Office of the Ellis County Clerk
Cindy Polley
109 S. Jackson St. Second Floor / Ground Floor Waxahachie, TX 75165
NOTE: Please direct all correspondence to: P. O. Box 250, Waxahachie, TX 75168
Ph: 972-825-5070
Fx: 972-825-5075
Charges for searches of the following:
Deed Records - 5 year search per name - $5
Probate Records - 5 year search per name $5
To request copies of Birth and Death Records:
Enclose a photo-copy of your driver's license or I.D. card and the following information to prove relationship:
1. Full name of person on record
2. Date of birth/death (or approximate)
3. Place of birth/death
4. Full name of father and full maiden name of mother
5. Your name and complete mailing address (including zip code) plus telephone number
6. Your relationship to person named in No. 1 and reason for requesting record
Cost of death certificate is $9.00; birth certificate $11.00.
Enclose a money order for appropriate amount. This is for a search and a certified copy, but is not refundable if not found.
To request copies of marriage records:
1. I. D. and certified check in amount of $9.00
2. Your name, complete address, and telephone number
3. Relationship and reason for asking for record
4. Name of husband, last, first, middle
5. Wife's maiden name
6. Exact date (or as near as known)
7. City/town where married in Texas
All searches requested by mail must be prepaid by Money Order only.
According to State Law, no PERSONAL or TITLE searches are allowed to be conducted by the County Clerk's office. Most official public records are open to the public and the office staff will gladly assist if necessary.
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Rights Reserved.

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was last modified:
Thursday, 01-Jul-2021 13:17:34 MDT