Mrs. Ezra Sims
Ellis County Mirror
Mrs. Sims, 83, died June 15, 1887 at the home of her son, S. M. Dunlap
in Italy, Texas. She was a native of Tennessee and had been married
several times. Her first huband was a Mr. Gross and her second a Mr
Tannehill who was killed in a steamboat accident. in Alabama. After
her marriage to Mr. Dunlap they moved to Ellis County after the close of
the Civil War, settling at Bluff Grove. To this union were born
sons: O. E. Dunlap, S. M. Dunlap and a third who died young.
Her last marriage was to N. P. Sims - whom she had known in Tennessee
when both were young.
Mrs. Ezra Sim
June 15, 1897
Mrs. Ezra Sim died June 15, 1897 at the home of her son, S. M. Dunlay
in Italy. She was born in Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. and was married at a young
age to a Mr. Cross. After his death, she married Mr. Tannehill, who lost
his life in a steamboat accident in Alabama. She next married Mr. Dunlap
who settled at Bluff Grove in this county after the War. There were three
children: P. E. Dunlap, S. M. Dunlap and a son who died young. After Dunlap's
death, she married N. P. Sims. The couple had been lovers in Tennessee in
their early years.
Abstracted from History of Ellis County compiled by Mrs. A.
L. Feltenberger and the Rebecca Boyce Chapter DAR.
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