Mount Zion Church
on Waxahachie Creek, near Midlothian
Contributed by Jean Caddel
Copied October 26, 1954 from the Church's original Record Book. then in possession of Mrs. Ted Witherspoon Rayburn, Waxahachie, Texas. [They are presented here in partially abstracted form.]
September 6, 1873
The State of Texas, County of Ellis
Mount Zion Church on Waxahachie Creek
"We whose names are written below for the purpose of the worship of
God....according to the teaching of the holy Scriptures.... as we are in
the bounds of the Red Oak Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian, we ask
to be taken under the care of Said Presbytary...."
R. A. Witherspoon
Hardee Vincon
Elisa Vinson
John B. Garvin
Nancy A. Garvin
B. F. Witherspoon
Malinda E. Witherspoon
A. S. Jenkins
Sara A. Jenkins
Angeline Jenkins
Rachel Garvin
Josy Witherspoon
Jorena Cooper
John M. Witherspoon
May E. Witherspoon
John M. Witherspoon
Coleman G. Witherspoon
Coleman F. Jenkins
Alexander Jenkins Jr.
R. M. Mayfield
America Witherspoon
John B. Allen
Maggie R. Garvin
Margaret E. Cooper
Chosen as Elders: Bros. B. F. Witherspoon, John B. Garvin
and Alex S. Jenkins. Chosen as Deacons: John M. Witherspoon and John M.
Witherspoon Jun. "And these were immediately ordained."
Adult members baptised:: John M. Witherspoon Jun, Maggie
R. Garvin, Joseph Y. Witherspoon
Infants baptised: Margaret Lorena, Ida Nora, Loula Elmira,
Children of Bro John M. Witherspoon and sister Nancy E. Witherspoon
Robert, son of Bro. J. B. Garvin and sister Nancy A. Garvin
Emma Daughter of Bro. R. M. Mayfield
Received by experience into the communion of the Church: Martha
Martin and Lydia Garvin (was baptized).
Clerk of Session: Bro John B Garvin; Representative to Presbytery: - Bro. B. F. Witherspoon; Alternate:Alex S. Jenkins
Session closed by prayer
J. B. Garvin Clerk; R. M. White Moderator
Register of Elders
B. F. Witherspoon - Sept. 6th 1873
T. B. Garvin - Sept 6th 1873 - Nov. 22, 1884
Alex S. Jenkins - Sept. 6th 1873
Robert F. Mayfield - Sept. 6th 1873 - Aug. 20th, 1880
Hardee Vincent - 1877 - Aug. 29th 1886
J. H. Witherspoon - Feb. 27th - Feb. 6th 1887[sic]
F. E. Witherspoon - Feb. 27th, 1885
John M. Witherspoon - Feb. 3, 1887
Register of Deacons
John M. Witherspoon - Sept. 6, 1873
John M. Witherspoon Jun - Sept. 6th 1873 - April 22 1877
Samuel C. Cooper - Sept. 22nd 1877
Coleman G. Witherspoon - Sept. 22nd 1877
Robert Finley - July 26, 1880
James T. Witherspoon - Feb. 29th 1887
Joseph Y Witherspoon - Feb 29th 1887
Register of Marriages:
J. B. Garvin and Mary Castor (by A. H. Elder)
J. M. Garvin and Jane Henry
Robert Finley and ----Harding (by R. M. White)
Merit Dukes and Jenny Witherspoon (by R. M. White)
Register of Deaths
Nancy A. Garvin - Jan 20th 1878
Emma Witherspoon - Feb 24th 1879
Elizabeth Finley
J. A. Witherspoon
Rachel Garvin
Dora Ellis Hatter - Feb 1881
J. H. Witherspoon
Rebecca Witherspoon
Register of Infant Baptisms
Margaret Lorena, Ida Nora and Loula Elmira, dts of J. M. Witherspoon and
Nancy E. Witherspoon - Sept 6th 1873
Robert - son J. B. & N. A. Garvin
Emma - dt R. M. Mayfield
Sarah Francis - dt M. S. Witherspoon - April 25th 12875
Benjamin Anderson, son M. S. Witherspoon
Nancy Malinda and Rachel Ann - dts D. G. & M. S. Wilshire
Ada and George Wm - ch A. D. & Mary E. Witherspoon
Olney ch J. M. and America - Sept 27th 1874 Samuel Remerson ch M S
Witherspoon - Aug 28th 1875
Nancy Ann, Edward Lee, Dora Etta and Delanora - ch F. E. & S. S. Witherspoon
Aug. 26th, 1875
Thomas Davidson - son W A & M S Witherspoon - Aug 29th 1877
Coleman F. son W. D & M. E. Witherspoon - Aug 26 1877
Emma E. - dt J. M. & America Witherspoon - Aug 26th 1877
Gertrude - dt Robert & Elizabeth Finley - Aug. 26th 1877
Vesta Bell - dt of A. H. & July Ann Elder - Sept. 27th
Lurana Ann - dt J. M. & America Witherspoon
Elbert Roys - son W., D. & Mary Witherspoon - July 26
Menny Lee - dt John & America Witherspoon - July 26
Sarah Elizabeth, Dora Allis and Thomas Edward - ch John & Angeline Htttey
- July 26, 1880
Register of Adult Baptisms:
John M. Witherspoon, Maggie R. Garvin, Joseph Y ,
Lydia Garvin, Coleman Jenkins, Angeline Jenkins, James F. Witherspoon,
Mary M Witherspoon, Samuel C Cooper, Wm Martin, J. A. Witherspoon, May E.
