First Christian Church
Italy, Texas
Fiftieth Anniversary
(Abstract of article published in Italy News
Herald Dec. 15, 1939)
The First Christian Church of Italy will be celebrating its fiftieth birthday
next year. The Church has been serving the community in one way or
another since 1890.
According to records, however, the group that would later form the church
was functioning as an organized body of worshipers as far back as 1875. At
that time they met in the old community school house known as the "Buttermilk
School House." It was used as a school all week and served as a church
meeting place for various denominations on Sunday.
When the South Italy school house was built the congregation carried on
its work there and in 1890, transferred its activities to the present location.
The building now occupied was completed the following year. At
that time, the church took the name, First Christian Church of Italy, and
has been known by that name ever since.
Names found among the charter members:
John Counch family
Jim Couch family
George Stroud family
S. M. Dunlap family
George Hamlett family
Will Jenings family
Willis Pruitt family
Dr. A. B. Robuck family
H. A. Erwin family
Tom Johns family
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