Resolution of Respect - J. T. Hussey
Waxahachie Enterprise - January 6, 1882
To the Worshipful Master Wardens and Brethern of Ferris Lodge No 460 of
Your committee on resolutions in regard to the death of our late brother,
J. T. Hussey, ask leave to submit the followig as our report:
Whereas it has pleased the Supreme Architect of the Universe to remove
from our midst our esteemed and much beloved brother J. T. Hussey, and being
desirous to pay a feeble tribute to his memory,
1. That in the death of Bro. Hussey, this lodge sustained a loss
which cannot be easily supplied; a member noted for his fidelity to the
principles on which our order is founded, and who was always ready to exend
a charitable hand to a brother or stranger in distress; one who faithfullyserved
the people in this community, who loved his family and his friends; and one
whose chief delight and aim seemed to be to promote the happiness of
2. As a mark of our esteem, that this hall be draped in mourning and the
usual badge be worn for 30 days; that a page of our records be set
apart and dedicated to his memory; that his family be furnished with a copy
of these resolutions, and that a copy be furnished each newspaper in the
county with a request to publish same.
Respectfully submitted:
R. G. Sanders, C. H. Patrick, J. N. Orr - Committee
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