Parson's Brigade - 12th Texas Cavalry CSA
Commander of Parson's Brigade Dies in Chicago
[Waxahachie Daily Light, Tues. Oct. 8, 1907]
General W. H. Parsons, formerly of Texas, of late years a resident of
Washington, D. C. and recently a resident of the city of Chicago, died on
the evening of October 2, 1907, age 81 years, 5 months and 9 days.
General Parsons was commander of Parsons' Texas Brigade. His last
moments were peaceful and the day before his death had the satisfaction of
receiving a letter from one of his old soldiers, Maj. A. M. Dickman, of Dallas.
Thus, among his last thoughts was the comforting assurance that he
was not forgotten though separated by many years and many miles from those
who followed him and loved him.
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