Witherspoon, W. J. Mayfield, David Witherspoon, May J Henry, LKorina Nuckells,
Thomas F. Garvin, B. M. Witherspoon, T. S. Garvin, T. W. Harny, Flora Harny,
Margy Witherspoon, Betty , C F Witherspoon, J. M
Garvin, S. B. Witherspoon, L ASmith, Jimima Worlow, Henry Wilsey, Sarah I
Jenkins, J F Aly, Dosy Aliza Witherspoon, W Sanders, L Y Witherspoon, W L
Register of Communicants:
Hardy Vincent, Eliza Vincent, John B. Garvin, Nancy A. Garvin (d. 20 Jan0,
Benj. F. Witherspoon, Malinda E. Witherspoon, Alexander S. Jenkins, Sarah
A. Jenkins, Angeline Jenkins (Hatter), Rachel Garvin, Rebecca A. Witherspoon
(d. Nov. 5, 1886); Lorena Cooper (died April 20, 1885), John M. Witherspoon
Sen, Nancy E. Witherspoon, John M. Witherspoon Jun America Witherspoon, John
B. Allen, Maggie R. Garvin, Alexander Jenkins Jun, Coleman C. Witherspoon,
Coleman F. Jenkins, Margaret E. Cooper, Joseph Y. Witherspoon, Martha Martin,
M E T Garvin, Mary E. Witherspoon, Malinda S. Witherspoon, David G. Willshire,
Mary R. Willshire, James F. Wiotherspoon, Mary M. Witherspoon Jenkins, I
H Witherspoon, Samuel C. Cooper, John R. Hattey, Wm Martin, A. H. Elder,
I A Elder, James B. Elder, Ames Stone Elder, Walter A. Jones, H E Witherspoon,
Robert Finley, Elizabeth Finley, J A Witherspoon (d. Sept. 26, 1879(, Emma
Witherspoon (d. Feb. 21, 1879), W. T. Mayfield, Joseph Elder, David Witherspoon,
May I Henry Garvin, J. W. Witherspoon, Lorina Nuckolls, Charles Nuckolls,
Caroline Jenkins, Elisa I Martin, May Castor Garvin, Thomas F. Garvin, B
K Witherspoon, T E Garvin, T W Colier, Charles Newton, T W Harney, Flora
Harney, Margaret Witherspoon, Jenny Witherspoon, thomas Shipp, R. Worlow,
M W Worlow, I L Worlow Conner, Edwin Warlow, 'Metty McCawley, Mary A Gleen,
Margaret I Gleen, Susan E Gleen, Sallie Gleen, Thomas A. Gleen, C F Witherspoon,
J M Garvin, S. B. Witherspoon, L. A. Smith, Jemima Worlow, Henry Wilsey,
Corda Biogham, Ada Witherspoon Wilsey, Robert Smith, Sarth T Smith, Sarah
D Jenkins, Adah Wilsey, Sarah D. Jenmkins, Emma Worlow, W W Witherspoon,
Lenna Witherspoon (d. Mar 11, 1889), Malinda Watts, Wm T Ely, S A Ely, L.
B. Ely Burrows, S P Ely, Newton Ely, I H Burrows, George Jenkins, Sousan
Jenkins, I L Aly, Louisa Elizabeth Witherspoon, W. Sanders, Y Witherspoon,
W. L. Witherspoon, James E. Witherspoon, G. W. Brazwell, I Y Haynes, Mary
D. Haynes [Membership from September 1873 - 1896]
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