Dallas News
April 23, 1896 issue
Contributed by Jean Caddel
Midlothian, Ellis Co., Texas April 12, 1896
Midlothian is well supplied with schools, churches and civic orders. The scholastic population with the corporate limits is 272, enrollment
in the public school 200. There is an excellent two story frame public high
school building which was erected in 1892 at the cost of $4,000.00. Prof.
J. M. Crawford is principal. In addition there is a private educational
institution here, the Polytechnic Institute, founded by the late Prof. W.
W. Works. Prof. A. E. Hall is the present principal and is assisted by an
excellent corps of teachers.
The main building has eighteen rooms and three halls. The annex has twelve
rooms and three halls, all of which are well furnished. About 125 pupils
were in attendance last year, one third of whom were boarding pupils.
Waxahachie, April 30, 1896
Nash School. Under the management of Prof. Glasscock, formerly of Ky.
The Nash school closed its session last Friday night Judge Singleton was
present by special invitation and delivered an address; a number of boys
were entered in the oratorical contest. C. B. Dyess, Oscar Wondring, Beall
Calvin, Oscar Meharg, Lee Martin Rives and Thomas Edwards.
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