Mammoth Springs
To reach Mammoth Springs, take FM 663 to FM 875. Singleton Road,
the first road to the west, will take you to the Spring. It is located
on the headwaters of Waxahachie Creek, and is now the site of the Salvation
Army Camp. John Hawkins Singleton received a land grant here and the
family cemetery is located by a small lake fed by the Mammoth Spring.
Singleton fought in three wars, Texas Independence, Mexican War and
the Civil War. His wife was Rebecca Ann Barker. A memorial was
placed at the cemetery in 1931 by Marvin E. Singleton in "Remembrance
of these Pioneer Parents and the Brothers and Sisters who shared with him
this Old Fashioned American Home." Other names found in this small
cemetery are Clark, Ellis, Erwin, Langham and Lowenstein. Mountain
Peak was the closest trade area for this small community.
Singleton grave yard records
Visit to spring and cemetery
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Thursday, 01-Jul-2021 13:17:13 MDT