Larry McCartney
From Research Conducted at the Nicholas P. Sims Library,
Waxahachie, Ellis County, Texas September 20, 2003
by Debbi Rodgers
Waxahachie Enterprise,
February 5, 1904
Last Friday night about 1 o'clock Mr. Larry McCartney, an industrious
and prosperous young farmer, died at his home four miles north of the city.
Mr. McCartney had not been in good health since last spring. During the summer
he spent several weeks at Mineral Wells with a view to regaining his health.
The relief there obtained was only temporary and in the fall he was taken
ill with typhoid fever. For more than ten weeks he battled heroically against
the disease. The best medical treatment was procured for him and his family,
relatives and friends gave him their untiring attention, but all these efforts
could not stay the hand of death.
Mr. McCartney was about 34 years old, being just in the prime and vigor
of life. He was a sober, honest, young man, an affectionate husband and father,
and was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. He leaves a wife and
one child, a boy about three years old, to mourn his death.
The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at his home,
Mr. Chalmers McPherson officiating. The remains were then followed by a large
number of relatives and friends to the City Cemetery where they were interred
about 4 o'clock.
Larry McCartney
Ellis County Mirror
Larry McCartney died Jan. 31, 1904[?], and was buried here with services
by Elder McPherson. He was a well known young farmer who lived north of
Abstracted from History of Ellis County compiled by Mrs. A.
L. Feltenberger and the Rebecca Boyce Chapter DAR.
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