Historical Newspaper Items

From the Stephenville Tribune, 1 Apr 1898

Transcribed and submitted by Diana Quinn

Bethel Locals

Eds. Tribune. – A peoples party club was organized at this place last Saturday night with eleven members. P. G. Stephens was elected president and John Olive secretary. We meet again next Saturday night.

Old Bethel is coming out of the kinks. We have a fine school under the management of Prof. Dean Bruington, a fine literary society meets every Friday night, a pop club, a good Sunday school, singing and prayer meeting every Sunday night.

We have preaching by Rev. G. W. Childress first Sunday, Rev. Hudson second Sunday, Rev. J. J. Davis third Sunday, and Rev. Will Green fourth Sunday.

P. A. Hairston is on the sick list this week.

Charley Judon made a business trip to Thurber Friday, returning Sunday.

W. D. Mourey, who for some time past has been in Eastland county, returned Friday.

John Thompson has had an attack of rheumatism for some time.

M. W. Birdwell, our candidate for assessor, is still in the ring. We would like to see Bud nominated and elected.  X.Z.

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