The Dallas Morning News
April 27, 1896
Mr. John Belew and family of Tennessee arrived here this week and will locate
August 5, 1889
Miss Mollie Newton, much to the discomfiture of a certain young man left
[Midlothian] last week on a visit to friends at Honey Grove.
August 3, 1891
Midlothian. Misses Mollie Newton, Mattie Hawkins, Lecretia Hawkins and Bennie
Works have returned from a visit to Ennis.
November 17, 1902, page 8
Midlothian. Mr. S. A. Belew, an old merchant here, says he thinks the [cotton]
crop is about finished and the outlook not very promising for any more cotton
and the receipts will not be more than three-fourths of last year.
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