Winniford School House
From Waxahachie Daily Light - April 2, 1906
Mrs. Mattie Dixon has had a severe time from a nail being stuck in her
foot, but we are glad to say she is better.
Miss Franie Williams, who is attending school at Lancaster spent
Saturday and Sunday here with her folks.
Polk Neely and Lister are in Dallas.
Several of our citizens took advantage of the 30th to pay a visit to the
county's capital.
Prof. J. T. Richards is getting along nicely with his school.
Hon. Bob Pitts has been breaking the monotony by having chills.
Jim and Roy Ewing, Fred Bob Worthington, John and Rodgers all went fishing
just before the recent cold spell.
Mary Crum spent Saturday and Sunday with her homefolks near Bluff
R. F. Kenner made a business trip Saturday to Waxahachie.
Mr. Jess Edwards and wife spent Sunday with Mr. Creagor and family.
Many farmers are planting cotton, but very little corn is up.
Miss Fannie Pitts from Grove Creek will spend the week here with
her brothers, J. H. and T. L. Pitts.
Lewis Milam and family spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in
Jim Winniford and wife are stopping with Uncle Billie Winniford.
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