Erath County Correspondence - Brown/Smith Family

Submitted by Jim Boyter

Erath Co

     On this stationary M.A. Brown (Erath Co) wrote a letter to cousin Christopher Columbus Smith on the benefits of moving to Texas.






Dublin, Texas,___________1894


Columbus I dont want to flater you non  no one on earth and cause them to come to Texas but any one can live easy here if they will try  If a man will come here and mind his own business and work he can make a living easy here  But however the are many falls and tumbles here for a man than anywhere unless he minds his own Strickly  Stealing  horse Theives  hog Theives  hors  hore mongers  Liars  Li sur.. Purgury mean low down Rascals is the order of the Day   a gentleman is considered the Dam rascal By all the rest and a good Sivil Sober nice young man who was to keep deasent company, gets as much thanky for his honesty or more as the one who has served a term of 5 or 10 years in the Pin for horse Stealing  and for a honest man to be taken up to court house and get justice  its is never the case for a morgority of the jurrors are Theaves and they make it a rule to go for the inosent to take Spite out of them  If you come only now as I do I would not try to explain but nearly every Bodie who come here are dissatisfied at the start   after one or two years they see it is so easy to make a living they would not Leave in any way it could be fixed  If you come only Bear this in mind every  man here has bin tride and is a low down horse thief  If you will Bear this in mind it is no truble to Make a living here and I an... So well experanced all over the State  I use to think I new 3 honest men in the State But resently I cut off...  and I am all most a feard to Say I now of any at all  But they all want to be called honest and have the name of gentle men  But out side ...  The wimen are just as bad I dont now of But one virtiueous one in the state


     Your Cusin  M A Brown  Dublin Tx 

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