and contributors to Ellis County & TXGenWeb
Memory of
Rob Yoder 1953-2023
Ellis County Coordinator 2016-2023
Robbie (Rob) Gene Yoder, 70, of
Fort Worth, Texas, passed away on Monday, October 30,
2023. Robbie was born on September 2, 1953, in Fort
Worth, Texas to Harry Gilstrap Yoder and Dorothy Marie
Yoder. Robbie graduated from O. D. Wyatt High School
in 1971. Although he never married or had children of
his own, he was very active in his nieces’ and
nephews’ lives, attending many concerts, baseball,
softball and football games and other events. He was a
coach and umpire of youth sports. Robbie was a retired
journeyman electrician with a 35 year membership in
the I.B.E.W. Local Union 20. Robbie was very active in
community volunteering with the Fort Worth and Texas
Genealogical Societies. He served in many positions
and worked tirelessly on genealogy projects over the
years. Robbie was a member of The Red Helmets, a group
of civilian volunteers that provides relief and rehab
for the Fort Worth Fire Department. He was active with
F.W.P.D. in Code Blue. Robbie was also an amateur
radio operator (N5IHB).

Memory of
Sylvia Smith 1936-2023
Assistant County Coordinator
2013-2016 County Co-Coordinator 2016-2023

Posted April 6, 2023 by Leslie Smith Loving:
Posted April 6, 2023 by Leslie Smith Loving: With a heavy heart I bring you the news of
the passing of my Mother, Sylvia Smith. She was born June 30,
1936 and passed away April 5, 2023. We will miss you! Funeral
arrangements are pending and will be held at Boze-Mitchell-McKibbon in
was 'hired' as Assistant County Coordinator of this Ellis County TXGenWeb
website in 2013 and became Co-County Coordinator upon the death of Barbara
Knox in 2016. Before that, she had been a dedicated contributor to the
website since TXGenWeb was established in 1996. -- Rob

Memory of Shirley Ann Cullum, 1946-2019 TXGenWeb
State Coordinator 2006-2019
Shirley Cullum
passed away on August 8, 2019. She was the longest
serving State Coordinator for The TXGenWeb Project
(13 years). Shirley took on many roles; she hosted
several county websites in in Texas and was even
the State Coordinator in MTGenWeb (Montana). She
will be missed greatly by all of us.

website is dedicated to the memory of
Barbara Jeanne Roach Knox, 1923-2016 Country
Coordinator 1996-2016
Knox died peacefully on January 2, 2016 at the age of
92. She had been the County Coordinator of Ellis
County TXGenWeb since the conception of TXGenWeb in
September 1996. She was also Co-Coordinator of Navarro
County TXGenWeb, also since the beginning, and
Co-Coordinator of Tarrant County TXGenWeb since
October 1998. She was presented with the Dedicated CC
Award in December 2012.
In Memory of
Mike Basham

Second State Coordinator (1996-1997) for the TXGenWeb
In Memory of
Caddell, Nan Samuels and Weldon Hudson
Contributors to the Ellis County TXGenWeb Project
Copyright © 2024,
Ellis County TXGenWeb. All Rights Reserved.

page was last modified:
Saturday, 03-Feb-2024 22:22:49 MST