers, A Historical/Genealogical Study of the Early Robbins
Families of TexasROGERS
Roping Will Rogers Family Tree by Dr. Reba Neighbors Collins
The Russell Family in Virginia by Anna Russell des Cognets
The Seaton Family with Genealogy and Biographies by Oren Andrew
The Maryland Semmes and Kindred Families by Harry Wright Newman
Shands Family History Part I by Arthur ShandsSHEETS
The Wolfe-Hawkins-Sheets-Yates-Wheeler and Allied Families by Lela
Family Genealogy: Bills, Cox, Nichols, Deason, Bessent, Speight
Stewart by Lawrence Fobbs
The Walter Stewart Family History by Mary Stewart Rawlinson
Our Foreparents by Margaret and Mills CoxSTRICKLER
A History or Genealogy of the Strickler Families by Harry M. Strickler
The Taylors, Zachariah T. and Nicie Jane by Novella Wilson
Teall Genealogical Records in England and America by Mrs. Emma Elisabeth
(Teall) DunnTERRELLS
The Terrells by C. V. TerrellTIERNEY
Our Foreparents by Margaret and Mills CoxTRAMMELL
Descendants of Thomas Trammell, Revolutionary Soldier by Charles
S. McCleskeyTUCKER
The Tucker Genealogy by Tyler Seymour MorrisWALLACE
Wallace Family History by Lucille RayWEEMS
Wemyss-Weems Trails Westward by Arlon WeemsWEMYSS
The Wolfe-Hawkins-Sheets-Yates-Wheeler and Allied Families by Lela
W. PrewittWHITE
White Family Genealogical Abstracts from Revolutionary War Pensions
by Elnore White FarquharWHITEHEAD
The Way It Was: A Chronicle of the William Tazewell Whitehead Family
by Bess Whitehead ScottWHITLEY
The Whitely Family Newsletter Vol IWILKINS
The Wilkins Family & J. Van StephensWOLFE
The Wolfe-Hawkins-Sheets-Yates-Wheeler and Allied Families by Lela
W. PrewittWOMACK
William Oliver Womack and Wirt Adams Love: Their Ancestors and Descendants
by Nell JonesWRIGHT
A Family History: Wright-Lewis-Moore and Connected Families by John
Wright BoydWYLY
Wyly FamilyYATES
The Wolfe-Hawkins-Sheets-Yates-Wheeler and Allied Families by Lela
W. Prewitt
Texas Resources
Stephenville Empire Tribune - (Microfilm) 1888-1990 (some missing)
Erath Appeal - (Printed) 1899-1900
Erath Co. --- 1860, 1870, 1860 Slave Schedule, 1867 Voter's
1850 -- In binders, Counties of: Angelina, Brazos, Cherokee,
Harris, Jasper, Lamar, Leon, Liberty, Limestone, Milam, Montgomery,
Nacogdoches, Newton, Robertson, Sabine, Shelby, Smith, Titus, and
1860 -- Collin, Comanche Co.
1870-- Comanche Co.
Only a few are missing.
1850 -- All counties and mortality
1860 -- All counties and mortality
1870 -- All counties and mortality
1880 -- All counties and mortality 19 films were donated
by the Erath Co. Cross Timbers Genealogical Society in Oct. 1993,
and 66 by the Optimist Club. Donations accepted and encouraged!
We still have others to obtain. Thank you!
1880 -- Soundex Population Schedule of 10th Census of
the U.S. -- Texas R-00 (E) through R-163 (S) 108
1890-- Census of Union Soldiers in Texas, Counties of:
Archer, Armstrong, Bandera, Baylor, Bell, Blanco, Brewster, Brisco,
Brown, Buchel, Burnet, Carson, Childress, Clay, Cleman, Comanche,
Collingsworth, Coryell, Cottle, Dallam, Dickens, Donley, Eastland,
Erath, Foley, Gillespie, Gray, Hale, Hall, Hamilton,
Hardeman, Hartley, Harvard, Haskell, Hemphill, Hood, Jack, Jeff
Davis, Jones, Kendall, Kent, Kerr, Kimble, King, Knox, Lampasas,
Lipscomb, Llano, Mcculloch, Martin Mason, Menard, Midland, Mills,
Mitchell, Montague, Nolan, Ochiltree, Oldham, Palo Pinto, Parker,
Pecos, Potter, Randall, Reeves, Roberts, Runnels, San Saba, Scurry,
Shackleford, Sherman, Somervell, Stephens, Stonewall, Sutton, Swisher,
Taylor, Throckmorton, Tom Green, Val Verde, Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger,
Williamson, Wise and Young.
1890 -- Census and census indexes for all of the U.S.
-- three and two rolls respectively.
1900 -- All Counties
1910 -- All except:
1920 -- All Counties
Other Texas Records
1903-1976 Birth Indexes
1903-1909 -- Reel 1 (2035) thru J. Osboran Reel 2 (1387) J.
Osboran thru Zawirnemann
1910-1913 -- Reel 3 (4732)
1914-1917 -- Reel 4 (4493)
1918-1921 -- Reel 5 (4636) thru Fugate
1921-1923 -- Reel 6 (4496) Fugate thru Zwkv
1924-1926 -- Reel 7 (4654) 1926 ends Marlow
1926-1928 -- Reel 8 (4657) 1928 ends Tomlinson
1928-1930 -- Reel 9 (4253)
1931-1932 -- Reel 10 (4627)
1933-1934 -- Reel 11 (4680)
1920 Index to Birth Records Reel #1 (1497) (Vol 1-3)
1945 and Prior Index to Probate Birth
No date Index to Probate Birth
Reel #1 Aanenson thru Eaton (5091) Reel #2 Eaton thru
Ladd (5118) Reel #3 Ladd thru Robinson (3048) Reel #4
Robinson thru Twichell Reel#5 Twichell thru Zybach
1903-1940 -- Index to Death Records (printed)
Vol. 1: A-Ch 722 Vol. 2: Ch-Ga 723 Vol. 3: Ga-Jo 724
Vol. 4: Jo-Mo 725 Vol. 5: Mo-Sa 726 Vol. 6: Sa-We 727
Vol. 7: We-Zy 728
1941-1973 -- Index to Death Records (microfilm)
1941-1945 -- Reel #1 Aaberg thru Kuse (3146) Reel #2 --
Kuse thru Unknown (3045) 1946-1955 -- Reel #3 -- Aab thru
Green (4564)Reel #4 Head thru Perez (3708) Reel #4 -- Plummer
thru Z (4865)1956 -- Reel #5 thru Walker (4865) 1956-1959
-- Reel #6 thru Wilson (4568) 1959-1962 -- Reel #7 thru Zwink
(4397) 1963-1965 -- Reel #8 thru Zwink (4645) 1966-1968
--Reel #9 thru Stewart (4709) 1968-1971 -- Reel #10 thru
Rainwater (4955) 1971-1973 -- Reel #11 thru Zwyica (4205)
Texas County Marriages:
#1: Red River, Fannin, Collin, Cooke, Denton, Grayson,
Hunt, Hopkins, Nacogdoches, Cherokee, Rusk, Van Zandt and
Kaufman Cos.
#2: Washington, San Augustine, Fayette, Robertson, Freestone,
Limestone, Falls, Hill, Johnson, Parker, Caldwell, Harrison
and Panola Cos.
Erath County Records: Official Court These are
at the courthouse and on microfilm at Tarleton State University.
The Erath County Courthouse is open from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday
through Friday, except for holidays.
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This page was last updated on -01/01/2013