Hopewell was located east of Alma at the crossroad of FM 85 and FM 1182,
near Leland. The Hopewell school was built a short distance from the
business houses of Leland and later consolidated with Ennis schools.
Price's Crossroads, the place where the Primitive Baptist church once
stood, was the location chosen by the Hopewell Assembly of God Church. It
was dedicated November 6, 1966 with Reverend H. L. Hanna as pastor. Gospel
singing, under the direction of Charles and Edith Shue was an inspiration
to the community. A few years ago a church still stood on the vicinity
of Hopewell Rd. and FM Rd. 1182 in the far southeastern part of the county.
Hawkins, et al,, Ellis County History Workshop, History of Ellis
County, Texas. Texian Press, Waco. 1972.
A Memorial and Biographical History of Ellis County, Lewis
Publishing Co. Chicago. 1892.
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