Abe Mulkey's Camp Meeting - 1897
The Dallas Morning News
Waxahachie Ellis Co. Tex. July 11.
Abe Mulkey did this morning what peraps no one ever did before in Waxahachie!
He gathered nearly every Sunday School child in the city under the
tabernacle, had them sing, and asked questions like this: "If you want an
education where do you go?" "If you want to buy a hat or ribbon where do
you go?" "If you want to get religion where do you go?"
After all were correctly answered, Mr. Mulkey called all those who desired
to join the church to come forwrd and many little boys and girls knelt at
his feet. This was about 10 am. At 10:30 children and ladies
were gone and men - some 2500 - took their place. Mr. Mulkey asked that they
read certain scriptures - Psalms 12 and 15; Micah 1 and 1st Kings 21,
This congregation was made up of men mostly from Waxahachie but there
were representatives from Italy, Forreston, Sardis, Midlothian and other
places. The sermon lasted two hours and when the preacher finished
there was not a dry eye in the audience. Many said they have never
heard such a sermon.
Services will continue from day to day according to interest shown.
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